Sabbath: Education in Arts and Sciences
Sabbath Afternoon
Read for This Week’s Study: Rom: 1:18-21, Ps: 19:1-6, Ps 96:9, Genesis 3:6, 1 Timothy 6:1-21, Proverbs 1:1-33, Job 38:1-41.
Memory Text: “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork” (Psalm 19:1).
Education includes what has been called “the arts and sciences.” But when we learn or teach the arts and sciences from a biblical perspective, what does this imply? Are we simply offering select Bible verses that relate to a particular aspect of modern medicine or art history, for example? In so doing, we can relate our practical lessons to the amazing power of God in creating our complex world. But a simple incorporation of Scripture in a textbook lesson is only a small part of true education – the education that is salvific and redemptive.
For such an education truly to function, we need God’s Word to inform the teaching of every discipline, from humanities to molecular biology. Without it, we can lose sight of God’s enormity, His sovereignty as Creator and Sustainer of our world. In learning to see how God views His creation as organic and purpose-filled, we come closer to understanding how certain disciplines could and should be taught.
This week we will look at some principles involved in how we can teach the arts and sciences from the Christian perspective and worldview.
Study this week’s lesson to prepare for Sabbath, December 5.

I know that some of you will think that seeing I am a scientist I should say something scientific at the beginning of this weeks lesson. However, I am also a bird photographer and now that I am retired and no longer have to earn my living at being a scientist (computer scientist) I can delight in the arts. I love seeing art and design come together in God's creativity.

How is that for God, the artist?
what species of birds are these?
They are Rainbow Bee-eaters.
We had a SS quarterly some time ago that asserted God is THE ...Artist! What an exciting assignment it would be to use this beautiful photograph to teach lessons to children. From the initial questions, Where do birds come from? Why aren't they afraid of the barbed wire? and all question in between. to Is it possible to wear the same clothes every day and still look beautiful? or what if all of us looked the same to others? Would that answer problems with prejudice?
From mixing colors in the art area to match various colors on the birds to actually going out and photographing a bird themselves or sketching. The spiritual lessons of the Gospel that teach love to every creature.Singing If God so loved the birds/little things, I know He loves me too. Science can fill weeks as we study reproduction, nutrition,etc. Or the aerobics of bird movements in physical education classes. Art can be used for more than it is today to fix the mind on THE Artist. It almost makes one want to un-retire!
From the Artist to your lens... just beautiful!
Amazing - the detail, the precision. It reminds me of the text “Are not two sparrows sold for a small coin (penny)? Yet not one of them falls to the ground without your Father’s knowledge. Even all the hairs of your head are counted. So do not be afraid, you are worth more than many sparrows ( Matt 10:29-31 ).”. What an amazing God, what love for His children(all 7,794,798,739 of us).
Awesome photo of God’s handy work!
Color, balance, unity, harmony, texture, beauty and companionship, all there in God's great original artwork. Thank You Lord Jesus
God is the greatest scientist. When we look at how complex the universe is, we have to marvel at His intelligence. There is nothing that holds the earth.
Psalms 8:3-4,"When I behold Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have set in place— 4 what is man that You are mindful of him, or the son of man that You care for him?"
Every time that you think about how fragile we are, we have to praise God for creating us the way He did.
He is so great and big that the universe cannot contain Him, but He becomes so small by dwelling in our hearts. I praise God not only because He created me, but also, because He saved me in Jesus-Christ.
1Peter 1: 12, "They were told that their messages were not for themselves, but for you. And now this Good News has been announced to you by those who preached in the power of the Holy Spirit sent from heaven. It is all so wonderful that even the angels are eagerly watching these things happen."
Even the angels in heaven who didn't sin cannot comprehend the science of salvation.
Ellen White Stated: "The plan of salvation had its place in the counsels of the Infinite from all eternity (Fundamentals of Christian Education 186.2)"
Before we were even created, God had the plan of salvation because He knew that we would sin. Every sabbath reminds me that I am His creation and He has redeemed me through His blood. Let us continue to dig deeper in the word. We will spend ETERNITY learning about the science of salvation. Happy Sabbath Beloved.
