Monday: Two Kinds of Wisdom
Read James 3:15-16. What is his description of worldly wisdom? What are the common ways we see this wisdom
manifested in the world, or even in the church?
The wisdom that we have naturally is earthly,
even demonic
or devilish,
and devoid of the Spirit. This should not be too surprising. Long ago, Solomon spoke about the way that seems right
as being the way of death
(Prov. 14:12, Prov. 16:25, NKJV). This wisdom is destructive to its core. If jealousy and selfish ambition are cultivated and expressed, the natural result will be disorder and dissension, similar to the situation in Corinth (see 2 Cor. 12:20, where several of the same words are used).
Read James 3:17-18; John 3:3-7; Colossians 3:1-2. Together, what are these texts telling us about heavenly
While James never refers to the Holy Spirit directly, the idea of the new birth is clearly present. The apostle seems to prefer, instead, the agricultural metaphor of sowing and bearing fruit, perhaps based on Jesus’ parables that refer to the word being sown
in people’s hearts as they hear the gospel message (see Matt. 13:3-9, Matt. 18-23). Heavenly wisdom is full of mercy,
as well as good fruits.
As we have seen, despite the emphasis in James on obedience and good works as the fruit of faith, mercy triumphs even in the judgment (James 2:13). In other words, the truly wise will not only be meek and humble like Jesus, but also peaceable, gentle, merciful, and forgiving, willing to overlook the faults of others, not critical or judgmental of them.
It’s so easy to fall into the ways of the world, isn’t it? Examine yourself: how much does worldly wisdom, in contrast to wisdom from heaven, influence how you live?

I have noticed that we have been discussing more how we use the wisdom, knowledge and understanding that we have received than what is Biblical wisdom.
According to the Word true wisdom is greatly to be desired even above silver, gold and rubies.
It is understanding, knowledge, ability and skill like God gave the workers to build the tabernacle.
It is obedience to God’s statutes and judgments, as Moses told the Israelites before they entered Canaan.
David says that the fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom
God gave Solomon wisdom to enable him to rule and judge the nation.
Through Jeremiah the LORD says the truly wise person is he that understands and knows my character of loving kindness, judgment and righteousness
John the Baptist’s mission, according to his father, was to give the knowledge of salvation to God’s people.
Jesus encouraged us to study the Scriptures to learn of Him
Paul tells us that two of the Spiritual Gifts are a word of wisdom and a word of knowledge
According to Paul God wants all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth
Peter say that God gives us His divine power for life & godliness through the knowledge of the LORD
So from this brief survey of the Word I believe it is very important for us to study and gain Biblical knowledge, understanding and wisdom. Why? Because all Scripture is written to reveal to us the character of the LORD and when we get to know Him we will love Him and we will understand the plans He has for us, to become a new creation made in His image. Then we will be able to fulfil our purpose of sharing with others the true character of the LORD that they might also know Him.
Dear folk, take a clear look at each of the disciple's life before they really got converted including James himself, they were thinking and behaving according to the flesh and human wisdom and understanding. No wonder Jesus knew it very well and one day He tells them the real truth because he knew he was leaving them in the world where they could not stand alone. He says, '' I am the vine, you are the branches.......apart from me you can do nothing''. The disciples realized it when Jesus had left and the
James, peter and John we see after, are the truely converted ones. We can do totally nothing good in this flesh according to heavenly standards unless we have truely abandoned and forgotten the flesh and surrendered to Christ. The heavenly wisdom will come automatically and we will sing 'NOT I BUT CHRIST' always.
True wisdom is knowing God, knowing God is hating evil, this is different from wordly wisdom in that there is sin involved and it corrupts everything .... this worldly wisdom does not know about the true benefits of following God's word and command so it is madness not wisdom
I am sure when we have embraced true wisdom. Our hearts will always rejoice, because of intimate relationship with our Savior Jesus Christ. In the want of worldly materials, we have accepted earthly wisdom that blinds man and lead him to eternal destruction. When a man is born again, he/her must exercise heaven wisdom because he no longer entertain the old cargo that burdened him/her, is fresh and allows the holy spirit to take control of his/her life. For use to have heavenly wisdom we need to surrender our lives to God in humbleness and humility. Its important to allow the holy spirit to work in our heart. On our own its not possible since the battle we are wrestling is a spiritual one.
"While James never refers to the Holy Spirit directly, the idea of the new birth is clearly present." To me that is because the book of James is not theological but practical. He is telling us what the results of our faith should be and how it is manifested in our lives. In this particular lesson he is concerned with wisdom and what good wisdom is like.
If I were to condense a definition of wisdom down to a common denominator I would say that wisdom is the application of knowledge. To me the difference between Heavenly wisdom and worldly wisdom is not in the knowledge itself but rather in what we do with it, how we use the knowledge we are given.
The world uses knowledge all for self that takes many forms, even self destructive ones while those who have heavenly wisdom use their knowledge for benefit not only for themselves but also for all those around them. As Paul said, "Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others" (Phil. 2:4 NKJV). To them it is a matter of edifying the whole body of Christ and actually goes beyond that to the rest of His creation as well because we actually prosper no better than the environment around us.
This is spectacular!!
I really appreciate this.
“Worldly” wisdom come from an unsurrendered heart that’s thoughts are still connected to its fallen nature? Seems to be in the very air we breath... equal only to a certain cleverness, that leads to a premature death of soul and spirit. Leaving in its wake, tragic consequences that follow for multiple generations.
While on the other hand “heavenly” wisdom, a gift of the New Birth, through surrender - dying continually to the illusion of the self identity- unlocks our authentic nature/ Gods own image in us. This New Birth denotes a waking up, as somehow our fallen nature has trapped us in a kind of sleep/stupor (although we still function at a certain level, humanly speaking). Again, it seems we must wake up!
What is this New Birth and how does it happen. Is it permanent or do we have to keep making a conscious choice to wake up daily, hourly, minutely,etc.
We hold this truth to be most evident, that our bodies are a Holy Temple and God wishes to dwell in us, now. Wow! We are all Sanctuary unto the Lords very Presence dwelling in us, like God did so long ago, before the fall of our earthly parents, when through choice Adam let the virus of the self illusion identity and all it entails into our being at the molecular level/ into our blood.
The sacrifice that the Father made through Christ stands still, in this present moment and all present moments to come. The great expanse of distance that was between us and the Father is bridged in this way...permanently. Through Christ we can wake from the illusion of who we thought we were and go beyond the thoughts of the self/fallen nature. Reclaim your true identity in Gods Holy name “I Am that I AM!” I am whole, I am healed, I am found, I am... “peaceable, gentle, merciful, and forgiving, willing to overlook the faults of others, not critical or judgmental of them.” I am forgiven! I am ready to let intelligence shine forth from your indwelling spirit of ... “love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.” Gal. 5; 22-23.
What remains... to act justly, loving mercy, walking humbly before your God. (Micah 6;8)
It is son easy to fall into the ways of the world. We believe that we are well spiritually when our condition in true sense is spiritually pathetic. We are the Laodicean church which the Lord tell; "I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth." Revelation 3:15kjv. This is how the Lord sees us and tells us to open our hearts that He may change our lives. Revelation 3:20kjv.
I loved every comment if people studied the word of GOD more they would learn of his characteristics and we would have a more peaceful life I love GOD Jesus and The Holy Spirit