HomeDailyMonday: Against the Spirit of the Law    


Monday: Against the Spirit of the Law — 7 Comments

  1. Exploitation of workers is still a serious problem in the 21st century. There have been several reports in the media of multinational companies underpaying their employees by paying them the legally required wage and then deducting extortionate amounts for accomodation. This is particularly true of migrant workers. Many franchises are set up so that they have to pay the franchiser large fees that seriously make it difficult for the franchisee to make sufficient to live on. These stories are often exposed in current affairs programs. The question always remains: How much more of this sort of exploitation is going on? Apparently what we hear about is only the tip of the iceberg.

    For many of us, there is not a lot we personally can do. But being aware that this inequality exists in our society should make us more sympathetic to those who are living and working in that situation. The closest encounter I have had with this situation is that on one of my travels, I visited a church where a number of migrant workers turned up for the first time. Most of them fell asleep during the service and in my somewhat limited conversation I learned where they were from and that they has been working very long hours picking mangoes. These were the same mangoes that we were buying at home, 4000m away, for $15 a tray. Since I was only a visitor, I did not have the opportunity to follow up the situation, but I gather that during the mango picking season, migrant workers often came to this church. I hope that the church took the opportunity to support these folk. (knowing some of the folk in that church, I am sure they do.)

    Opportunities do exist for making a difference. We may not be able to change corporate minds but we can help at the grass-roots level.

    For the scripture saith, thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn. And, The labourer is worthy of his reward. 1 Tim 5:18

  2. Guide me Dear Jesus in all of my affairs to make the right decisions.

    Question is asked:What are ways that, even unintentionally, we can follow the letter of the law while violating the spirit behind it? (See Micah 6:8).

    As it was in Nehemiah days, so it is in our days. In some churches (SDA) you cannot hold a position as a leader if you are not a tithe paying member. Tithe paying is the identifying mark for an office, it does not matter if you are breaking the 10 commandments and You are living in open sins, (aren't all of us sinners). Then just pay your tithe and church board with me your platform on the morning train. Did you noticed I said "pay tithe" and not "return tithe".
    Sometimes I asked myself if we really know what we stand for? If we don't stand for something, we will fall for anything. God church will stand but many members will fall. In so saying, many live according to the "letter of the law" and not the "spirit of the law".
    In each congregation there is the rich, the poor and the in between. Many will be active in the church as leaders but because they do not return tithe not allowed to be a leader. Let love rules, I believe when you allow those people to be leaders, the Holy Spirit will speak to their hearts and the will return tithe out of love and not fear.
    Are we heading in the right direction!!!

  3. Nehemiah became angry because these money problems led to a lack of unity among the people of God. This unity that was more precious than any amount of money. It must have frustrated him that they could stand so strong against an enemy but fall so quickly to these kinds of problems.
    After serious thought: This was great leadership from Nehemiah. He was a man passionate enough to get angry; but wise enough to not act until he had considered the matter carefully.
    I rebuked the nobles and the rulers: Nehemiah was no coward. When people were in the wrong, he confronted them. He told the truth.
    The Bible says it is wrong to make money off of someone’s financial need; if someone needs money for the most basic needs of life, they should be given money, not loaned it at interest.
    We have redeemed our Jewish brethren: Nehemiah noted that when Judah was conquered, many Jews were sold as slaves to foreigners and many of them had been bought out of slavery by other Jews. Because of this, it was very wrong to have Jews being sold into slavery to other Jews because they couldn’t pay off high-interest loans.
    Restore now to them, even this day: Nehemiah was not asking the nobles and the rulers to just feel bad, or to just stop what they were doing; they had to set the wrong they had done right. If money had be charged unfairly or collateral was taken unfairly, it had to be set right.

    When Christ stirs the heart of men and women then the restoration to oneness is made complete.


    God's work is stopped when we are not unified and working together.

    When we fight one another we certainly are neither fighting the real enemy nor getting God's work done.

    Money problems among us harm our unity, create strife and completely disrupt what God wants to do.

    If we don't find a way of solving money problems, the work of God can be stopped without a single arrow being fired by our enemies.

  5. Letter or Spirit of the Law? Actually both! The Letter is the minimum, where one begins, then as ones relationship with the LORD develops and ones heart becomes more like His then one acts in the true Spirit of the law or as I prefer His Principles of Life.
    Two examples: tithe = tenth is the minimum to return to the LORD, and then there are the freewill offerings.
    The 10 commandments are the basic and then Exodus and Leviticus expand on their meaning as well as Jesus and Paul's words/writings.
    When wondering what to do remember
    the 3 P
    Precept or straight forward rule
    Principles or examples
    Person - what would Jesus do

  6. It is a matter of understanding God's real attributes is essentially include; kindness at all times, immeasurable love to all and Father of all Joys of life and goodness. His reactions are based on the many times if various forms warnings, teachings, revelations He has done to someone over time. Nobody in life has ever blamed God for emotional responses. All of us have been warned of our evil deeds.

    Therefore,when lending, we should be aware that, by the time, one comes to borrow, it means he or she is stuck. When you give him the a loan - principal + interest, it means, he is going to work for you entirely without gaining anything from that loan. He will return your principal plus all the small profits (interest) to you. He will remain with the burden unsolved and instead you will be happy.

    Then, in this, there is no favour given to him (the borrower)

  7. The sabbath command stipulates that no SECULAR work is to be done on the day. The day is entirely dedicated to the LORD such that even daily tasks we usually do during the week are suspended. Even Friday is known as the day of preparation. This is the letter of the LAW.

    But sabbath has a broader meaning. On that day we are reminded that ONLY God can create in us a new heart since He is the creator. He also redeemed us from our fallen position. In the same way, He created the beautiful fields in 6 literal days, he can also create in me a new heart. Hebrews 4:10: "For all who have entered into God's rest have rested from their labors, just as God did after creating the world."…So on Sabbath, we rest from our labors, such labors we normally feel warrants us salvation. We get to realize that righteousness by faith can only be attained through Christ and Christ only. This is the Spirit of the Law.

    Now imagine hurrying to Crucify the Lord of the Sabbath on the cross in order to keep the sabbath on time. That to me is a serious example of how dangerous it is to cling to the letter without fully understating the spirit of the Law.


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