“Our Prophetic Message” Videos
Martin Pröbstle has another 8-minute introduction to this week’s lesson on Vimeo and on Youtube. If you’ve not seen the previous ones, we suggest you review them now at Sanctuary Lessons on Vimeo or on The Youtube Bogichannel (also in German). It will be a great review for a subject which we, as a church, have neglected far too long.
And you can watch the full hour-long, inter-active study of the lesson for the week by the Hope Sabbath School class led by Pastor Derek Morris on the HopeTV site. (Adobe Flash Player version.) Or you can download it as a MP4 file to watch later, and you can download lesson outlines here as well.
On mobile devices, you can watch the Hope Sabbath School on Youtube. You can bookmark the Hope Sabbath School Youtube Channel for reference.
At our house we feel really blessed to be able to enjoy the insights each week, and we pray that you will experience the same blessings.