Monday: The Conversion of Cornelius – Part 1
Read Acts 10:1-8, Acts 10:23-48. What does the story of this Gentile becoming a follower of Jesus teach us about salvation and witness?
The conversion of Cornelius, a pagan officer in the Roman army, along with his family and friends, has been termed the Gentile Pentecost. It is a crucial story in Acts, one that addresses the most divisive issue facing the early church—can a Gentile become a Christian without first becoming a Jew?
The Roman army’s headquarters for all of Judea, including Jerusalem, was Caesarea.
Cornelius would have been one of six centurions commanding the 600 soldiers that made up the Italian cohort based there. His name indicated his descent from an illustrious Roman military family that had earlier produced the commander who had defeated Hannibal, a Carthaginian general who wreaked havoc against Rome for years. More important, Cornelius was a God-fearing man who enjoyed spiritual fellowship with his family, prayed regularly, and was generous to those who were needy. God heard his prayers and sent an angel with a special message to him.
Believing in God as the Creator of heaven and earth, Cornelius revered Him, acknowledged His authority, and sought His counsel in all the affairs of life. He was faithful to Jehovah in his home life and in his official duties. He had erected the altar of God in his home, for he dared not attempt to carry out his plans or to bear his responsibilities without the help of God.
—Ellen G. White, The Acts of the Apostles, p. 133.
Notice, too, what happened when Cornelius finally met Peter. He bowed down and worshiped him, an act that must have appalled Peter. Thus, what we can see is that this Gentile, favored of God, a devout man, still had a lot of truth to learn, even at the most basic level; no doubt, though, he was about to learn it.
What are some of the traits of Cornelius, even in his ignorance, that we all would do well to follow in our own spiritual lives?

As I studied today’s lesson, I noticed that Cornelius and his family were baptized not in the three-fold name, but rather “in the name of the Lord.” Can someone tell me why Peter ignored the instruction found in Matt. 28:19 to baptize in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit?
“And he commanded them to be baptized vin the name of the Lord.” [Acts 10:48]
The Bible states that in the mouth of two witnesses everything should be established. Mathew is the only one having this baptismal formula, and no one followed said formula in the New Testament.
Could it be that these Gentiles only believed in the one person of the Godhead, and that it was important not to lose a soul, but to baptize them in the name they regarded, or understood? I have met many people who only believe in God. They don't recognize the Son at all. Would it be wrong to only talk to them about God until they learned about the three-person Godhead?
God is 3 persons in one a bit like water is liquid as in running water, or solid as in ice, or gas as in vapours.... as with God... Father Son and Holy spirit are 3 separate spirits in the one God.
God has several names including lord God as does Jesus as in lord Jesus Christ but the bigger picture is belief by hearing and responding by being baptized and going out and telling the good news of salvation.
We can often get hung up on formula's that prevent us from doing our job...
Thanks, Paula! Nevertheless, why is it that there is not a single record of anyone baptizing using the threefold baptismal formula in the New Testament?
It was not that Peter had not use the the instruction given in matt. 28. The fact is that these people had rejected Jesus, so all that was saying is that you can not be save without accepting Jesus's atoning sacrifice.
Remember Jesus is the door.
Excellent response. But this solves only one case. How about all the other cases of baptisms recorded in the N.T.? Why is it that no one followed the baptismal formula recorded in Matt. 28:19? And why is it that Eusebius of Caesarea cited said Matt. text without the threefold formula?
Although from scripture it is generally understood that tongues are a gift of the Spirit primarily to witness to unbelievers of a different language (1 Corinthians 14:21-28) it may be noted that there are exceptions when he Holy Spirit does otherwise.
In Peter’s meeting with Cornelius, his family and close friends the gift of tongues were used to confirm the Lord’s chosen (Acts 10:44-46). Apparently at times God may have reason to leave tongues without interpretation (1 Corinthians 14:2) and still accomplish His purpose.
Interestingly Cornelius also received a vison from Heaven, something the average Christian does not seem to experience (Acts 10:3-6). A clear message is here sent that God will work with and through the willing who may be less skilled with the truth when those with spiritual/doctrinal advantages fail to budge or respond (Luke 14:16-24).
Note too Cornelius and company still needed to be taught more of the truth (Acts 10:6, 33). As well the gentiles would still need to be baptized in accordance with Jesus’ instructions (Mark 16:15-18; Acts 10:46-48). That the vision and tongues were not counterfeit would be validated by the willingness of the small company to submit and do what the Lord says. These believers would grow in grace and truth.
When it is unclear if the Lord is working through miracles or unusual circumstances, especially as the end of the world nears (2 Thessalonians 2:8-10), check if there is a willingness to do what the Lord says, to obey His word (Matthew 7:20-27). Miracles are intended to move people closer to the Truth (Christ) and His word of Truth (John 17:17).
