Sabbath Afternoon: Who Is Jesus Christ?
Read for This Week’s Study: Luke 4:16-30, Luke 6:5, Eph. 1:3-5, Luke 9:18-27, 2 Pet. 1:16-18.
Memory Text: He said to them,
(Luke 9:20, NKJV).But who do you say that I am?
Peter answered and said, The Christ of God
Who is Jesus Christ?
The question is not a philosophical or a sociological gimmick. It gets to the heart of who humans are and, even more important, what eternity will hold for them.
People can admire the works of Jesus, honor His words, extol His patience, advocate His nonviolence, acclaim His decisiveness, praise His selflessness, and stand speechless at the cruel end of His life. Many may even be ready to accept Jesus as a good man who tried to set things right-to infuse fairness where there was injustice, to offer healing where there was sickness, and to bring comfort where there was only misery.
Yes, Jesus could well earn the name of the best teacher, a revolutionary, a leader par excellence, and a psychologist who can probe into the depths of one’s soul. He was all these and so much more.
None of these things, however, comes near to answering the all-important question that Jesus Himself raised: Who do you say that I am?
(Luke 9:20, NKJV).
It is a question that demands an answer, and on that answer the destiny of humanity hinges.
Study this week’s lesson to prepare for Sabbath, April 18.

Jesus is the Son of God. He never sinned. Jesus is God. God came on earth and died for us so we have a chance of eternal life.
Jesu Was God.
i may describe Christ as a lamb to whom is blameless, and to whom sacrificed self, solely for the benefit of you and i, say i may describe Christ as my Redeemer, one may consider reference of the whole chapter of Luke 15 which describes a partial definition of whom Christ is
Jesus is Lord my lawyer and guide
Jesus is the son of God. it is not enough for us to know that Jesus is the son God. Our lifestyle must show that we know who Jesus is. For us to claim to be followers of Jesus at the same time living sinful life turns us into liars. We need to live a life driven by the knowledge of who. Jesus is.
Jesus is all those things but until He is your BFF, friend, brother, confidant and husband/wife - life isn't lived in all the fullness he gave his life for!
Jesus is King of Kings & Lord of Lords - but to me He is my everything, my best friend!!
Jesus is my Savior, my God, my refuge.
Who is Christ to you and me? Recently I was trying to germinate capsicum seeds in my garden. The first time i tried it, it did not grow, so i went around and asked other farmers on how to grow capsicum seeds. I got all the advice, mixed the soil and fertilizers, brought good seeds from fresh matured capsicums, put them in the soil and prayed over it and asked God if it is His will for the seeds to grow then may they grow according to His good will. About a week latter i praise the Lord that i saw the little plants sprouting up. As a farmer I can say that to me Christ is my Germinator.
I believe that Jesus is a Savior to save us from our sins. He is Jehovah Jireh (The Lord Will Provide), Jehovah Tsidkenu (The Lord Our Righteousness), Jehovah Rapha (The Lord That Heals), Jehovah Shalom (The Lord Is Peace), El Shaddai (Lord God Almighty), El Elyon (The Most High God), Adonai (Lord, Master), Yahweh (Lord, Jehovah), Jehovah Nissi (The Lord My Banner), Jehovah-Raah (The Lord My Shepherd), Jehovah Shammah (The Lord Is There), Jehovah Mekoddishkem (The Lord Who Sanctifies You), El Olam (The Everlasting God), Elohim (God), Jehovah Sabaoth (The Lord of Hosts), Qanna (Jealous). These are the Names that we can call to God upon at what ever circumstances we are in, knowing that He is our Father, Protector, Friend and God. He is our Savior, Healer and Lord. Psalm 145:18.
God Bless.
Jesus is All in all to me. He is my Comforter when I am weak and in distress. He is my Anchor and Compass in times of confusion and great distress. He is my Shield and Protector in danger, my unfailing Provider in times of need. He is my Counselor when I am faced with tough decisions to make. My Healer in times of sickness and illness. I certainly could go on and on because indeed I am coming to know Him more and more as my all in all. He is Christ - the Wisdom of God and the Power of God. Oh that I may come to know Him more in the light not only of theoretical knowledge but also in experiential knowledge. What a Saviour He is to me.
Jesus is my way my bread of life, my light, my salvation, my source of life and my example.
Jesus is the only reason we are here. Without him there is nothing like the HUMAN RACE. He is our creator. He is our redeemer and our life. We exist because he is.
When Jesus asked his disciples who He was He was asking a question that will basically remain unanswered throughout eternity. The Godhead is one of the great mysteries that man can't fathom.
To me one of the most interesting responses to Jesus came from Martha and Mary who were both friends and disciples of Jesus. After Lazarus died and Jesus arrived in Bethany Martha was the first to meet him and said, "Lord, if You had been here, my brother would not have died. But even now I know that whatever You ask of God, God will give You" (Jn. 11:21-22 NKJV). Notice her understanding of who Jesus was. He certainly was her "Lord" but then that title was applied to anyone who had authority over them including kings and even Caesar himself. Good examples of this are 1 Cor 8:5 and 1 Pet 5:2-3. To her Jesus was someone who God anointed for ministry and was essentially their pastor, their rabbi.
