Monday: Jesus’ Prayer Life
Compare the following texts: Mark 1:35, Luke 5:16, 9:18.
What three specific things do these passages reveal about Jesus’ prayer life?
“Christ was continually receiving from the Father, that he might communicate to us. ‘The word which ye hear,’ he said, ‘is not mine, but the Father’s which sent me.’ ‘The Son of Man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister.’ Not for himself, but for others, he lived and thought and prayed. From hours spent with God he came forth morning by morning, to bring the light of heaven to men. Daily he received a fresh baptism of the Holy Spirit. In the early hours of the new day the Lord awakened him from his slumbers, and his soul and his lips were anointed with grace, that he might impart to others.”-Ellen G. White, The Review and Herald, Aug. 11, 1910.
Examine the passages below. Identify each of the things for which Jesus prayed. How do Jesus’ prayers reveal His most important concerns? What is the most distinctive component of each of Jesus’ prayers?
Prayer was a vital part of Jesus’ life. It was His lifeline to the Father. Daily the Savior renewed His relationship with His Father through prayer. Jesus’ prayer life gave Him the courage and strength to face the temptations of the enemy. He came from these prayer sessions with a deepened commitment to do the Father’s will. They provided Him with a spiritual freshness and power. Describing one of Jesus’ times of prayer, Luke adds, “as He prayed, the appearance of His face was altered, and His robe became white and glistening” (Luke 9:29, NKJV). Jesus experienced spiritual refreshing and a renewed experience with the Father each day through His prayer life.
Spend a few moments reflecting on some specific times that God powerfully answered your prayers. How can recalling and reflecting on these experiences deepen your prayer life today?

I have realised that the devil has played around with our time so much that we find ourself with "good" reasons not to earnestly pray. Often we rush through prayer because we are either too tired from a busy day or we have lots of other things to do. Prayer will take us through the day but we subconsciously think we can sustain ourselves when we brush it aside. The sad part of it is that prayer has become an obstacle in our busy schedules and we only turn to God when things go wrong. My brothers and sisters let us follow in our Lord's footsteps. If Jesus needed to be in constant contact with God what more mortal beings like us? Our enermy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour, let us be alert and of sober mind - 1 Peter 5:8.
Very true that we think that praying hinders our day as opposed to using it as a starting point. Too many times have I whispered or thought a quick prayer before rolling out of bed/ over my food. I am trying to make my prayers more purposeful purpose filled and poignant. "I will early seek the Savior"
Christ Himself is Lord,if He felt the need to be ever connected to the power source how much more do we need to pray? We are just God's creation, Christ is our creator, but He valued prayer that much. As His creation we must follow the footsteps of our creator!
Thank you so much for today's word. Prayers change things and we should always seek spiritual freshness and power like Jesus did. I am not very old in the Adventist faith. i have had a problem explaining to my friends why we forbid eating some foods yet this is mentioned in the old testament but things changed in the new testament.
Try not using the "Forbidden foods" method and turn it into a more positive/reasons of health thing. Too many years I've heard that Adventists "Can't" or "Must not" or "Must" as opposed to "freedom to choose" "can" etc. Explain that you do not/choose not to because of the health implications and findings and show the positive side of eating clean meats and fruits/veggies or healthier vegetarian/vegan options. I introduced friends to a vegan cake and they couldn't believe how great it tasted. Some even said it tasted better than regular cake.
Sue-Ann's recommendation is excellent. I would only add this to tie it to my Seventh-day Adventist beliefs: "We believe that our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit, and it is our responsibility to keep His temple clean and in good condition." Then you can go on to explain the health benefits of eating only the best foods.
Amen. am so delighted with the comments from God's chosen people.its real a blessing and your comment can change someone's life spiritually.
we become pre-occupied with work, our daily schedules and take praying as a secondary thing or optional.let's check our relationship with the Creator through prayers and constant reading of HIS word. the more you take at least four hours a day to read God's word either a bible or like Ellen White's books, the more you feel and become more spiritual fed and come close to GOD. its my sincere prayer that we take more time in prayer and bible study. MAY GOD BLESS US ALL AND FEED US WITH HIS WORD.