God in control of all people's lives. Even the evolutionists they undergo burials conducted by church leaders. Thus God is the greatest scientist, biologist and astronomist.
Christianity education shows God as the mother of modern science.God who created the universe has revealed Himself in the Bible to be kind.There is a sufficient basis for Arts and Science to study the universe.
Simeon you said-'Christianity education shows God as the mother of modern science'. Can you explain what do you meant. The word 'God' and 'mother' is confusing to me.
Hey Lin
Thanks for your concern.What I actually meant is that God is the source, the originator and the genesis of science,and, therefore, the essence of true education or Christian education should draw us back to the Bible where we find a loving God who, when we approach with simplicity and contrition of heart, will open our brain faculties to find the basis for Arts and Science to explore what takes place around us.Thanks Lin
Hi Lyn, you said, "The word 'God' and 'mother' is confusing to me".I know how this might sound confusing. I know the concept of God as mother(female) is a little outside of the box but God is "mother", "father", "sister", "brother". HE is all and in all. I think this quote from Sunday's lesson would help "The loving-kindness of God can be seen in the place that a fetus develops: right below the steady beating of a mother’s heart. As the fetus enlarges, so does the mother’s abdomen, right out in front of her person. The expectant mother is made always aware of her child, just as our heavenly Father is always aware of His children." I tried to add to this quote but could not, it says it all.
God bless.
Spiritually Jesus does seem to present as a female, nurturing the churches.
And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle. Rev 1:13
God as the mother***does it fit... I think if we can say "founder and author" of modern science it will help us understand better.... I stand to be corrected.
Br. Maurice,
"How's that for God as the artist?" A PERFECT 10!!
And a good photographer too! Thank you for sharing and bring solace to our eyes.
God bless you.
Education in Arts and Sciences-
Arts and sciences are two vast subjects areas but let me first establish that in everything created by Jesus there is a counterfeit to it. We as Christians should not be fooled in believing because something looks good and sounds good, it must be good. Satan has his counterfeit to all arts and science.
We knew life is stressful to some of us Christians. Many will point us to places where we can relieve our stress instead of pointing us to the bible. The bible is a book that has everything in it but we do not seek it for our ailments.
Let me look at health and wanting to become healthy and staying healthy. Under Health comes 'mindfulness'. Mindfulness is a big topic being throw around in our work place. Under 'Mindfulness' comes all of those ancient healing practices and modern day practices that we are told is good for us to maintain good health. There are numerous out there but how do we know what is good for us SDA Christians and what is not good. I mentioned before about scoring a failing grade 'F' in college/university because of one elective class. No way I was not going to denied Jesus to score an 'A'.
In college/university I had two academic advisors who were into the 'Arts and Sciences'. One believed in homeopathic and the other one believed in ancient and modern healing. As a result, one of her teaching was in Reiki 1&2. I took the class but had no idea about what I was getting into. I did the practical and then we went to another person to do the theory. All the way I was praying and asking the Holy Spirit to cover me because I was not sure if I was even going or doing the right thing. We had to sit on the floor and listen to the teaching then lay on a litter/stretcher. Another had to say/do something and then, for some reason a mystic feeling were felt. I listened, did not believed in what I was asked to do, but to this day I did not felt or perceived anything. The way I went was the same way I left. I was not hypnotized and was praying that I would not.
Solution-Any Art and Science that does not acknowledge God as creator and sustainer of this world must be forsaken. Must not a people seek the Lord for all our ailments?
What I have done- I personally gave up $$$$ worth of freebee offered by my work place to relieved stress (as they called it to workers) and accepted the bible as my spiritual guide. Being stress is not a problem, being in distress is the ability of not being able to cope.
Yoga is one being introduced in our churches. Let us read up about it and see what we think?
My comments focus on discovering what the ultimate goal of ‘Education in Arts and Sciences’ is. The creationist's approach to understanding that which is not yet known to the curious mind will certainly challenge his/her skills in careful analysis, but it will also pose another challenge – his/her Faith.
I ask myself the question: what ultimately is at the core of anything related to discovery in the various schools of science and art – really anything manifested and potentially, through our intellect, understood by us?
