Sabbath: Crucified and Risen
Read for This Week’s Study: Gen. 3:1-6, Luke 22:39-46, 2 Cor. 13:8, Luke 22:53, Matt. 12:30, 1 Cor. 15:14.
Memory Text: The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and the third day rise again
(Luke 24:7, NKJV).
From childhood Jesus was conscious that He had come to this earth to fulfill His Father’s will (Luke 2:41-50). He taught, healed, and ministered with an unwavering commitment to obey the Father. Now the time had come, after celebrating the Last Supper, to walk alone, to affirm God’s will, to be betrayed and denied, to be tried and crucified, and to rise victorious over death.
Throughout His life Jesus knew about the inevitability of the cross. Many times in the Gospels, the word must is used in relationship to the sufferings and death of Jesus (Luke 17:25, Luke 22:37, Luke 24:7, Matt. 16:21, Mark 8:31-9:12, John 3:14). He must go to Jerusalem. He must suffer. He must be rejected. He must be lifted up, and so on. Nothing would deter the Son of God from going to Golgotha. He denounced, as coming from Satan (Matt. 16:22-23), any suggestion to reject the cross. He was convinced that He must go . . . suffer . . . be killed, and be raised
(vs. 21, NKJV). To Jesus, the journey to the cross was not an option; it was a must
(Luke 24:25-26, Luke 24:46), a part of the divine mystery . . . kept hidden for ages and generations, but is now disclosed to the Lord’s people
(Col. 1:26, NIV).
Study this week’s lesson to prepare for Sabbath, June 27.

To fulfill His Father’s will the Son was sent to save the lost (Luke 19:10) and reveal the character of God (1 John 5:20). Salvation came through preaching the cross (1 Corinthians 1:21) and revelation of character came through living, with the ultimate expression at the cross (John 12:32, 33).
Perchance growing impatient with the apparent delay of the Second Coming of Jesus some have quit talking about it, and others have thought that we need to try something new, or modify some structures. To this end plain statements and the straight testimony of scripture have been reinterpreted to present a different picture of God and the everlasting Gospel.
We do not need sugar coated messages, feel good makeovers or clever strategies any more than the Apostles did (1 Corinthians 1:23, 24). Unfortunately most will reject the truth, but rejoice for the few who will accept (Matthew 22:14). If there is a delay of the bridegroom (Matthew 25:5) it is not so the saints may tweak scripture and revise doctrine, but that characters may be polished (1 Thessalonians 5:23, 24).
Character refinement is necessary because it is through the life of faithful saints that God will make His final revelation of His character to the world and angels (1 Corinthians 4:9). The distinction between the righteous and unrighteous must make a clear statement, which words might never capture.
There is no substitute for a revival of true godliness. Representing Christ is not an option for the saved. They preach (share) truth and live to reveal the Father as Jesus did. In this they take up their cross and are emptied of self (Luke 14:27). Are you ready to preach the cross and live the experience of the cross until Jesus comes again?
It is amazing to think that from a young child Jesus had to live with the thought that one day he would have to unjustly suffer torture and death for ungrateful people, yet he continually showed extraordinary love and care for these people. I believe He was only able to manage because of His dependence on power from His connection with His Father.
What I learn from this is that when I feel that I am being unfairly treated, I can survive so long as I depend on the LORD for His power and understanding that He considers me worth all the suffering He went through. He understands how I feel because He also was unfairly treated. And no matter how bad it is now, we have the promise of a world where everything is perfect.
Thanks for this online Sabbath lesson, am honoured to have discovered it, and now my study of the bible will be more focused on the teachings of the Seventh Day Adventist . Happy Sabbath.
Welcome to the truth brother Moturi.
I say thanks to Jesus for staying the course for me.
let learn something here about the long suffering that God has to Us. To make us free from the bondage of sin where the point of this things happen on calvary. Loves us although he knows every thing what will happen but he still continue with his mission of salvation. The cross is our place where every sinful man must drew nigh for repentance and confessing sin and to have assurance for salvation.
How many consider the fact that the knowledge of this eminent sacrifice faced the Creator when He said; "Let there be light" on the first day when the earth was brought to life? The decision to go forward with the creation of this world, and all that God can foresee sealed His fate. He was effectively slain with those first words. (Rev 13:8)
With this understanding, those first words of creation were words promising forgiveness, knowing that this world would house the rebellion of Lucifer against God, with billions of supporters. Every blessing to this world was given with this knowledge, and the path to the cross had begun. We need also realize He saw the final Victory for all who will receive it from Him by faith. Though ultimately few in number, our Savior will be satisfied and the eternal peace of all creation will be secure.
In His earthly existence, this understanding came as it would to us, through His education and by the age of 12 He saw the meaning for Him, who stayed the course from that young age.
How do we fathom this?!
We have to acknowledge the gift that Jesus died for our sins to reconcile us to God.The victory over sin and death by christ revealed our victory over the world of sin and assurance for our salvation.Lets follow jesus the master teacher and saviour!