Lesson Notes for Feed My Sheep – First & Second Peter
Sabbath School Lesson Notes is a simple but nicely formatted Word file (.docx format) with the entire quarters weekly and daily lesson titles, memory verses and space to fill out notes for your personal study of the lesson. At the end of the week it can be printed out and taken to class to either lead out or participate.
As I spend most of my time on the computer, my own lesson study and preparation is done there as well. I developed this as a personal resource and have made it available now for the last 5 quarters.
There are 5 downloads available. 4 are in .docx format for Microsoft Word (2007-2017 version) with different memory verse options. There is also 1 text file that you can copy/paste into your preferred program.
Memory Verses as per the lesson – download (64kb)
NKJV Memory Verses – download (64kb)
KJV Memory Verses – download (64kb)
* NEW * Spanish Language Version – download (66kb)
(appearing for the first time this includes all weekly/daily headers & memory texts in Spanish)
Text file with all 3 Memory Verse options & Spanish – download (32kb)
Below, next to the cover image, are 4 preview images of the Word file and formatting. Click on the smaller images to get a larger preview.

God bless you for the beautiful way you have presented this lessons format.
Appreciate it Ronald - trust it will be a blessing to you as it has been to me.
Many thanks bro. Robbie for this valuable resource. I had always wished for something like this to transcribe my thoughts electronically. GOD continue to bless you as you minister to us in this way.
If you are anything like me when it comes to lesson preparation it use to be a case of getting to Friday & there's pages of notes with numbers everywhere to get the order of my thoughts and then additional pages for other things that come up and other notes stuck in every corner and available space...
As long as I'm breathing they'll keep coming.
The other resource that's not appearing on the post listing on the home page is the 13th Sabbath Offering Box... I hope I haven't destroyed the website trying to post 2 things at the same time. The link is under recent posts.
Blessings to you too as you shine in the corner where you (just don't ask me to sing that line 😉
What a great idea. Thank you so very very much.
Dear Robbie
I have been waiting 3 months to thank you so much for posting up your ‘simple’ lesson guide I have started using with the last quarter. What a powerful difference it has made to my study. Whereas before I read the stuff and forgot it 10 minutes later, now I can cut and paste or write comments under the appropriate headings you provided and I can really look and learn and review much better than I did before. Thank you so much; and for your line, ‘As long as I'm breathing they'll keep coming’ that is reassuring, because I am too lazy to do the same thing myself.
Godbless today, Mrs A Stolz