Monday: Loving Your Neighbor
“Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbor as thyself” (Luke 10:27).
Read Luke 10:25-37. What message is given here to us in regard to the whole question of helping those in need?
The expert in the law understood that all the commandments revolve around loving God with all you have and loving your neighbor as yourself. The question that remained to be answered was “Who is my neighbor?”
Given that the prevailing thought among the people of Israel in Christ’s time was to favor their own kind as neighbors and relegate all others as outsiders, this expert in the law sought to have Jesus clarify the issue. The parable that Jesus tells reveals a totally different perspective. Our neighbor is anyone we encounter who is in need. Being a neighbor is meeting the needs of a neighbor. The priest and the Levite were more concerned about defiling themselves and protecting their godly duties from contamination. What a convenient way to use their religion as an excuse not to have to die to self in order to help someone who, most likely, could never pay them back.
In contrast, the Samaritan saw this wounded “outsider” and “enemy” as his neighbor, mercifully meeting his needs rather than his own. The point is that instead of asking “Who is my neighbor?” we need to be asking, “Who will be a neighbor to the downtrodden and oppressed?” It doesn’t matter who a person is: The one in need is the one whom we should help-period.
“No distinction on account of nationality, race, or caste, is recognized by God. He is the Maker of all mankind. All men are of one family by creation, and all are one through redemption. Christ came to demolish every wall of partition, to throw open every compartment of the temple, that every soul may have free access to God. His love is so broad, so deep, so full, that it penetrates everywhere.” – Ellen G. White, Christ’s Object Lessons, p. 386.
What prejudices might be hindering you from being the neighbor you must be? |

"What prejudices might be hindering you from being the neighbor you must be?"
I remember a time when I met a man who told me that he had spent years studying at a Jesuit College. I felt an immediate bias. Feelings rose up that were based on preconceived, unfounded, opinions. But the truth of the matter was, that at that time, he was a true "neighbor" to me. He showed me kindness- genuine kindness - which I was in need of.
As SDA's, I think we can have a prejudice against Catholics, and especially against "Jesuits". Some of our brethren have even declared that they would not shake the hand of the Pope... they seem unable to respect, let alone love, their enemy.
I have received at lot of kindness from our Catholic brothers and sisters and though we know that a certain religious system is wrong we shouldn't dismiss all the honest believers in that particular religious system as being without God's grace.
I work in a religiously plural environment and try to think how our Lord would treat people who don't believe or don't understand.
My prejudices unfortunately are more toward the truly marginalised and I need to work with the Holy Spirit to help me overcome my bias.
Hi. I would not put myself in a position to meet the Pope. Its like the old saying "when you shake hands with the devil your hand might get burned." Sunday Laws are going to be contentious and divisive. The doctrines will clash, its not a matter of having a choice.
Witness, but stand firm. Not many will listen.
I am not sure that I am ever going to be in a position to shake hands with the Pope, but I think that sometimes our attitude towards Roman Catholics is quite frankly offensive and it does not need to be. Currently the chance of Sunday laws being enacted are minimal for purely commercial reasons and I do not see the need to keep reminding ourselves about them. (I am not saying that will always by the case.)
The real issue that many Catholics face today is that it has become very clear that there is something seriously wrong with their hierarchy. The fact that pedophilia and sexual abuse has gone on for so long in their institutions without the appropriate action being taken has caused many of them to seriously doubt their connection with their church. Further, their financial dealings have been shown to be corrupt. Catholic church members are seriously hurting and now is the time to stretch out our hand in understanding. We do not need to condemn their system (others are doing that for us), but we need to show that there are Christians who love them and who can point them to Jesus.
We have a God-given opportunity to love our Catholic friends. The time is ripe to extend the hand of friendship.
Thank you Maurice. I feel that you have spoken well upon this.
I would also like to share a thought from Mrs. White -
"Brethren, I feel hurt when I see that so many decided thrusts are made against the Catholics. Preach the truth, but restrain the words which show a harsh spirit; for such words cannot help or enlighten anyone." (CW p.64)
I feel sure that there are many humble, sensitive, Christians in our church that feel hurt when they see [or hear] harsh, aggressive, anti-Catholic sentiments being expressed.
I am not suggesting that we should hide the truth, or in any way compromise with the "Man of sin", but I suggest that Jesus willingly received the kiss from Judas, the "son of perdition", when He was in the Garden of Gethsemane. And His first word to Judas [the Devil's chief agent] on that occasion was, "friend". (Matt 26:50.)
It strikes me that both Judas, and the Papacy, are both called "the son of perdition" in Scripture. (Jn 17:12 KJV; 2Thess 2:3 KJV.) I venture to say that Jesus respects every "son of perdition"...
"Treat with respect and deference even your most bitter enemies, who would injure you if they could." (EGW, R&H Dec, 1884.)
Sometimes I feel that those not of our faith don't get us because of the way we present our Christ to them. Catholics, Muslims and many more can't get us because they don't see the Christ in us. First let us live and talk the Christ in us with humility and even the Pope's heart will be touched. Remember, we are against the system and not the people.
