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Never Too Old For God to Use — 23 Comments

  1. Beautiful and inspiring post! Makes me feel worthy of the Lord still, thank you William and God bless you!

  2. Praise the LORD! May His continual blessings of Wisdom, Knowledge, and of course His mercy and grace keep you as you express what you have learn from Him.
    As I read my thoughts was lead to Ecclesiastes 12:1 in which I envisioned John taking seriously the words of Solomon in remembering his Creator in the days of His youth, which I think made it possible for him to endure the evil days of aging. I was also reminded of Caleb whom I believe also remembered his Creator in the day of youth which made it possible for him to trust greatly in the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY whom he believed would bless him at the age of 85 to conquer the hill country of Hebron and the LORD honored his FAITH with a successful mission.

  3. Thank you all for your comments. Of course age is not the only reason people become isolated and of course not the reason John was isolated, but regardless of motives of ill willed people, God will not let them win and they cannot isolate the gospel or the work of the gospel worker.

    • Actually my comment was expressed more about "Remembering the Creator" in both youth and maturity. The examples were expressed only because of what you wrote concerning the things that John experienced during the last days of his life.

        • John was instrumental during the entire time of Jesus' three year ministry as our Savior and Redeemer. The Triune was also close to John for the rest of his life. John,like we, are useful for Gods purposes when and in what manner He chooses, and thank Him for it. I am in the age group of octogenarian and ask God often, if there is anything that I can do to be of assistance for His good pleasure. Not because of my abilities but because of His.

  4. Thank you, I needed this. Being old is NOT what I expected it to be.
    I am disabled and don't go out much. This gave me a bit of hope there is still something for me.

    • My father is 88 and i thank God for keeping him. Early last year he underwee a major lung operation. There was a time i thought he would not make it- me and my siblings were devastated by the thought. However, God healed him and he us still with us. We are so grateful.

      I still rely on him for spiritual and general life advise. He has a deep knowledge of the Scriptures and is passiinate about evangelism. Although he uses a walking stick, two days ago he told me that he would distribute some health booklets in the neighbourhood. My kids really enjoy his company.

      As God's family, we have to support and care for our elderly. Lets not ignore them. Children who dont have blood grandparents can benefit ftom befriending the godly aged members of God s family. The elderly among us are a blessing we ought to cherish and protect. God bless.

    • Gerald, we are dealt those circumstances often during times of pain, suffering and disabilities. The burden is often not easy. The story of the young nurse and the doll, that was of comfort to the Alzheimer patient, was inspiring to me. Our quest for hope I believe is a gift from God, and by what ever means He sees fit to accomplish that gift. God bless us, is one of our most often repeated prayers.

  5. Thank you for reminding me that age doesn't count! I'm on the 'wrong' side of 70 .. after retiring from 'secular work' I was asked by our Field office to help out for three months during a transition period. The staff at the time only consisted of the Field President and his wife and when they were transferred the 'office staff' was gone too! That was the longest three months in the history of the church --- it became 12 years and the most fulfilling of my career. When I reached the age of 3 score and 10 'policy' demanded that I finally leave. For a while I had a problem getting going in the mornings but the Lord had other work for me to do! I don't have the stamina I used to have but getting involved with Meals on Wheels occupies three days a week and most enjoyable of all .... I have taken up doing Bible study with the residents of our small old age home. That complex next to our little church has existed for 40 years. How many old souls could have been won for Jesus if only our church had reached out sooner. The ladies attending the studies are learning things they never knew before and I am receiving more of a blessing than they are! I may have been put out to pasture, but the field is full of juicy bits to be gathered for the Master. Praise God!

    • That is wonderful!!! I feel it is so important for people who are "retired" from daily work to find service opportunities and to keep busy in "work" for the Lord!! Not only will you be a good steward of the time God has given you, but I believe it also keeps you young in body, mind and spirit! When people stop moving they start dying.
      When you are raising kids and working to provide for your family, time seems like such a luxury. Just think of all the opportunity for service you have once your children are grown and on their own, and you no longer have to work to provide! I wish more of our "wiser generation" would take that opportunity! Thank you so much for your inspiring dedication to God's work!!

  6. I too, am old. I still try to do things, my mind says I can, but my body shows me I am not able to do it. Just yesterday I felt that I was useless but after reading William's post I realized that God must have something for me to do, even though I don't know what it is yet! He has kept me alive, after open heart surgery, for 27 years now. I still don't know what but I trust in Him that He will reveal it to me some day.

  7. Thank God for such inspiring message Indeed God does not require age to use us for His call to service

  8. I'm so thankful for this message of hope,my elderly church member were talking about never to old for service and God's amazing Grace on how he will help Carrie his message no matter the age for he will deliver.

  9. My church retired me from a job that I loved doing because I was too old and a bit past it. That hurt! Interesting enough I have found other ways outside the church to use my talents. I still miss my "in-church" service, but I think I needed the jolt to recognise that there are places to serve God outside the church. We sometimes need God to open up our vision a bit!

    • Yes,indeed! Our God is so amazing he can and will show you the path you must take,there is nothing to hard for God ,scripture tells us the steps of a good man are Ordered by the Lord.Hold fast and hold on to what you have,meditate on his guidance.Be strong and of good courage!

  10. Thank you William for giving us hope. The story about Jean made me cry with happiness and is such a good example of how someone can be helpful. John doing his best work when he was old gives me something to look forward to.
    I am grateful God keeps giving you ideas to share with us, even as you are getting older too!

  11. One of the very best gifts one can give to an elderly person is to spend time with them and LISTEN to them. I am 71 and still active in my profession as a Family Practitioner. I have noted that feelings of loneliness and uselessness is the primary malady in many older patients. Most of us over 60 are very familiar with the issues of an aging body, but it's the issues of the mind in later years that often mitigate the most suffering and discouragement. The text in Jeremiah, quoted above, has long been one of my favorites. I like to remind these patients that I do not consider retirement a Biblical concept and within reasonable constraints imposed by physical health, God will ALWAYS have something for each of us to do for HIM that will often be of greater benefit to ourselves then to the beneficiaries! One of His greatest healing balms is us coming to Him with willing hearts and hands! Many examples come to mind, I'll just mention one. Some young people in the Central California Conference have started a ministry that has proven to be an appealing and winsome way to share the light of the gospel. They write and publish small, single topic, "G.L.O.W." tracts. ("Giving Light to Our World"), the exact dimensions and content of which were recommended by Ellen White. I have heard wonderful and miraculous stories are resulting from just handing them to family, friends, or strangers, or just leaving them in public places. Lost and desperate souls are coming to Jesus. This is one activity that lends itself perfectly to us who are somewhat "long in the tooth", as they like to say about us.... I hope this note was not too long. I very much appreciated your post Mr. Earnhardt!

  12. Oh, how I needed this exquisite message on the value of life in ministry despite of age. Your article shows it brilliantly and I want to hold on to Psalms 23:6 that God's goodness and mercy shall be with me all the days of my life.


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