"Jesus said to her, 'Your brother will rise again.' Martha said to Him, 'I know that he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day'" (Jn. 11:23-24 NKJV). Yes and to her God will do that. "Jesus said to her, 'I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?' She said to Him, 'Yes, Lord, I believe that You are the Christ, the Son of God, who is to come into the world'" (Jn. 11:25-27 NKJV). The question is did she really understand what He had just told her. Did any of His disciples understand who he actually was?
They called Him Christ, meaning anointed one, and Lord and Son of God titles that were applied to men as well as to Jesus (Lk 3:38). What did those terms mean in that culture? We look at John's gospel which is so strong on Jesus being the creator but that book was written decades after the ascension, many years after John had time to deeply consider the matter.
The question of course is do we have any better understanding than they had? There are many Christians today that view Jesus as someone who God sent and some even feel that Jesus was a created being. In almost all of those cases the thought is that Jesus was inferior to God. So to them God sends someone else to do the dirty work while He stays in Heaven where things are much more comfortable.
Good question, Tyler, about our understanding vs. theirs. I'm sure that must be answered differently from person to person. As one who knows Jesus at one relational level, I can say that in my past I did not know Him as well. (Only God knows exactly how close my knowing comes to His desire for our relationship.) As I see the work He has done in me, I long to know Him better and to fully experience the knowing of 1 John 2:3 and 13. And by His grace, "I shall know [Him] just as I also am known." (1 Corinthians 13:12)
John 1:1- Jesus is God and became our brother, savior, redeemer, teacher, example, reclaimer, reconciliation, an advocate and above all; everlasting KING.He went back to heaven to prepare us a dwelling place and soon He is coming to take us home. What we as a peolpe need to do form Him is to acknowledge Him in our hearts so that we can experience an internal true transformation. Praise God! Amen
JESUS CHRIST is the reason why i wake up every morning surprised but hopeful. Surprised because I could not measure up to His standard the previous day which ought to have warranted my death BUT I am alive and Hopeful. Hopeful because my life is an evidence of His marvelous grace assuring me of Eternal life beckoning me to never give up but should still believe in Him.
The Lord is my sheperd. As long as i have Him, i have every thing i need.
The only way, the truth, and the life. Only through Him we'll be save. Only through Him we'll receive the grace of God. THE CHRIST, SON OF GOD, THE BEGINNING AND THE END
Who is Jesus Christ? He is my savior, my redeemer, the One and only friend I had when everyone else forgot about me. He is the reasons why I am still alive. He is the one who "raise the poor (me) from the dust, lift the needy (me) from the ash heap;He seats them Me) with princes, with the princes of His people." That's who Jesus Christ is for me how about yourself? Who is Jesus Christ to you? Why not make him your savior too?
What Tyler Cluthe said is true, Jesus question about who he was will basically remain unanswered unless we understand how big God is. How big is God?... If we know all of God's dominion all of His vast creation then we will have some glimpse of how big God is and who is God or Jesus. We do not know how big is his dominion and all of His creation, therefore we cannot answer the question asked by the "I am" How Jesus lived his life on earth can give us some answer on what kind of God Jesus is.
The bible test for those who know God and those who don't.
"And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments.
He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.
But whoso keepeth his word, in him verily is the love of God perfected: hereby know we that we are in him.
He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked."
1 John 2:3-6 (KJV)
Praise the Lord
I am so glad for our loving Lord who is a God of salvation. That He in his wisdom will do all it takes to save us.
He reinforces our worth by sending His Son, our Creator and Maker of this vast universe, to die for us. So twice we are his, first through creation, second via salvation. What great love, He our loving Saviour has for us!
Who He is, will transcend our situation. How we look and where we are. Because where we are is not where we will always remain, whether: spiritually, physically, emotionally. Especially if we place our trust in Him and act in faith on the things He commands for us.
The beauty of our God is; He will become whatever He needs to be to us, based on where we are.
He can reveal himself even in our life experiences, etc. That even if we try to explain His amazing touch in our lives, to others 'our experiences may remain sacred and unique to us alone'.
The Psalmist David states, 'O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him.' Psalm 34:8
Let us taste of who God is for ourselves.
Be Blessed
Grace Maloney
finally it is here no matter how you can say who is Jesus, Jesus is the Truth and Love.
By human understanding, we can't understand and grasp what christ was (is) unless there is faith in you., that mystery only can be revealed by God through the holy sprint.
Christ himself was God, He made himself lower to our understanding, to be born as a little child, bore mistreatment of this doomed world, to take us back to were we were before the fall.
Lord of heaven thank you for your plan of salvation.
To me Jesus is a two needled campus and the way, that points from eternity to eternity.After the mixup of cardinal points by the devil we all were lost like sheep each and everyone in his direction. Not able to distinguish heaven from hell.I praise him for this favor.
Jesus is my redeemer,he is every thing to me coz all authority from heaven and on earth is in his hands.