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Sabbath: The Family — 8 Comments

  1. I like to remind myself that by the time I went to school at 5 years old, my parents had taught me most of what I would learn, ever! School, university, post-grad is only icing on the cake when it comes to education. Not just knowledge, but spiritual and moral values, health principles, and living skills.

    And we are going to study the family as education for only one week? We better do our homework. Oops, that's a pun isn't it?

  2. Now days we are so blessed to have so many resources as parents to teach our children the stories and morals from the Bible.
    Even from tiny there are books and videos that help bring the stories to life.
    My children and grandchildren loved this series
    "My Bible Friends by Etta B. Degering" with beautiful illustrations.
    Even though it was a long time ago, I remember the lessons I learned from "Uncle Arthur's Bedtime Stories"
    And of course where possible taking them to sabbath schools which provide even more resources and activities.

  3. Ellen White’s writings are full of nuggets of Wisdom – I appreciate this very much! Today’s lesson quotes her saying: “Fathers and mothers were to instruct their children that the law of God is an expression of His character, and as they received the principles of the law into the heart, the image of God was traced on mind and soul.”

    I wish I would have understood this truth better when we raised our three children. As parents we modeled to them character principles, but we did not point out clearly enough the heavenly Father as the source of goodly character. All the children enjoy clarity about right and wrong (though the schools tried their best to instill their teachings of situation ethics); but in hindsight, I can see the importance to teach a deep, spiritual understanding that ALL good 'things' come from God, the Father in Heaven – James 1:17-19, which are based on His Character. This would have "filled their hearts with deeper love and called forth fresh expressions of gratitude". (Ellen White)

    We certainly taught them to be responsible for their actions, take care to make good choices and not to develop vices; we thank God to have succeeded in these regards. I even took on home-schooling in the formative years to make sure that all school-learned, basic knowledge of the two Rs and the A is assured; they all graduated with honors and went on to University to get their degrees – but, they do not maintain their personal relationship with God!

    Yes, the ‘Image of God was traced on mind and soul’, but it takes an active, personal faith-love-relationship with the Father to continue walking with Him. If not, He is filed away as just another source for developing ‘self’.
    And this is where we have fallen short as parents. We worked diligently to prepare them for this world, but neglected to instill in our children the right understanding of the Love God has for His Creation in this temporal existence.

    Doing all the right things, behaving in all the right ways is still a step away from understanding the all-encompassing Love the Father has for His children and His Creation - it takes a relationship with Him to be known by Him and to know Him. There is so much to learn - we’ll stay in His classroom forever!

  4. The Family was intended by God to be the first school through which children would learn important lessons. The first teacher for our first parents, Adam & Eve, was of course God. The Almighty God gave them the task of pointing their children towards important markers that would help them become vibrant followers of Jesus.

    It's important to recall that the 5th commandment of God says: Honour your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the LORD your God is giving you.” The respect and honour children give to their parents will ultimately be transferred to God Almighty. Therefore
    Parents should always teach and guide their children to know, respect and love God. They should do so lovingly, tenderly and patiently rightly setting them on the path of eternal life. In raising children, parents are expected by God to instill respect for God and His authority - that God is sovereign. Thus the Bible states: "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom." (Ps 111:10)

    We must remember that the good education we receive on earth will continue into eternity. The education ww give our children in our families will continue into eternity. That's how vitally important education in the family is. We should teach our children to accept God's grace.

  5. Train up a child in the way he should go....PROV 22:6

    Bro Maurice, did you said at '5 years old, my parents had taught me most of what I would learn, ever! School, university, post-grad is only icing on the cake when it comes to education'. Can you explain how a 5 year old can grasp so much wisdom and knowledge?
    Sis Shirley- let us remember this is a world wide site, there are people coming from third world countries with all their struggles, second world countries and well developed countries. Therefore many of the things we have in developed countries are not present or easily accessible to the poor in some countries. Many things people in rich countries take for granted.

    • A young child has a brain like a sponge. It soaks up everything. That is a very good reason for parents to know what their child is being exposed to in those formative years.

    • Lyn, so true I praise the LORD for what I and my children had available, I am sorry for those who don't have as much.
      If they are reading this blog, however, then I believe they have access to the internet and there are many free resources available on it.

  6. The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life, to depart from the snares of death.

    Many Christian parents feel guilty whenever their children are grown and depart from the laws of a loving God. Many times parents do their best with the knowledge they have at hand. Some SDA have closed their eyes in training their children to fear a Holy Father.
    Three stories in the bible still amazes me, the do not get old. Every time I read them, a new knowledge is brought out.
    1. Aaron two rebels sons- Lev 10:1-7.
    2. Eli two rebels sons- 1 Sam 2:12, 25-36
    3. Samuel two rebels sons- 1 Samuel 8:1-5

    These three men were all High Priest if my memories served me well. How can their sons who were Priests lived such reckless lives?

    Solution to this- as parents and grand parents/aunts/uncles, we must live to please God and train up those who are in our contact to fear him.

    What I have done- recently I went to visit a family member. I had a little 5 yr old in my care. We had devotion to begin the sabbath and end the sabbath. Two days later the 5 yr old asked me if we not having devotion any more, she asked me this almost every night.
    One day we were sitting together and she began to ask me about who is Jesus, does Jesus hear us when we pray, does he sees us and cares for us and several other questions. This child is from a Muslim home and she told us prayer is not said in her home and well as they dont speak about Jesus. The Lord had used me to be a light to this child.


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