Remembering what the Lord has done before in answer to prayer and the experience of earnestly seeking God for something in particular can help me desire the same types of experiences again today as I pray. A close relationship with God becomes my focus and desire as I recall other times of prayer and the positive results. I also see the results that my connection and relationship with God has on my relationships with other people.
Thank you for such a reviving lesson. As christians, we have to take prayer seriously. There is no energy used for prayer but just talking to God as our father and friend. Its only that bewitching power of satan which make us weak and enjoy fablous speaking instead of prayer.
For us to be able to overcome the devil , we must have a very close prayer life with God as Jesus had. Such a prayer life will help us and those around us to become closer to each other and Jesus. let us continue to pray daily and keep the faith.
I have realized over the years that prayer is an integral part of a Christian's life. Today's lesson reemphasize its importance. Even Christ, our Example, indicate through His constant communion with the Father, how important it is. We need to consecrate ourselves through prayer in the morning as we rise and at night when we retire. It does not stops there because even throughout the day we need to have dialogue with the Lord - " Pray without ceasing.
Many times in life, I find myself in situations that necessitate me calling on Jesus for help - I simply say Lord help me/give me the right words/ show me where to go/turn etc.
Many times we fail to call upon Him for even the simplest of things -He will answer. Prayer is one way of keeping the communication line open and reminds us that Jesus is always there for us. In our communication with Him let us not forget to give thanks always - 1 Thessalonians 5:18.
The Lord knows what we will pray before we even open our mouths.James 5:17 says, "The fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much." We should always remember to praise God and thank Him through prayer and not only use prayer as a direct line to God's help, blessings or deliverance.We should be sure to keep an open line of prayer to Him so that He can work through us and for us.
What I find especially helpful with Jesus' prayer life is this: he had to have that early morning communion with his father before he could feed or impart his words to his disciples and by extension those who came to him with one thing or the other. He sought always first to be strengthened so he will be able to sustain his followers. In Jn 15:5 “I am the vine, ye are the branches: he that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.”
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This is certainly a timely reminder that even outside of regular and family worship; we should take time out by ourselves to pray and commune with God. I pray that all of us will be empowered by today's lesson.
It is interesting to read the comments above about what we should be doing in prayer and how prayer can be a blessing (whatever a blessing is) and so on; but what did Jesus actually pray about in his recorded prayers?
can somebody help me by answering the question 'what were Jesu's concerns in his prayers john 17:20-24, Luke22v 31-32. may the Lord bless you as we read his word.
Good Question Nyathi Noma, but what do you think it means. I'm listening.
no man is safe for an hour or day without Prayer,Prayer is the only connection we have with our creator and it enables us to have an open relationship with God.Jesus prayed often and so we ought to follow hiz footsteps.
I believe prayer has to be an activity that you cannot do without. That is when you will realize that a true relationship with Christ is shown by how often you talk and spend time with him. To me just like how i like to spend time with those I care then if I care for Jesus I will spend time with him. I once heard a preacher say we wonder why it is we do not know the scriptures and only look at it once per week, we rush a two minutes prayer and expect to hear god's voice. But I have discovered that you do hear god's voice so clearly when you are accustom to talking to him. I prayer that he will keep me and that this topic will inspire us to talk to our father in heaven more often.
What I realize is if Christ our role model does pray often then,we mortal must pray without season so that we too can get closer to Him the Creator,
I edge the believers emulate Him so that spirit of God comes near to us and protect,guide us in time of trouble.
I am new to this site and appreciate the positive comments posted. We as Christian have to put more time and energy if we want to get closer and understand Jesus life.
God is good. Our God answers prayers! I have been praying for protection of my other house that I rent out as well as its occupants. One of the young ladies who lives there caught something on fire today. It destroyed the stove and caused a lot of smoke BUT nothing else is damaged and everyone is ok! Trust me this is not the only time God has kept serious tragedy from happening to me and mine.
This deepens my prayer life because it strengthens my faith and I will continue to prayer fervently not only for myself, but for others.
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As a Christian we tend to forget, not knowing we have an heavenly father who we can relate to every second. he's never too busy to hear our cry but yet we often speak to him. prayer is the key and when we prayed we must be patient, have faith and trust him. he'll will attend to us.
