One In the Spirit
I am sure that you have friends that no matter how long you are apart from them, once you get together, your friendship resumes right where it left off, as though you had never been apart. This may sound weird, but maybe in one dimension you never were apart! We have physical dimensions such as time and space, but have you ever thought that there is another dimension we can be in that is not bound by time or space? To me, that dimension is the spiritual dimension.
I believe the reason many of our Christian friendships take up right where they left off, even after long periods of no physical contact, is that we have actually been together the whole time “in the Spirit!” Why do those friendships take up right where they left off as though no time has passed by? Because we are in communion with the great “ I AM”. With God there is no time. He is in one eternal Now. He is not the “I was” or “ I will be”, He is the I AM. Same with space, The Holy Spirit is everywhere. The Holy Spirit is with our Christian friends, so if we are in the Spirit and our friends are in the Spirit ,then we are together.
1 John 4:8 tells us God is love. Romans 5:5 tells us God’s love is shed abroad in our hearts, by the Holy Ghost. God is not just the source of genuine love, He is genuine love. Therefore, all the love we receive from our friends actually comes from the Holy Spirit. Therefore, when I left my friends in Texas and went to Florida and made new friends there, I still received the exact same love I had in Texas, because all love originates from God.
Love does not come form human beings. We can not generate love; all we can do is let the Holy Spirit’s love flow through us. Therefore, the love I receive from people half-way across the world is the same exact love I receive from the people I live with right here. It all comes from God. As long as we have God’s love, we can’t miss a friend’s love, because the only love they gave us came from God and He is still with us!
I am so thankful for all my friends with whom I can share God’s love! Thank you all, who are my friends on Sabbath School Net, as well as my offline friends, for being a part of my life. I hope God has been able to love you through me as we worship Him in Spirit.