Monday: Jesus Prays for His Disciples
Read John 17:9-19. What is Jesus praying specifically about in regard to His disciples?
Jesus prays next for His disciples, who are in grave danger of losing their faith in Him in the days ahead, when He, Jesus, will no longer be with them in the flesh. Thus, He commits them to the care of His Father.
The prayer of Jesus is for their protection in the world. As such, Jesus does not pray for the world, because He knows it intrinsically is opposed to the will of the Father (1 John 5:19). But because the world is the place where the disciples will do their service, Jesus prays that they may be preserved from the evil in the world. Jesus is concerned for the world; indeed, He is the Savior of it. But the spread of the Gospel is tied to the witness of those who will go and preach the good news. That is why Jesus needs to intercede for them that the evil one will not defeat them (Matt. 6:13).
One disciple, however, has been defeated. Earlier that evening Jesus had mentioned that one of them had decided to betray Him (John 13:18-30). Even though Jesus refers to the fact that Scripture had predicted Judas’s betrayal (Ps. 41:9), Judas was not the victim of fate. During the Last Supper, Jesus appealed to him in a gesture of love and friendship (John 13:26-30). “At the Passover supper Jesus proved His divinity by revealing the traitor’s purpose. He tenderly included Judas in the ministry to the disciples. But the last appeal of love was unheeded.” – Ellen G. White, The Desire of Ages, p. 720.
Knowing that envy and jealousies could divide the disciples, as it had done on occasion before, Jesus prays for their unity. “Holy Father, keep through Your name those whom You have given Me, that they may be one as We are” (John 17:11, NKJV). Such unity is beyond human accomplishment. It can be the result and gift of divine grace only. Their unity is grounded in the unity of the Father and Son, and this unity is an indispensable prerequisite for effective service in the future.
Their sanctification or consecration in the truth is also indispensable for service. The work of God’s grace on the disciples’ hearts will transform them. But if they are to witness to God’s truth, they themselves must be transformed by that truth.
What does it mean to be “not of the world”? What is it about us, our lives, and how we live that make us “not of this world”? |

I have MANIFEESTED your name
He did not simply teach the disciples about the name of God, He displayed, He demonstrated the name of God to the disciples.
As believers we have the same responsibility to manifest the character of God to the world.
1) I pray for them - Jesus is praying for me. Before I am met with life changing events Christ is already interceding on my behalf.
2) Keep through your name - Christ himself entrusted us to the Father in heaven.
Alexander the Great even dead the name represents greatness
How much greater is the name of the Father in heaven.
3) keep them in My joy - What kind of joy did Jesus have on this earth?
a) His joy was in the relationship with the Father.
b) His joy was in the power of overcoming the evil.
c) His joy was in healing people.
d) His joy was in bringing salvation to the seeking.
What brings you joy?
When we stay in prayer the lord our god stays close to us , staying in pray is very important, then our desires of this world becomes invalid ( not if this world🙏🏿)
John gives us a description of what it means to be 'of the world'
1Jn 2:15 Do not love the world, nor the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him,
1Jn 2:16 because all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.
1Jn 2:17 And the world passes away, and the lust of it, but he who does the will of God abides forever.
I’m confused John 3:16-18
But God loves the world so much that He gave is Son
Whoever believes in Him is promised everlasting life.
He did not send Him to condemn but to save
I believe that loving others the way Christ loves us is in such contrast to the world's greedy and selfish desires, that when we display the unconditional, all-inclusive love as Christ did, we show that we are NOT of this world.
🔴 The disciples not only were given a mission to accomplish, but that assignment was backed with the full support of Christ as shown in His prayer for them (John 17:9-19), that same support is available to us today!.
🔵 "As the will of man co-operates with the will of God, it becomes omnipotent. Whatever is to be done at His command may be accomplished in His strength. All His biddings are enablings." COL 333.1.
This portion of John Ch 17 is the LORD prayer for His Apostles.
What does it mean to be “not of the world”? What is it about us, our lives, and how we live that make us “not of this world”?
"Of" is a term of possession and not position like "in" which is a term of position...We are "in"the world which is our position but not "of "(possession) the world...Our choices that we make in life show if we are of this world or not..
Jesus knows personally of the power of Satan's temptations, and the natural weakness of the fallen nature. If not patient, hopeful, and faithful, those who have accepted the message of Christ will quickly be overcome by the devil and his clever deceptions. Look how many have claimed to be followers of Christ while trampling upon His Holy law, and even persecuting those who keep His commandments. There is always the constant allure of this world and the pleasures of sin that are attractive to the unrenewed heart. It is vital to allow God's Word to sanctify us, by being constantly in that Word through both study and meditation upon it. As we choose to follow that Word, we will find a shelter from temptation, ungodliness, and worldly lusts.
Not of this world means to be seeking always the knowledge of God, and having a right conception of His character, government and purposes. Our focus and labor will align with these, and in all that is done, Jesus will be magnified. All that we are and posses will belong to God and be used to support His cause of redeeming sinners.
Hi Robert
I agree with what you have written as the goal for each of us to be focussing on and heading for. Have you reached it yet? I haven’t - although it is my goal each day and as often as I can remember to be aware of it throughout each day.
So, without diminishing that goal, I would just like to add Paul’s encouragement to any who may look at that goal and feel disheartened:
“Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own.”
Phil 3:12 is the reference for the above quote.