HomeDailyMonday: Peer Pressure    


Monday: Peer Pressure — 27 Comments

  1. yes i really like this lesson, since it reminds us that we not to be influnced by evil things other people does, but influence them for the good.

  2. A good friend told me to ask for help when I am feeling overwhelmed.

    I am facing something similar, pressure from someone I consider a friend. My temptation is deep. Brethren, please pray for me. I have put myself in the hands of the Lord and now I am in yours. I don't want to fall deeper than I already am. Keep me in your prayers. Thank you.

    • May the Lord see you through Lupe. Claim the promises of God in the midst of your challenges. God indeed is in control. He will see you through as you call upon Him with all your heart. The fact that you are asking for help shows that you feel your need of Him. Praise God for that for He has promised to pour water on the dry and upon the thirsty in the desert (Isaiah 44:3). Grab hold of promises like 1 Cor 10:13; 2 Cor. 12:9; Ephesians 2:8,9 and remember that you and God are a majority!
      Wishing you God's most profound blessings!

  3. I want to thank God for such a wonderful work he is doing to me through you saints, I don't have enough words to thank you.
    As a young man there are sometimes I seriously demands your prayers, please stand with me all the times. Thank you.

  4. I am humble that the Lord is his wonderful mercy called me to serve him next to all of you and to know that we all go thru difficult moment, yet we are able to find joy on them and recognize that they are character building struggles. Please keep me in your prayers.

  5. Lupe & T Hozherai, I will speak to the LORD and ask Him to send His angels as He has promised to keep you from stumbling. James tells us: draw near to the Lord, resist the devil and he will flee.

  6. Influence a friend positively and God would bless you..Am what am today because of a dear friend and my cousin who persistently took time with me to study the bible....my friends the challenges we face aren't for ever. Let's keep each other on prayer!

    505 - I Need The Prayers
    I need the prayers of those I love,
    While trav’ling o’er life’s rugged way,
    That I may true and faithful be,
    And live for Jesus every day.

    I want my friends to pray for me,
    To bear my tempted soul above,
    And intercede with God for me;
    I need the prayers of those I love.

    I need the prayers of those I love,
    To help me in each trying hour,
    To bear my tempted sould to Him,
    That He may keep me by His pow’r.

    I want my friends to pray for me,
    To hold me up on wing of faith,
    That I may walk the narrow way,
    Kept by our Father’s glorious grace.

    • What a lovely and relevant song. I will surely find and learn it.

      Thank you for encouraging personal messages. We thank God for the opportunity to touch each others lives possitively through prayer.

  7. Today's lesson is very inspiring and very educative...As believers we should not be concerned about being accepted by others but we should be kind to those we come in contact with. Its also high time we start getting serious in our prayers. May the ever loving Father help us.

  8. We should always put on the whole armor of GOD because our adversary has diverse and subtle ways of dragging us away from the lifestyles and behaviors that conform to the will of God especially in these last days. Let us be guided by the Holy Spirit and by God's words everyday.

  9. How do we resist temptation? The word of God tells us precisely how to submit and resist in (James 4:7). As we studied recently our defense is in putting "on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes" (Eph. 6:11,NIV). In the previous verse Paul counsels us to "be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might". As we continue reading (Eph.6:10-18) he outlines in details how each item of the armory functions to protect us from the evil spiritual forces with which we are fighting.

    Notice in (Eph.6:17) where the apostle describes "Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God" as one action - these two are closely linked though one is offensive and the other defensive. The helmet protects the head that houses the brain where our seat of intellect resides (our frontal lobes guide decision-making). One commentator put it this way "A good hope of salvation, well founded and well built, will both purify the soul and keep it from being defiled by Satan", and it will comfort the soul and keep it from being troubled and tormented by Satan."

    So when we utilize our "sword" by hiding the word in our hearts, the helmet of salvation will keep it safely lodged in our minds for future reference when temptations come. Remember the power of Jesus' words "it is written" can drive away the tempter however he may attack us. A soldier cannot go to war unarmed - that would be suicidal. Christian soldiers cannot face the enemy of souls without God's entire armory either and every single piece is vitally important for every attack of the enemy.

    Whatever the pressure from our peers to follow the ways of sin we can win if we allow the mind of Christ to reside in our minds. "In our relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus" (Phi. 2:5). Jesus did not allow negative or evil influences to have sway in His life but He was the One to follow; He had the greater pull, the consummate influence for good. Jesus fortified His mind by study of the word and frequent, fervent prayer.

    "Those who would not fall a prey to Satan's devices must guard well the avenues of the soul; they must avoid reading, seeing or hearing that which will suggest impure thoughts. The mind should not be left to wander at random upon every subject that the enemy of souls may suggest." (E.G. White, Messages to Young People, p. 285).


    Earthly pleasures vainly call me,
    I would be like Jesus;
    Nothing worldly shall enthrall me,
    I would be like Jesus.

    Be like Jesus this my song
    In the home and in the throng
    Be like Jesus all day long
    I would be like Jesus.

    My verse:
    In my washing and my cooking
    I would be like Jesus
    Even when no one is looking
    I would be like Jesus.


    • Claudette, all you say about resisting temptation is true. But I'd like to add something else that I have found to be powerful. In Nehemiah 8:10 we read that "the joy of the Lord is your strength," and I have found that to be true in so many ways. When we allow Jesus to fill us with His joy, the enemy has no power over us.

      • Inge,

        I have not thought that, "the joy of the Lord is your strength," to the point that when we allow Jesus to fill us with His joy, the enemy has no power over us.

        I think you have something there and I've been thinking of this verse but never in connection with power over the evil one. Thank you!