The Holy Spirit gives us love as the root (Eph. 3:17) and the fruit (Gal. 5:22) of our lives. It is this love which then builds bridges with our neighbors and, yes, even our enemies (Matt. 5:44) and provides us with the privilege of sharing the good news of a God of love who is worthy of our trust.
We have prophetic guidance in this regard: "We should not, upon entering a place, build up unnecessary barriers between us and other denominations, especially the Catholics, so that they shall think we are their avowed enemies. We should not create a prejudice in their minds unnecessarily, by making a raid upon them.... From that which God has shown me, a great number will be saved from among the Catholics."—Manuscript 14, 1887. – {Ev 573.4}
"We should not go out of our way to make hard thrusts at Catholics. Among the Catholics there are many who are most conscientious Christians, and who walk in all the light that shines upon them; and God will work in their behalf" {GW 328.4} perhaps through you and me.
Might it be that this week God is trying to reach the priest and the Levite in me so that I may become a Good Samaritan?
Christ, when He was upon earth, did not hate or nullify those doing wrong through evil spirits, He cast out the demons. In the same vain, our enemies that bewitch-oppress us, though possible family members or close people, we ought to forgive and LOVE them just as is fostered by GOD. Off-course, that does not rule out the aspect of praying for them, of which in effect, were we in the same position might capably do more harm. The whole question of helping those in need also entails those spiritually bruised, since GOD necessarily always works with the inner being (spiritual) than the physical. Luke 5: 29-31 denotes exactly part of His mission statement in support of His LOVE.
The pope is still just a man in need of salvation as long there is hope, Remember that we wrestle not against flesh and blood.
Some commentary still reveal a heart full of prejudice,please lets not just study the lesson but be ready to be transformed so we can live as He Lived.
I always apply this formula : What ,would Jesus Do ???
It is very clear from Jesus interactions with humans when he walked among us, that he had no barriers to meeting and helping others . This goes from the centurion servant that he healed to the Samaritan woman, to the woman caught in adultery , to the rich young ruler. Jesus ministry here on earth cut across all race and class barriers. He came to seek and to save those who are lost. Period . Even the pope, if he accepts him as his savior . Our role is simply to reach out and touch humanity with our love and kindness and them point them to Jesus . Remember our role is not to judge . Just help where we can. In so doing we are following the example of Jesus and building up his kingdom.
Love your neighbour with every aspect of yourself - the Holy Spirit will lead you to find the person you can help based on your Spiritual Gifts that you have received from Him.
That's true my sister
What about family members who are struggling both spiritually and financially, even when we have assisted them before, and who are also straying former church members, should we continue to pray for them, and help them if we can, or should we just pray for them hoping that things will work out for them?
I would appreciate comments from some one.
thanks jk
When Peter asked Jesus how many times he should forgive someone who had offended him, Jesus responded; "Not 7 times but 70 times 7"! In other words, Jesus was saying, never give up. My Grandfather took 50 years to convert and was baptized when he was 80. My grandmother wasn't pushy with her Christianity; just faithfully living her faith along side of him all those years.
If Christ does not give up on us, we should not give up on those who are within our circle of influence.
JoAnn,Only because you ask. Without knowing details, advice is not very helpful. Prayer is communication with God. I would think that Spiritual things are Spiritual. Prayer on a regular basis would be a plan that I would choose, rather than a maybe now and then.
I am concerned for the growing trend in our church, not to preach the three angels messages for we may offend the Catholics, so let's just love them and let them die in their ignorance.
Elaine, why do you say we do not preach the 3 angels message? I am a Bible Worker/Lay Preacher in the Florida area and preach it all the time. I even have an article on SSNET. The 3 angels message is a call for everyone, not just Catholics to accept the gospel and leave their man made rules and traditions and works of Babylon to accept the everlasting gospel. This applies to all of us.
I am concerned that we connect preaching the Three Angels' Message with offending Catholics. The aim of preaching the Gospel is surely to direct people to Jesus and that can be done without pejorative language. I have Roman Catholic friends who are a witness to how we should live the gospel.
One of them is a lawyer who spends all her time providing pro bono (free) service to the poor and needy when they feel disenfranchised by the government or their church. She is a living example of how we can be useful in society. She is only too well aware of the failings of her church, but is willing and able to do something about it. I wish her God's richest blessing. She is doing a work I cannot do. If I was to talk to her in the way some Adventists think that I should talk to her, she would be deeply offended.
When you think of talking "The Gospel" to Catholics, remember that you are talking to friends like that. She is an example of someone who will remain a Catholic and work hard to make changes and address the wrongs that she sees in the Church. (Incidentally she is well aware of what Adventists believe and respects the decision of those of us who work with her not to attack her belief system)
Am so glad that my Lord Jesus Christ saw men as souls fit for his kingdom and not people fit for his own prejudices. If he were alive today, I am sure he would have an easy time reaching out to EVERYBODY. That is why He is fit to be the Savior.