Let us ask our Jesus Christ to help us to know how to pray and to have and feel praying as our only life.
Avoiding the devil it might be very difficult if we won't pray in each and everythng we are doing as he has tried to put some good things to our human eyes that we can forget to pray but when our spritual eyes will be open i hope no one can wish to stop prayin.
The devil has use our works, business, schools and many important things and schedules to human to forget praying.
We are busy finding money, working hard to become popular or recorgnised and forgetting who is all behind our success.
The unit prayer is powerful and work if our intention is to build connection with God and not to show each other on how we know to pray by quoting some phrases from bible or any places.
Only God can teach us how and what pray.
could it be that we as as God's remnant people, atleast proffesed, have not understood the need for prayer? i say this because i hv observed how even ocultists, spiritualists, even satanist are very dedicated to their supplications and rituals.. they cant sleep without performing their rituals. but with us , called by His Name, are so busy for prayer-a breath point of our spiritual warfare. my word....
This lesson is so profound. If Jesus spent so much time in intense prayer to keep connected to the father. I can just imagine how much more time we need to spend in prayer to maintain our daily connection with our creator. Cause if satan knew Jesus was his creator and master and tried to overcome him. Can you imagine how he terrorizes us day and night. Like how he had specifically asked for Peter. But thank God that that prayer that Jesus prayed for Peter is ours too. And by maintaining the daily connection. We are more than conquerors through our Lord Jesus. What a Saviour. I need my spiritual eyes to be open and I need to learn to appreciate the power of prayer
I find it interesting that Jesus prayed for the power to resist temptations. I know this is in the Lord's prayer but I've never actually prayed for power to resist temptation in general. I pray for forgiveness, for strength to make it through the day, for sick people etc but all the prayers sampled deal with temptation. Interesting...
That is one of the best observations that I have heard on the prayers of Jesus. Thanks for pointing it out.
Prayer.....focus on the word, it was not until Jesus that we even knew what prayer was or was about, so after the Creator gave us His word He also gave us the example or Way in which to live it out in our lives. Prayer is not just a once or twice a week thing (one in the am and the other in pm), but it is a constant connection to the very One who has called us by name, the very one who wants to be connected with us. What meaning can we find in an earthly relationship that can match this one, there is "No Not One"!. Keep us humble and in constant communion with You, this we all say AMEN!
Romona, perhaps you meant something other than that we did not know what prayer was till Jesus came ..
God's people have always known about prayer, because it is not possible to be a follower of God without prayer. Prayer is the way to communicate with God, and that is as necessary to spiritual life as breathing is to physical life. Adam spoke with God in the Garden of Eden, and that was prayer, because prayer is talking to God as to a friend.
The Bible is filled with references to prayer: Abraham prayed (Gen 20:17, Moses prayed (Num 11:2 and many references), Manoah prayed (Judges 13:8), Hannah prayed (1 Sam 1:10 and more), Elijah prayed many times ( 1 Kings 18:26, 1 Kings 19:4), Elishah prayed (2 Kings 6:17).
I could go on and on and on ..
There are 31 references in the Old Testament with the word "prayed." However, many times praying may be referenced as "spoke to the Lord," "said," and other words indicating communication. Many of the Psalms are prayers.
That there are not more references is probably due to the fact that it is taken for granted in the lives of God's people, just as breathing is taken for granted, and the Bible does not point out that each living person breathes. 😉
Inge, I understand your point and you are correct from that point of view. However, they spoke with God as you and I speak to others by phone. It was not until Jesus came that He taught us what it was to pray, as found in Matt.6:9-13(The Lord's Prayer). We are short sighted people that to even comprehend the glory in praying to Our Father we take lightly. We as a people need to come together and prayer so our land (people) may be healed.
Jesus' prayer life has a lot we need to learn from. He valued prayer that much that He would even spend the whole night in prayer ( Luke 6:12 ) If Jesus saw the need, how much more a sinner like me. Its rather discouraging to see a lot of us would pray only when taking meals but spend the whole day on other things not good enough for the kingdom. I pray, we should commit ourselves to prayer as Jesus our living example did.
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Prayer is the only stop that will ever keep us going! all other things are vanity and empty worship that the wisest man ever lived referred to as "chasing after wind."