  10. Peter is showing the need of living by faith through daily choices approved by the will of God as made plain by the standard of Righteousness in Christ and revealed in the everlasting Law. Whatever we do must be in harmony with the principles of His Testimonies and according to the Way of His statutes(Ps 119:33-40). This is how we acknowledge Christ as Lord and God as our Father, who is glorified through our good works in the name of Jesus. The Bible teaches that only the upright, who are transformed to the character of Divinity, will stand before Him, and dwell in His presence forever.

    Peer pressure depends on whom we regard as our peers doesn't it? Did Jesus suffer peer pressure, or was the near presence of heavenly beings and the Divine Rule always His comfort and desire no matter what? Joseph is a wonderful example of having the right peer pressure, refusing to sin before God who was always near, even dwelling in his heart. If we are only pilgrims here, and heaven our true home, the heavenly “peer pressure” will give us that fear lest we deny our Lord and Savior

    • The thing about peer pressure is people are not usually conscious of it being "peer pressure." They just feel a strong pressure to do something that they might not do on their own.

      What kind of pressure we feel will depend very much on who is first in our affections and thoughts. If we are concerned about fitting in and what others will think of us, we will most certainly be subject to "peer pressure" in the wrong direction. But if we spend a lot of time with Jesus so that He is uppermost in our minds, then He will influence our thoughts and desires. That's Christ power, rather than peer pressure. 🙂

  11. We have to be careful how we respond to those around us. I find myself getting frustrated at work and quick to get angry instead of leading in Christ.Peter said it right on point about being hospitable towards one another without grumbling.I also find myself at times giving in to the conversations that end up unfruitful and later think back on how I should have commented in a encouraging way. Lord I pray for a more sincere heart and love towards you and my fellow brothers and sisters,AMEN!

  12. A classic Scripture on the subject of peer pressure is Exodus 23:2

    "You shalt not follow a multitude to do evil; neither shalt thou speak in a cause to decline after many to wrest judgment".

    The pressure "to follow the crowd" - the pressure to conform - can be very strong, and I especially agree with the lesson, where it says, "This is especially tough on young people".

    And yet we mustn't be "different" just for the sake of being different.

    It seems quite amazing to me that there was a time (even AFTER he had the vision of the "sheet" being let down with unclean animals on it), that Peter yielded to a perceived pressure from his peers. I mean, of course, the time when Peter was sitting [and eating] with a group of Gentiles, when some brethren came upon the scene from Jerusalem. Peter stood up and removed himself... (Gal 2:11-12)

  13. This lesson is wonderful and right to the time. In these day spiritualism is highly reviving and because of this we see our brethren teaming up with relatives cause they fear being cast out of the families. Lets stand our ground for Christ and he will do the Good for ourselves.

    • Bongani, Jesus taught that when we receive Him we pass from death to life. The dead are those who are guilty of trespasses and sins. Without repentance and forgiveness, we will perish since death is the wages for sin. But God gives freely the Gift of Life in Christ.

  14. Withoout GOD changing our lives the evil friends will keep influencing us, and again there are friends who we take as good when they are totally bad spiritually, we need God in our day to day life. by prayers we will succeed

  15. In today’s lesson we are being discouraged from succumbing to peer pressure. If we look closely some of the things that take us away from being the light of the world, are the major decisions that we take that will eventually change our beliefs. The Bible clearly says in (2 Corinthians 6:14) we should not be unequally yoked with unbelievers.

    There is nothing wrong in us going to them doing witnessing but taking a big step of getting into let’s say marriage with an unbeliever, is something we need to do away with. There are times you hear people saying, I will change them. As you get married to an unbeliever you are allowing yourself to be tied to that person and you have entered into a covenant with them and you become one flesh. How will it work then, if you are one flesh but different beliefs? That will create discord in families so before we make any decision in our lives be it small or big like choosing the person who will be your spouse, we need to be led by the Holy Spirit and get a clear confirmation that we are doing the right thing otherwise we end up spending the rest of our lives in regret.

  16. yes indeed this lesson teaches us alot ,we as adventists should avoid avoid such bad company because they act as a stambling block toward our journey to heaven
    lets resist the devil and he shall flee from us

  17. The scripture reference for Monday's section is 1 Pet 4:1-7.
    The first verse did not get any attention.

    1 Peter 4:1 "Forasmuch then as Christ hath suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves likewise with the same mind: for he that hath suffered in the flesh hath ceased from sin;"

    Cease from sin? How do members in your Sabbath school class respond to the question.."Is it possible to stop sinning?" Last Sabbath, in our large (60-100)Sabbath school class several said "No" right away , out loud. No one said "Yes".
    I read an SOP quote..
    "Every one who by faith obeys God's commandments, will reach the condition of sinlessness in which Adam lived before his transgression." ST 1902

    How much peer pressure is involved by SDA members to influence others so that one thinks they can't have victory over sin?

    "The Saviour is wounded afresh and put to open shame when His people pay no heed to His word. He came to this world and lived a sinless life, that in His power His people might also live lives of sinlessness. He desires them by practicing the principles of truth to show to the world that God's grace has power to sanctify the heart." R&H 1902
    A previous SDA pastor at the church I currently attend teaches that Christians can not stop sinning. An SDA seminary professor from England guest spoke at the church during 11:00 AM service and said the same thing to all members.

    2 Peter 1:10 Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall:
    2 Peter 3:14 Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace, without spot, and blameless.
    Jude 1:24 Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy,

    • The Devil pushes the view that it is impossible for Christians to keep the law of God -- he encourages us to believe that we must all transgress it (i.e. sin), and that it is not possible for God to keep His children from falling a prey to temptation.

      The Devil, of course, is the father of lies.

      Sin, according to him, is inevitable and inescapable, because (as he says,) it is impossible to live in obedience to the Law of God.


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