Sunday: Mary’s Song of Praise and Worship
Though Mary, the mother of Jesus, has been the subject of an intense amount of religious interest through the centuries, most of that interest is tradition derived from a host of sources that are not rooted in Scripture.
Nevertheless, in the question of Christ’s coming to earth, Mary played a crucial and pivotal role: in her womb was the Savior of the world miraculously conceived; in her womb He grew into the infant Jesus. Looking back with all the hindsight and light given us in the New Testament, we only can marvel at the miracle. Though no doubt knowing that she was part of an incredible event that was to have important consequences for her people, the young Mary most likely had no real idea of what she was going to be part of. She knew enough, though, that she could marvel at the amazing circumstances that had so radically changed her life.
Read Luke 1:46–55, often known as the Song of Mary. What is the background to this song? Why is she singing it? What elements of praise and worship are revealed here? What appears here that we have touched on all through the quarter?
This song of praise and worship is filled with allusions and images taken from the Old Testament, the only Scripture that she would have known. Here we can see her giving glory to the Lord and acknowledging His leading not only in her own life but among her own people, as well. Her allusion to Abraham is, clearly, a reference to the covenant the Lord made with His people; she is praising God for His promises to them and sees those promises as her hope and her people’s hope for the future.
Again, however much she did not know, she knew enough to see the working of the Lord. For that, she was thankful and worshipful.
How much of the “miraculous” do you see in your own life? Might it be there and yet you are just too hard, too closed, too wrapped up in yourself to see it as you should?
**Posted with permission from the School/Personal Ministries Department. View current and past issues here. Pictures may be added for effect**

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