One of the lesson references provides me interesting insight in this regard. ( () related to options in the bible margin)
Rom.1:18-21KJV -
(18 )“For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;
(19) “Because that which may be known of God is manifest in(to) them; for GOD hath shewed it unto them.”
(20) “For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so(or that they may be) without excuse.”
(21) “Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful: but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.”
‘The *Wrath of God*, the consequence of not being thankful and glorifying God, is revealed in the darkened heart and mind of those who became vain in their imaginations, because of when they NEW God, they did not glorify Him as God. Those who receive these consequences due to their vain approach to science are those who at one time “knew” Him.
Reading these verses about ‘God’s wrath on Unrighteousness’, I can see the depravity of those who hold the truth, but do not praise the Creator and glorify Him as God; should this not alert us to reach out to all of them and rekindle the old flame of KNOWING?
Is I understand it, the ultimate goal of unraveling the mysteries of God’s Creation should always result in thankfulness and praising the Creator even more!
Isaiah 55:1-2, 8-9: Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost. Why spend money on what is not bread, and your labor on what does not satisfy? Listen, listen to me, and eat what is good, and your soul will delight in the richest of fare......."For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the Lord. "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."
I just finished paying my state college loans this January. I loved my BA courses in Anthropology/Geography, learned a lot for my minor in Music, worked days and went to night classes for M Ed. All that money, all those midnight hours in my late teens, early 20s and mid 30s. My personal life spiraled off into sinking sand while I was gaining all that knowledge because nothing I was learning addressed my need for spiritual growth and developing a rock solid faith in Jesus as Savior.
I would say to my 18-year-old self, "Why spend money on what is not bread and your labor on what does not satisfy?" God offers real knowledge in His Words that can't be understood through GPAs and IQs because His thoughts are so much higher than mine. Jesus offers us Himself, the "Living Bread", the "Living Waters", for all who are hungry and thirsty and poor. He offers this with free tuition. No loans. He covered the cost Himself.
And to my current self I say, "God loves you so much. The Word you heard as a little girl He kept in your heart all these years and He is now reminding you that His Word will not return to Him empty, 'but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it' Isaiah 55:11." Amen.
Today in Sabbath School our leader said something like "The right message delivered in the wrong Spirit helps the cause of Satan."
When I saw the reference to Education in the "Arts and Sciences" in this week's lesson title I am reminded of that. Spreading the gospel message is both an Art and a Science.
Science: knowing the absolute truth, the precision of the gospel message, analysis and understanding of spiritual terms like "justification", evaluating Paul's writings on the natures of the spiritual and non-spiritual person, theories of evangelism, etc.
Art: stories, relationships, emotions, intense personal communication, experiencing the Holy Spirit through prayer, Bible study and lifestyle, visiting each other in homes, developing friendships, being there for each other in milestones, work and play together, etc.
Jesus is the Great Architect in the world of nature and also in His divine blueprint for the construction of His Church. As His witnesses, He instructs us in both the Arts and Sciences of how to be a member of His Body and how to encourage others to receive and follow Him.
Esther- I must comment on the two articles
1. You mentioned about all those years of studying and then have to pay back for the loads. 'My personal life spiraled off into sinking sand while I was gaining all that knowledge because nothing I was learning addressed my need for spiritual growth and developing a rock solid faith in Jesus as Savior.'
That is so true, we can gain this whole world of knowledge and go on and on in our studied and still loose our soul. Then, what is the purpose of Education? When I was in higher Edu my advisor took us to the cemetery on one class visit. She told us to go and read the tomb stones. As I beheld the readings and looked at some of the fancy and expensive ones I asked myself many questions? Where do I stand with my education before a Holy Father!!!! Many who are in the grave were very intellectual humans. Some had no tomb stones only a cross.
2. Liked how you explained the Arts and Science- does my education prevents me from visiting, mixing with, laughing and crying with the uneducated, the marginalized, the outcast in society, the lonely, those who do not look, act or talk like me, the oppressed. Do I use my education artfully to bring glory to God?