Hugh, I find it interesting that Peter says they received the Holy Spirit "like we did", at the day of Pentecost I don't find the languages that they spoke being interpreted, rather there were people who understood those languages that were being spoken.
I believe in 1 Cor 14 people were misusing the Spiritual Gifts and when Paul said the languages must be interpreted it meant that if there was no one who understood the language it benefited no one unless it was interpreted, it appears people were showing off their Gifts.
my guess is the three are one , they are the Godhead 1 John 5 v 7 , they do not compete but work as a team thats why we pray to our Father who art in heaven through Jesus and ask Him to send us the Holy Spirit
At what stage may we say a person has been converted? The lesson is titled "the conversion of Cornelius" however before Peter went to visit him Cornelius was worshiping God, praying to him and in his life we see the fruits of the Spirit because he was helping other and he was witnessing as well because one of his soldiers was devout?
Are we are saying he was converted from worshipping God to worshipping Jesus the Son of God?
We do know that up to this stage he either had not heard or had not accepted that Jesus was the promised Messiah.
Shirley I think that Cornelius was a believer but not fully converted. Am saying this in reference to the fact that when he met Peter, he bowed down and worshiped him and Peter let him know that he was just a man just like he was. If he was fully converted/ true believer he would have known we worship God and God alone.
When you receive Jesus and confess Him as the Son of God. I believe Peter presented Jesus as the Son of God and Savior
I believe Corneilius would have heard the word of God before but he needed man of God to explain and interprets it to him .
My humble opinion is, Cornelus was under conviction before he heard the sermon Peter preach to them, Acts 10:36-44 and he commanded them to be baptized in the name of the Lord. This is where converion took place,for Jesus say's in John 14:1 ye beleive in God, beleive also in me.
Cornelius was a man ready to be taught and with humlble beginning's. Self becomes our greatest enemy. The outpouring of the Spirit on the day of Pentecost was not simply because the disciples had met the conditions. Certainly the Holy Spirit would not have been poured out if they had not met the conditions, but meeting the conditions of receiving the Spirit,in itself, was not enough. The Holy Spirit was poured out on the Day of Pentecost as a signal to the church that Jesus sacrifice was accepted by the Father in the heavenly sanctuary. Luke makes this clear in (Acts2v32-33. This Jesus God has raised up, of which we are all witnesses. Therefore being exalted to the right hand of God, and having received from the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit, He poured out this which you now see and hear.) Just thought! The mission of reaching the lost with the gospel" is His mission. It is not ours.
Peter: It is not just His mission, Jesus made it our mission when He gave the great commission.
Mark 16:15King James Version (KJV)
15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
McAnthony Nyathi
You mentioned 1 John 5 v 7. The problem is that said text seems to have been added by someone in the third of fourth century.
“For there are three that bear witness in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one.” [1 John 5:7]
Notice the comment I discovered on the margin for said text:
“NU, M omit the words from in heaven (v. 7) through on earth (v. 8). Only 4 or 5 very late mss. contain these words in Greek.
This means that that we have only one biblical text containing the threefold baptismal formula—Matthew 28:19.
This is complicated by the fact that no one in the New Testament used said formula when baptizing.
1 John 5:7 is omitted by several bible versions that rely on the Westcott and Hort translation of the Greek text. This translation was used by the Jehovah's Witnesses and is the basis of their denial of the divinity of Jesus Christ
Thank you for your comments. Generally the word converted means to turn around and walk in the opposite direction.
I find this discussion interesting because it affects how we interact with other people, do they need a complete change in what they believe about the LORD and His character and His Way, or do they have a certain amount of understanding and already love the LORD and we only need to help them discover the rest of the amazing truth about the LORD's wonderful everlasting covenant of love that He offers everyone?
conversion is simply a change of state . the more we learn and accept new truth we are converted from our old ways daily
Hi Leinani I based my comment on the word invitation. Jesus invites us to cooperate with Him in finishing His work. God never asks us to do anything that He does not empower us to do. As we unite with Him in His mission of reaching a lost world, He promises to mightily pour out His Spirit to enable us to accomplish the impossible. Jesus started this mission and He invites us daily to engage in His mission. God bless.
A trait we ought 2 follow: giving to charity. Giving to the needy is like lending to the Lord.
Many of us are comfortable where we are and not ready to leave our comfort zone. Peter was instructed to leave his comfort zone/jewish culture to a place where people are dying of the gospel cos for God salvation is not limited to the jew but to all who believe.
When we as follower of Christ let our light shine that other may see our good works and glorified God we are working in tune with Christ. This Roman solider not only told other but brought his family members with him and gave to work of the gospel and prayed.
We need to see the example of Cornelius, there is much that God will do for us if we just cooperated with him.
Lets Understand Acts 10:34-35 with all our minds.salvation is for all pipo,no matter that we are jews or gentiles & christians or non-christians.when God says that this thing is clean no one can say it is unclean,we shud not judge each other as sinners