HomeDailyMonday: The Fool as Wise    


Monday: The Fool as Wise — 16 Comments

  1. Perhaps most believers are confident the position they hold is right and they are prepared to maintain it; otherwise they would relinquish the position and take another one. Confidence is good if it is grounded in an understanding of God’s word, even if the understanding later turns out to be flawed. This prevents one from being easily influenced by every wind of doctrine or opinion (Ephesians 4:14)

    The fool like the wise does not believe he is a fool or wrong. So what makes a difference?

    There are some who believe the rightness of their position trumps all. If they feel cheated in a game or organization they must overturn the board or divide the group. They would rather cut the baby in two (1 Kings 3:24, 25) than let others prevail for a season. These tend to place temporal concerns above eternal realities. Somehow they must have their way now, rather than patiently trust the Omnipotent One to work out things in his own time. Getting ahead depends on their agitation and audacious action they think, not God’s.

    Wisdom goes beyond being right. It necessarily embraces humility and is willing to yield, particularly in the interest of something greater.

    When Israel desired a king contrary to the far superior judgment and infinite wisdom of Jehovah, the Creator yielded, although he did not have to (1 Samuel 8:5-9); but to present before His people a timeless example He did not abandon Israel. Modern Israel may take note. Humility has never hurt God’s cause, but advances it, and yielding does not make he who is right suddenly wrong.

    The church has been defective for a while. Our supposed fix is probably not going to make it pure or hasten the coming of our Redeemer. We are counseled to yield to authority. We are also exhorted to yield to the greater cause, even when absolutely right, as God always is. In disputes those who are willing to yield are likely the wiser (1 Kings 3:26, 27), for love means more to them than their right position (1 Corinthians 13:4-7) and God will eventually make all things new anyway (Revelation 21:5).

    • If my confidence is in my understanding of the Word of God, I may be a fool at heart, however theologically accurate my expression may be.

      On the other hand, if my confidence is in the God who wrote the Word, I may be His child and will seek to be like Him in character. And if I am His child, He will give me enough wisdom to do and be what I should, and to give Him the glory.

  2. Well it is true that we don't everything. Remember king Solomon wanted to know everything but couldn't cause he got more confused. So don't be a fool or you will take pride in knowing everything when you don't. Ask the Lord for wisdom. Try to know things that are important for you to learn in life.

  3. How do we discover these core values for ourselves?

    There are 3 levels: Precept, Principle, Person

    If you have a question:
    Precept - see if there is a specific rule in the Bible about it, then follow the rule
    if not
    Principle - study to find the principles in the Bible and apply those principles to your situation
    if you can't find an applicable principle
    Person - consider the character of the LORD and let that guide you to your answer.

    Remember the main purpose of the Bible is to reveal to us the true character of the LORD and thereby to draw us to Him and inspire us to want to be like Him. Jesus has promised to send to us the Holy Spirit to help us to understand the Word.

  4. Amen Hugh and Nicanor

    Prov 26
    11As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly.

    12Seest thou a man wise in his own conceit? there is more hope of a fool than of him.

    First of all v11 shows how bad it is to be a fool "going bak to vomit!". Then v12 says if any of us pride ourselves in the little we know, we are worse than the dog! Let's be open to correction by God's grace.

    August 31, 1893
    "It is an extremely delicate thing to tell people of their faults. The reprover is likely to find that in those reproved, pride and stubbornness assert themselves, and the will is arrayed in defiance and opposition. But for all this, advice should be given, and faults should be laid bare.

    You may feel that you are doing your best, and that you have been reproved for very trifling matters, and you may be impatient that any one should feel it his duty to reprove you for such small matters; but this is the injunction given by the apostle: “Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for this is unprofitable for you.”

    There are persons who will never receive reproof, who build themselves up in their own way, and insist on clinging to their own evil habits and practices.

    Those who will never admit that they are wrong, feel injured when reproved, and bring forth reasons as numerous as vain, to justify themselves.

    The word of God describes such cases in this language: “Seest thou a man wise in his own conceit? there is more hope of a fool than of him?

    They always think they are right, and so continue to practise their wrong habits, thus making it more and more improbable that they will reform.

    The great Teacher has his human agents, whom he terms under-shepherds; and to these, under his direction, he commits the work of setting things in order.

    Mrs. E. G. White YI August 31, 1893"

    • sometimes a christian thinks she/he is doing better than the church. Look at the scenario of the pharise and a tax collector, or look at jonah he refused to go to neniveh, thrown in water, spent 40 days as he was in a fish stomach he repent and he was brought back, now he was wise coz he accepted God's wisdom to control him.

  5. Careful reproof without love is based on a presumptuously foolish heart. Much correction that is given is because "I am wise".

  6. The principles of Heaven remain the same but how we apply them under varying circumstances may change.

  7. Reproof given in love will always have the last word. Patience is a virtue that should be applied when trying to correct those we love. (souls) Always ask yourself "what would Jesus do or say and how He would say it". Jesus never forced God's will on any one. I have learned that prayer changes things and people (hard hearted stubborn people/family members). I am a living witness that God is always working on the hearts and minds of people. Beleive in the power of prayer. God is listening, always.

    • "Always ask yourself "what would Jesus do or say and how He would say it". Jesus never forced God's will on any one." very powerful word Regina Forman,love should always be the guiding principle. The lord our God allows us to freely decided whether to follow him or not even though knowing very well that he is the truth. Thanks for encouraging us to believe in the power of prayer.

    • Sis. Norma,
      Thanks for your question, and sorry that the comment was not clearer.

      The attempt was to say we should be confident about what we understand as we study God's word. This is needful if we are to put in practice what we understand (Philippians 2:16), be motivated to share and also to keep us from easily giving heed to spurious teaching. Without confidence one might believe anything, everything or eventually nothing, and simply embrace the flavor of the day.

      However confidence does not guarantee that we are correct in every respect and we may discover later that we need to modify our belief as we grow. Of course we should make the necessary adjustments, but the confidence which itself was not bad may be carried forward to support the greater enlightenment. So we are confident about God's word every step of the way in spite of our imperfect but growing understanding.

      Not sure this is an improved effort. Hopefully it helps a little.

  8. This reminds me of Paul strong conviction when wrong but humbled to change his ways h
    When he met Jesus. Shall we say started a fool but got smart

  9. Hugh and Shirley have taught me something vital from today's lesson. I admit my short-coming for being a 'fool'. However, using the 3 Ps elaborated by Shirley coupled with confidence, the understanding of God should strengthen me to be wiser and refrain from behaving like a dog.

  10. God remains in control of everything. However we are a short sighted folk and the more we draw closer to God trough studying His word the better we become. Humans think they can accomplish many things without God, yet to this day we know all is vanity.

  11. This program is a blessing to me. I use study the bible with my husband , but he pass away 5 yeas ago. Since it have be en difficult for me to study. Because I believe only in the bible. Every Friday after work I come home and watch the program 2 or 3 times.
    May God bless all of you to continue bleeding other


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