Thank you so much for your feedback, Lyn! Your 2nd comment is especially thought-provoking for me, do I ever box myself in because of my education and let that be a stumbling block from developing empathy? Our country as a whole is doing some soul-searching right now, having important dialogues about institutional racism, nationalism, misogyny, prejudice of all kinds. Our life paths become isolated from each other based on socio-economic classes. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we encouraged our youth, of all incomes and backgrounds, more towards developing skills of empathy and understanding in compassion first and THEN to choose a career and buckle down with books and year(s) of volunteering, mingling with all walks of life and cultures, community service, travel, and a wilderness experience alone praying and applying Scripture like Jesus did (and Moses) before He began His ministry.
In answer to your question "what is the purpose of Education?" I'd like to agree with Maurice (under Monday's comments) that the Arts and Sciences themselves are not inherently "opposed to belief". It's just that as humans we only have so many hours in the day, a finite bank account of time. We can spend that time developing our creative talents, creating a product or piece of art, learning science and researching, adding to our knowledge. We know Solomon had a lot of nature knowledge (1 Kings 4:29-34) and the apostle Paul was very educated, attended the school of Gamaliel (located in Jerusalem), one of the most noted rabbis in history. Also he had broad exposure to classical literation, philosophy and ethics. He used his education to reach seekers of truth of all nationalities. It is Paul who reminds us about the worth of education in 1 Corinthians 13:1-3. He says that speaking all languages, even the languages of angels, having all knowledge to fathom all mysteries, doing all the community service, being able to prophecy, having deep faith....ALL of this means something ONLY in the context of being filled with God's Love. Otherwise "I gain nothing" (vs. 3). So for me it's about how to use my time and making sure whatever I'm doing it's kingdom work and seeking first God's kingdom.
I learn to take things with a grain of salt! Where is Maurice Ashton when you need him?
Out photographing birds in 44C heat!
No thank you, I've had enough of 111.2º here in Phoenix AZ. We just came off our hottest summer ever. We had one stretch of 50 days with temps at 110º or hotter. Even the little birds at my feeder were panting.
Maurice: I always look forward to your comments. They are challenging, insightful, educational, enriching and above all a blessing. However in my humble opinion, all of the many thousands of words you have written, nothing encapsulated all of the above better than that single breath taking photograph of the birds. More of the same please.
Thank you for your kind comments Marcia. If you would like to see more of my nature and bird photography, I have a YouTube channel where you can watch several slideshows that I have put together.
Several churches I know of use some of these as visual preludes to their church services. I have deliberately not included any sound tracks to avoid copyright issues.
Terrific photo Maurice - from one photographer to another. Can you share the high level metadata. Incredible beauty!
Thank you for your kind comments Wayne. The photograph was taken on a Nikon D500 with a Sigma 150-600mm lens at 1/250s F9.0 at 650 ISO. It was taken on a dull cloudy day (bright sunlight tends to wash out the colour) More to the point it took patience and persistence. I visited the site every day for over a week (and still do) and have taken a couple of hundred photos (and thrown out 190 of them). 🙂 But you probably suspected that already.
I am somewhat surprised that no one mentioned that most cultures believed in creation by a god or gods until about 200 years ago . The Scopes trial in 1925 led to a shift in American education. He was convicted of teaching evolution rather than biblical creation . Today most highschool biology texts promote evolution as fact. It has been reported that even the pope says that God is not a magician and evolution is not contrary to biblical teaching .!!!!! The story of creation and fall combined with Gen 3:15 gives this poor sinner hope for a future without aches, pains , death etc. A time when the beauty of Maurice’s pictures would be just a peak of the beauty which would surround us.
I live close to where the Scope's Trial was held. And each time I am able to drive by the old courthouse, I think about and am perplexed by a created being's need to honor something other than their Creator God... For me, this shouts "doubt" very loudly, which is what happened with Eve at the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. The lesson for me is, what are the things in my life that permit doubt to creep in and destroy my relationship with God? The beauty of art and science is that it is part of our God's creation and while it is ok to ask questions, it is the intent of those questions that lead us into a deeper faith experience or a loss of faith.