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God Changed Me From Unwanted to Most Respected — 32 Comments

  1. What a wonderful experience! God can use anyone to fulfill His mission as long as we are willing. I like the lesson of forgiveness that comes out of this story. There are many children today who are finding it difficult to forgive their parents. I wish they could read this story.

    • Guess what? High percentage of your life depends on you, that's why God created man equipped with ability to choose ;He activated that power in the garden of eden,man was to choose not to eat the forbidden fruit and live forever or choose to eat and die ,unfortunately man rebel and choose to face the out-come of of his rebellion. If you hate somebody who was perfectly created in the image of God, then be ready to face the out-come of those who hate the images of God, love is the greatest commandment.we exist becouse God allowed,may be God is waiting for you to forgive and start representing him.before we did something it's good to first try to understand who will be represented by what we are about to do or what we have done. Go back to book of Genesis the first three chapter if our first parents were aware who their action of eating the forbidden fruit will represent are you sure they would have eaten the fruit? It's simple here by not forgiving your parent who are you representing? God forgive our first parent who were created in his own image after they rebel

  2. I enjoyed the story of Raphael immensely- he has a very powerful testimony. It always amazes me how God brings us through many trials and tribulations much stronger and wiser. Thanks so much for sharing it.

    • When you are suffering the main point is not the pain you are going through. The main point is that God is preparing you for something more valuable or he want many to come to him after realizing the way of God .if we read JOHN 11 most of us will think of Lazarus death,but there was more than that. Already Mary and Martha were aware with Jesus their best friends anything could have happened ,they were only updating him about their brother while we all know he was aware of when Lazarus fall asleep ,but when Lazarus falls asleep Jesus said something ,when he was resurrected many believe and apart from Lazarus resurrection many living people were spiritually resurrected.The pain, suffering ,agony and stress which Martha and Mary went through was never the main point. Gold and milk are good things if you boil the milk for a long time you will get pure oil and the best gold is tested by fire

  3. With GOD all things are possible. It is important that we always acknowledge GOD as the source to all we have. GOD is so good. Read psalm 145.

  4. I appreciate Raphael's testimony not only for the evidence of God's redeeming power but also for the glimpse of how our brothers and sisters in Africa experience life. Following some of the links in the article will provide more of a picture.

    While I realize that there are well-to-do and well-educated Adventists in Kenya, I suspect that the majority experience life more on the level that Raphael does. When we think of a "shop," we probably have a very different image than one of the little stalls in which he does business. Through such stories, we can do a bit of virtual traveling. 🙂

    I was particularly blessed by Raphael's confident expression that God has given and will give him whatever He asks for. And he can say this with confidence, because he only asks in harmony with the His Father's will. That's the secret of answered prayer.

    Thank you, Raphael, for sharing with us. 🙂

    • Many has testimony to give but it end-up given to those who new it and by that it reduced it real picture ,God bless ssnet department for allowing HOLY SPIRIT to guide you in Jesus name. AMEN

  5. I liked this story very much. Some parts I did not follow well, but I was very happy that Raphael could forgive the people who ill-treated him.

    • Apart from man's rebellion God give salvation as way-out.man didn't follow the will of God, but he went ahead to arrange how man can be rescued he didn't refuse to show mercy or forgive. If God can forgive his first created man .who are we not to forgive?

  6. Raphael's story is one of God's leading and in spite of what we may consider rich or poor, Raphael is the 'richest' in his family because he not only forgave his father, but continues to take care of him. True forgiveness brings joy to your life as it gives you permission to let go of any bitterness and hence gives you a joyous life. Thank God for Raphael's wonderful wife, Ruth, who brought him to the knowledge of a True and Loving God.

  7. What a sad and beautiful story. A story of victory in Jesus ! I so appreciated Raphael's approach of only asking things from God which will glorify His name. What a lesson in forgiveness too.This morning I feel a renewed love for my Jesus !! Everything is possible in His name.

    • He is alpha and omega he speak of beginning while he is holding the end. He own time and season. Everything happened under his watchful, he knew us before we were born, then what are we supposed to do if not go according to his will and ask him what we need daily ?

  8. This is a wonderful testimony! It is so encouraging to read how God moves in people's lives in order to meet their spiritual and physical needs. Glory to God and thank you so much for sharing Raphael's story!

  9. To add to all that was said about this amazing testimony is that he had shown how it is possible to live a simple inexpensive life in the village.
    They live of the land and do not have to depend upon the government resources. We are taught to leave the cities with our families and work in the cities, it is better for us morally, spiritually and health wise.
    Thank you for your story, how you and your family exercise your faith in GOD and how He worked great miracles in your lives, to give the courage and love to forgive your parent . I pray that they will see what a mighty GOD you serve and surrender their life to Him be bless.

  10. Raphael's story has encouraged me so much. It's amazing how much we(as christians) are alike and our experiences are similar. Just when I thought I was alone in my christian walk, with it's long lasting cruel effect, we are shown through each other's experiences that God is still on the throne and He's still in the miracle business.
    My story is very close to Raphael's story. I just wanted to say thank you for sharing. May God bless you and your family and the many many lives you will touch before Jesus comes again.
    Candace, Cincinnati, Ohio USA

    • It's my wish whatever it was, in Jesus name you overcome it. If it is still hunting you, open-up and discuss it with someone you trust most, try to be happy wherever you remember it. you can even sing some chorus whenever you remember it. may the HOLY SPIRIT guide you all the ways

  11. This is the most encredible story.It's ecouraging to know that in some parts of the world,no matter what the odds,some people are living for Jesus. I wish I could as well as all the fellow brethren and sisters around the world, rewrite my life story. The life that changes from the worst to the most respectable through Jesus.


  13. It is God that knows best, all we have to do is to allow Him to take care of our cares... May His name be praised for Raphael's life


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