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Nobody Is Better Than Anybody Else — 14 Comments

  1. What a wonderful insight into the equality of every individual before the eyes of the Lord in the context of bestowal of the gifts. William, much as gifts are inbuilt,are they in any way affected by external factors like how, where and who it's used upon? How about poverty, personality, sociopolitical rank in the society? Or it's something indestructible?!? Thanks

  2. Thank you for your comment Simeon. You ask a good question. Of course Jesus was looked down upon by the Pharisees for many of the reasons that you listed. Jesus was still effective with His gifts even though as a not exactly rich carpenter's Son, he had no rank with society or even the church. He was very effective and did a lot of good, though in some places His miracles were limited due to the prejudices against Him. I would say, that when God gives you a gift it will be indestructible, even though some people may not benefit because of their prejudices against you whatever those prejudices may be. There will always be people "unimpressed" with our gifts for the reasons you mentioned, but will still be effective for many others who are not prejudiced by poverty, personality, or sociopolitical rank in society or the church.

  3. William, the pause from Spiritual Gifts is refreshing by reviewing Matthew 17 and the mount of transfiguration. It has been many moons since I have read those accounts. The assembly of Jesus, the Disciples, Moses and Elijah plus the voice from a bright cloud, of God the Father was so impressive it was no wonder that they were afraid and fell on their faces. But Jesus calmed their fears. They didn't even try to sneak a peek until Jesus reassured them. What a scene. More than amazing from our perspective. The question that the Disciples posed about Moses and Elijah, seems to be saying that Elijah was already in heaven rather than Elijah will come first as the scribes have declared. The absence of any trace of Moses after he was assumed dead, would indicate that he had been taken to heaven also.

  4. Beautiful question! I would not equate Jesus, though, with us in terms of having gifts - unless of course we are going to believe He bestowed those gifts upon Himself. Remember the Bible says He is the head (of the Church) and we, individually are parts of the body. I believe the gifts are given to the body by the head.

    But can the gifts be affected by external factors, such as personality, poverty etc.? I believe God in His wisdom, taking certain things into consideration, likely, would not bestow some gifts on certain persons. For example, a shy person might not be given a gift that requires that person to constantly be in the "lime light". If a person lives in poverty that person can still use his gifts to the glory of God. Where one lives can impact HOW the gift is used because of cultural differences in how things are done but I believe the gift can still be very effective for God - unless, of course, one decides to "bury" their gift. So I believe once a gift is being used, it is indestructible.

    It is important to remember, too, that the gifts are given to edify the Church so they most likely would not be lost on those "on whom they are used" except maybe for those who may be in the Church but are not fully converted. Such persons probably may not be able to appreciate a spiritual gift at work and in that sense it may be lost on them but still not indestructible.

    I was wondering, though, can a person use his/her spiritual gift to benefit the devil's kingdom?

    • "I was wondering, though, can a person use his/her spiritual gift to benefit the devil's kingdom?"
      A question like this needs an explanation and the solution.
      There are some who seem to be always seeking for the Christ.  But they do not make an entire surrender of their wrong habits. They do not die to self that Christ may live in them. Therefore they do not find the Christ. They have not overcome unholy ambition and their love for worldly attractions. They do not take up the cross and follow Christ in the path of self-denial and sacrifice. Almost Christians, yet not fully Christians, they seem near the kingdom of heaven, but they cannot enter there. Almost but not wholly saved, means to be not almost but wholly lost.
      I do believe this is how we lose our Spiritual Gifts,  or allow the Devil to use us.  And Peter said to them, “Repent [change your old way of thinking, turn from your sinful ways, accept and follow Jesus as the Messiah] and be baptized, each of you, in the name of Jesus Christ because of the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
      ACTS 2:38 AMP
      As a shield against the devil, surrender your bad habits to Christ.  Die to self as we shall see, it is not hard.  Overcome the attractions of the world. Take up the cross and  follow Christ in the path of self-denial denial and sacrifice.  But how? Yeild to the Holy Spirit. Be drawn to God. Read, Meditate, and Pray of the Word of God(Your Bible).
         The shining light from the cross of Jesus Christ reveals the love of God.   The love of God draws us to Himself.   When we yield to this drawing, we shall be led to the foot of the cross in repentence for the sins that have crucified our Saviour.   Then the Spirit of God through faith produces a new life in us.   Our thoughts and desires are brought into obedience to the will of Christ.   Our hearts, our minds, are created anew in the image of Him who works in us to subdue all things to Himself.  Then the law of God is written on our mind and heart, and we can say with Christ, I delight to do Thy will , O my God. Psalms 40:8

      • Thank you John. I agree with your point of view. It is possible for one to turn the sacred into the profane if one loses their hold on God. The solution to that is we need to keep the Lord, always before our eyes.

    • I was wondering, though, can a person use his/her spiritual gift to benefit the devil's kingdom?

      Yes they can. We need to get back to the time of creation. All human beings were created by God and in his image right? Now this must mean that we all have gifts and have been given the choice of how to use these gifts. God will not force us to use them in spreading his good news message even though that should be his will, but leaves this to us to choose what to do with the gift. Take for instance those gifted with singing and instead of singing music that will bring people to Christ, someone chooses to sing songs of praise to Lucifer who, more than the human beings was gifted with a beautiful voice but chose to work against the giver of gifts. We need to invite the Spirit of truth To dwell in us. he is the one to direct us in using these gifts correctly. Only then will our gifts bear fruit.

  5. We have seen that gifts are being distributed to edify the Church.My question is:Judas fulfilled the prophecy by betraying Jesus what kind of a gift is that?explain within the Biblical context.

    • Joash, I never saw Judas as having any spiritual gift but now you have set me thinking .... Could we say that he had the gift of administration (of money) He was the treasurer for the group of disciples. But then again, I believe he was an agent of the devil from the very beginning. Jesus said: Have not I chosen you twelve, and one of you is a devil? He spake of Judas Iscariot the son of Simon: for he it was that should betray him. John 6:70, 71.

      Ellen White writes: Not all who profess to be workers for Christ are true disciples. Among those who bear His name, and who are even numbered with His workers, are some who do not represent Him in character.... Till the end of time there will be tares among the wheat.... (Conflict and Courage p. 318)

      With this in mind, can we truly say that Judas was seen as a child of God who would be an asset to His Church and was therefore, given a spiritual gift? I don't think so.

      Do you think Judas had a Spiritual gift? I would like to hear how you season this out. God bless!

    • I think Judas had a gift of identiying business opportunities to make fast money regardless. The most important opportunity he missed was that of not realizing who Jesus was despite many years of being with Jesus. He did not invite Jesus into his life because the devil had found a soft spot in his love of money. How unfortunate even for us today who still do this. We would rather miss Church to attend what we think might be a huge business opportunity.

  6. Gifts are tools necessary for the task & the in this case was fulfillment what was prophecied,minus that betrayal Jesus would have not died. Is there any gift in Judas?.

  7. Tpying error I meant the task in this case was to fulfill what was prophecied by gifted prophes of God.


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