Love your neighbor as your self can be relative. We should strive to love God first then love ourselves. If we don't know what is love, then how can we impart what we are lacking ?
It's very easy to have self hate and that's what we give to our neighbors.
In terms of this message it is taken for granted that only with God's love in our heart can we love others.
Whose advocate is Jesus? Is he not for Catholics too? How about Boko Haram and Isis? When the great commission was being given, was it not be to the ends of the earth, including Rome and Iraq? It is against human nature to love our enemies but we have no choice. The only enemy we should never desire to love is Satan.
I don't want to provoke you, or anybody else here, but before Lucifer fell away and became Satan, did God love him "with an everlasting love"? (Jer 31:3)
Or did His love "fail" (as man-made structures can "fail" when they come under pressure or attack)? I would assert that divine love "never fails" (1Cor 13:8 KJV) - and that it never failed [or ceased] for the great angelic prodigal that never "came to himself". For friend or foe alike, divine love NEVER ceases. There is nothing anyone can ever do to stop it.
I'm not saying that there will be no last plagues, or no lake of fire, but I do believe that everyone that dies in that lake of fire - whether it be human-being or angel - will be loved by God.
Jesus practices what He preaches - He asks us to love our enemies (even our most personal enemies), because that it precisely what He does... always has done, and always will.
In thinking about loving your enemies along with COL, page 386, Who
considers themselves to be a patriot? What is the general tone of national pride? Is there a problem with national pride?
I looked up the EGW reference you've given us. I also tried to briefly answer the questions you have raised. The answers were revealing.
"No distinction on account of nationality, race, or caste, is recognized by God. . . .Christ came to demolish every wall of partition." {COL 386.2}. National pride creates a wall of partition between nations and between man and man. It prevents us from loving people of other nationalities by causing us to looking down on them.
We must not be confrontational, as we present Jesus, and demonstrate our faith by our works, our neibors will take note, kindness, care and love breaks down barriers and gives us an entering wedge to expose or neibors to truths they do not know, Yes we may know Bible prophecy about the papacy, but never let us forget that millions in that organization are worshipping up to the level of information they have been given, but their motive is sincere, So when we demonstrate the character of Christ to them, further from being our neibors the opportunity arises for them to accept present truth and become members of God's remnant church.
We are all of several opinions with regard to our belief system. The prevailing understanding for the most part is due to a long history of anti- Catholicism. Many of the biases expressed are mishandled to the point that the objective is self serving rather than a genuine concern for the salvation of all. If you consider criticising, read Matt5:43,44.
There times we hear people say help yourself before you help someone in need. How does that work with Christians when we are learning to die to self to help someone in need.?
I agree with the sentiments expressed above regarding our brothers the catholics and how we as adventist talk cynically about them. As has been mentioned above , some of them are very sincere in what they believe . We should be careful in judging them. I remember being shouted down by one of us because I mentioned some good qualities of mother Teresa. We have even gone further by attacking our church members , calling them wolves in sheepskin.God is the only judge because he looks at motive.
Who is your neighbor? This carried me down memory lane when i went to a foreign country, I didn't know anyone and there I met a couple who turned out to be family. Then I learnt that everyone is your neighbor especially those in need. May the Lord help us to be good neighbors who people can count on and spread the word of God.
I am happily, blissfully, Catholic, from evangelical seminary 20 years ago. I married a wonderful man 6 years ago, who converted to Catholic from anti- SDA, and then he reverted to his sda faith of upbringing and all of his family is sda (for 3-4 generations both sides).
I have found sda people nice, and mostly loving.
And I have found, church - wide, tremendous anti-Catholic and very much sda misinformation about Catholics. Such error and uncaring to find truth that if I didn't have to be around sda, I wouldn't. How can that be a message of the sda gospel? How does one find Jesus with that behavior?
Very few of the comments on here are kind at a deep level. Several think they are being kind because we poor misinformed Catholics will eventually convert to (your sda) truth, and you have to be nice to us so we will see your truth. However, as a knowledgeable Catholic convert (and only member of my family) that is just another irritation of sda - its egotistical and condescending. Follow your SDA truth and have the decency to pray for all people (pope, papacy, cardinals, Bishop's, priests, lay people). And pray the Biblical prayer that we all get led into all of God's perfect will and Truth.
Have the decency to accept there are very learned people on all sides (of our 44k denominations), talk accurately about others or stay quite and learn, and pray always for all of us to be led into God's truth and His will and for unity. (John 17).
And please pray for me as I try to stomach sda. It's hard. Quite hard. And I'll pray for all of you. Let's pray for each other. Please.
And thank you to those that acknowledge there are learned Catholics who remain Catholic even with study, and love Jesus and care about others. Pray. Please.
Thank you Holly for your reminder about the important aspects of Christianity that we sometimes forget in our effort to get doctrines right. People do matter, and it is not what we know but how we treat others. Christ is indeed our example.