HomeBeliefs About LivingLaw of God - Fundamental Belief 19The Law a Delight?    


The Law a Delight? — 13 Comments

  1. Truly, commandment keeping boils down to one's attitude to the Law Giver- it's following His advice, not my feelings. It may seem sensless at times but if I value the Lawgiver and what the Lawgiver wants, I do it, period. The related text' are Romans 14:23 and James 4:17. I need to focus on pleasing Him, not me.

  2. It seems like people think of the law as a list of rules. In order to keep the law you have to keep the rules (10 rules? 100 rules? 1000 rules?) perfectly. Perfection is obtained by keeping the rules perfectly. The 144,000 will keep the rules perfectly.

    This is all so false.

    The law is love. In order to keep the law, you love completely without pride or selfishness. Perfection is obtained by being completely loving without selfishness. The 144,000 will understand love and demonstrate it purely. That is the only law you really have to keep.

    The rules only keep us from deceiving ourselves (sort of...) as to what love is.

  3. Maurice, if we remember that buckling our kids keeps them safe just like the speed limit keeps us safe too, we would be more happy with the law. Also when the police officer pulls us over we should remember that the same officer who gives us a warning or even a ticket may also be the same officer who would step in front of us and take a bullet if someone was attacking us. Likewise, the Lawgiver gave His life for us, and yes we should be happy with the Lawgiver and His laws.

  4. Very nicely applied story! I also got a scare driving in Australia, but in my case for driving in the wrong side of the road (on the right side instead of the left) I was driving in Cairns, and it was the first time I drove in Australia - I am from the American Continent - The officer was very kind and understanding and let me off with a warning, and not before pointing out to the importance of becoming acquainted with the laws of the land (Hosea 4:6, "My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge..."


    • Hehe! You were not in Australia, you were in Queensland. Even I take out extra insurance when I drive in Queensland and I don't let my wife drive. Queenslanders are great people (My in-laws live there), but they are ambivalent about which side of the road they drive on. I remember being a passenger in a car that was driven most of the way from Surfers Paradise to Brisbane on the wrong side of the road. That was back in my student days. I won't tell you the driver's name - He lives in the USA now I believe.

  5. The principle behind law is liberty or salvation to use biblical language. To hate the law of God is to hate liberty or salvation. We should not think for instance that, the US is a becon of liberty. This view overshadows the grandeur of liberty that God gave humanity through the Sinaticus covenant that was lived by Christ and fullfilled at Calvary and to be consumated at Christ's second coming. The world government's laws are manipulation not for liberty of humanity but for domination of humanity. The bible is clear, it is God's law that makes the works of the antichrist manifest. But it is the gospel that will be the reason for the antichrist to react. In that sense, the law and the gospel are determinat for the final battle before God ushers in his kingdom where the law of liberty will be according to Jeremiah, no one will teach another and say, know the Lord for they will all know me, says the Lord.

  6. Sometimes we only consider the 10 commandments, but God has also commanded us to do more. For instance, many of us struggle with Mark 12:31 "The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”

  7. Our journey with the Lord begins with the law because only the law can show us the severity of sin and how it separates us from God, but ultimately He wants a relationship with us that is so close, so intimate, that we think like Him and respond as He would respond, with that law in the inmost part of our beings as natural as breathing.

  8. Many years ago Smuts Von Royen wrote an article for the M.V. Kit entitled "A New Look at the Sinai Ten". His premise was that "Sin" is not a 'Thing". Sin is an attitude. Anything that comes between you and God and can separate you from Him is Sin. God, in His love and mercy, showed us the ten danger areas that could separate us from Him. They are called "The Ten Commandments"... They are 100% positive.

  9. Thank you everyone for you comments; even those who confused Queensland with Australia . I like to think of the law not so much about sinning but about living. When I confine my thinking to the ten commandments I reckon I do a pretty good job. I have not killed anyone, I am faithful to one wife, I keep Sabbath from sunset to sunset and so on. But the law of God is so much more than that. It is indeed about relationships between God and me, and between me and everyone else. Keeping those relationships alive and in perspective is really what the law of God is all about. And that is worth celebrating. It is an invitation to creativity and development. Every Sabbath I try and create a new experience or different perspective to share with God and my friends. When I am cranky and irritated by my wife, I think up some new way of saying how important she is to me. (It's Valentines day every day, not just today) I am not saying that I am successful at this all the time, but the law of God is more meaningful to me when I try and build relationships.

    Jesus said it so well, when he said Love God, and one another. When you try to do that the law becomes a delight and a celebration.

  10. Ellen White told us that the Law is the transcript of God's character, and the Bible states that God is love. This meant that there should be no conflict between Law and Love, since they are one and the same. Why should we be afraid of God's love?


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