Sabbath: Justification by Faith Alone
Read for This Week’s Study: Gal. 2:15-21; Eph. 2:12; Phil. 3:9; Rom. 3:10-20; Gen. 15:5-6; Rom. 3:8.
Memory Text: “I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me” (Galatians 2:20, ESV).
As we saw last week, Paul publicly confronted Peter in Antioch for the lack of consistency between the faith he advocated and the behavior he displayed. Peter’s decision no longer to eat with former pagans suggested that they were second-rate Christians, at best. His actions implied that if they really wanted to be part of the family of God and enjoy the blessings of full table fellowship, they must first submit to the rite of circumcision.
What did Paul actually say to Peter on that tense occasion? In this week’s lesson, we will study what is likely a summary of what went on. This passage contains some of the most compressed wording in the New Testament, and it is extremely significant, because it introduces us for the first time to several words and phrases that are foundational both to understanding the gospel and to the rest of Paul’s letter to the Galatians. These key words include justification, righteousness, works of law, belief, and not only faith but even the faith of Jesus.
What does Paul mean by these terms, and what do they teach us about the plan of salvation?
Study this week’s lesson to prepare for Sabbath, July 22.

thank you for the lesson. l don't know if it me or we all noticed. fourth quarter 2011 is exactly as this quarter. the message is tamely and can never be over emphasized. may we be united never at the expense of the truth but for the glory of God.
Though the lessons look exactly like the 2011 edition, the message is relevant to 2017 and I believe we are going to learn something new. The gospel of the Kingdom does not age.
The commentary above wants us to believe that "Peter’s decision no longer to eat with former pagans suggested that they were second-rate Christians, at best. His actions implied that if they really wanted to be part of the family of God and enjoy the blessings of full table fellowship, they must first submit to the rite of circumcision."
Nothing in the scriptural passage supports that conclusion.
Peter's decision had nothing to do with a "suggestion" that the former pagans with second-rate Christians. Gal 2:12 clearly states that Peter withdrew out of fear of those who were of the circumcision.
Peter had absolutely no problem with the Gentiles, nor with eating with the Gentiles. As a matter of fact, in the culture of the day, eating with someone is much stronger that what we know today. It could include eating what they eat and mingling freely with the people. Peter had learned that there is no distinction as far as their standing in Christ, and they were saved, cleansed and justified just as the circumcised. He understood that they were part of the family of God. It is the Judaizers who held the prejudices.
The faith of the Gentiles made them whole and ready for eternity. They did not have to perform the works of the law to be saved. Peter fully understood that. However, his actions were supporting the erroneous beliefs of the "men who came from James," and giving credence to their faulty theology.
I think he misrepresented Christ in that act. Christ ate with sinners. As some who walked and talked with Him, where did he learnt that from? The commission was to make disciples teaching them to observe all that Christ taught them.He taught them to eat with sinners like He did.
What christ did to eat with sinners was an example to show us that no one is perfect in this world but we are supposed to share his message with each other. Paul say It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me” (Galatians 2:20, . Very strong message. I wish everyone who trust the words of our living God can sing this song that we live by faith in the son of God who loves us.
I love the memory text it made me realise that I have to do a self introspection I now ask my self that have I been crucified with Christ? does Christ live in me? and the life I live now in the flesh do I live it by faith in the son of GOD? I am really blessed