Sabbath: Jesus Showed Sympathy
Read for This Week’s Study: 2 Kings 13:23; Exod. 2:23-25; Luke 7:11-16; 1 John 3:17; John 11:35; Rom. 12:15; 2 Cor. 1:3-4.
Memory Text: “And when Jesus went out He saw a great multitude; and He was moved with compassion for them, and healed their sick” (Matthew 14:14, NKJV).
How much more tragic could it be? A 17-year-old girl, struggling with what most 17-year-old girls struggle with, except with so much more, took her own life. Who could imagine the parents’ devastation?
Their pastor came over to the house. He sat down in the living room next to them and for a long time said nothing. He just immersed himself in their grief. Then he, the pastor, started sobbing. He sobbed until his tears ran dry. Then, without saying a word, he got up and left.
Sometime later, the father told him how much he appreciated what the pastor had done. He and his wife, at that time, didn’t need words, didn’t need promises, didn’t need counseling. All they needed, right then and there, was raw sympathy.
“I can’t tell you,” he said to the minister, “how much your sympathy meant to us.”
Sympathy means “with pathos,” and “pathos” is related to pity, tenderness, or sorrow. It means being “with” someone but in a profound way. Showing sympathy toward the sorrows of others takes the question of “mingling” with others to a whole new level.
Showing sympathy was also a crucial way that Jesus reached people.
* Study this week’s lesson to prepare for Sabbath, August 20.

I can't imagine the mixed emotions of the parents as well as the pastor. Sorrow, grief, certainly, but the main question soon becomes, how and why? As shock eventually subsides, they struggle to look for blame. Questions in the minds of the parents. Is there any guilt that could have been avoided? A tragedy that is as heart rending as endurance can bear. Yes sympathy in the right way and place is irreplaceable. The only real meaningful comfort, comes from the hope that our Savior provides. Jesus is the answer that gives the compassion and comfort that is sought after the most.
Symphathy is the foundation of GOD'S character.
Jesus performed some miracles as signs of his identity He used other miracles to teach importa t truths.but here we read that He healed people because He "had compassion on them" Jesus was,and is,a loving,caring,and feeling person.when u are suffering remember that Jesus hurts with you.He has compassion on you
The fact is that the majority of this world is uncaring and selfish. God is our refuge and strength a very present help in troubled times. Psalms 46:1... Our only salvation.
Jesus was moved with compassion as He saw the crowd that followed Him, partly because of their physical ailments and partly because of their spiritual want. They were like a sheep without a shepherd. He saw that the crowd was desirous to hear Him expound the Word of God. As Christ's followers and ambassadors on earth God wants us, His church, to be a kind, loving, compassionate and merciful presence of His Son among the poor, suffering, oppressed, marginalized members of our societies. We have to move the church beyond its inward-focussed fixation to a vibrant externally missionary priesthood utilizing the talents God has given us. Clearly, this calls for us to move beyond the walls of our churches to bring hope, light and relief to a dying and dark world, a world that is insensitive to human suffering. In doing this work we must be prompted by God's loving and compassionate heart for the poor. (Ezekiel 16:49; Luke 4: 16- 21). In this way we will show that we truly love God and our neighbour.
Thank you. My question was, "how is it that Jesus has compassion on all the people yet it is just some who were sick?" Before I posted it, you've given the answer. Everyone was lacking, it's just that to some, they had more than one sickness; physical and spiritual
When i compare myself with Jesus ,i feel very insufficient and useless as a representative of Him in this world.Oh my lord make me sufficient.
Thank you Edwin for the insight! That sickness can be either physical or spiritual and Jesus had compassion for all.
Nyaniso, It was several times that Jesus was among great multitudes always ministering their needs, both physical and spiritual. There are other times that Jesus healed one individual such as the woman with the issue of blood and Jairus's daughter. Luke 8:41- 48.
Rejoice with them that do rejoice and weep with them that weep
Romans 12:15
It is quite important and satisfying to bear one another's burden.
Even as we show empathy, we should never forget that some people will reject that sympathy. It is therefore important that we also try to give that which people are actually looking than presuming on the need. Sympathy gone wrong might come off as pride!
Thank you Gumbo, some people reject sympathy but as per our lesson today let us show sympathy even to those we think might reject it.