Sabbath: Laying Up Treasures in Heaven
Sabbath Afternoon
Read for This Week’s Study: Genesis 6:5-14, Hebrews 11:8-13, 2 Corinthians 4:18, Genesis 13:10-12, Genesis 32:22-31, Hebrews 11:24-29.
Memory Text: “For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?” (Mark 8:36-37, , NKJV).
Jesus gave us the world’s best investment strategy when He said: “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal” (Matthew 6:19-20, , NKJV). Jesus concludes His investment strategy by saying,
“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6:21, NKJV). In other words: show me what you spend your money on, and I will show you where your heart is, because wherever you put your money, your heart is sure to follow, if it’s not there already.
Do you want a heart for the kingdom of God? If so, then put your money where it will reap eternal rewards. Put your time and your money and prayer into God’s work. If you do, you will soon become even more interested in that work, and your heart will follow as well. This week we will review texts and illustrations that show us how to store up treasures in heaven and, ultimately, reap an eternal reward.
Study this week’s lesson to prepare for Sabbath, February 11.

... or, in modern parlance.
What is the point of being the richest man in the cemetery?
True, what are all the world's riches when I cannot buy life? I cannot buy love, hope, balance, peace, and the most precious gift of all that was freely given to me, Jesus! I cannot pay It back, but I can give what I have when I have the consciousness of God's Grace in my life. God help me not to hold back anything.
To your question. A fruitful life while alive!
Is treasure limited to how we spend money or the money we have ?
Following on from the final sentence in today's lesson, what is the eternal reward you are ultimately seeking? And what does the answer to that question suggest about your motivation for that reward - self-seeking or other-benefiting. A heart for God's Kingdom really does come down to that...
Matthew 6:21, NKJV This is what God has been placing on my heart quite a lot here of late. Not just as it relates to money, but time, abilities, and any other way God instructs me to be used in his service.
Absolutely none. There was a difference between Nicodemus and the rich young ruler, though. Nicodemus, after Christ's death, followed Christ and even supported the early Christian Church. Thank God for the book, The Desire of Ages, so readily available online for most now.
Starting out with describing the state of man and all flesh in Genesis 6:5-14, one recognizes that our Creator is committed to teach man to live peaceably with each other – Gen.6:11-12 - ”The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence. So God looked upon the earth, and indeed it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted their way on the earth.” But He implemented a plan of the salvation of mankind.
Financial responsibility is only one aspect which contributes to our ability to live peaceably with each other. Man’s interaction with/use of all that is present in this world, including time and effort, needs to be considered in light of their impact on our spiritual walk with God – by faith do we live the Word of God. The believer is either fully committed to His Maker’s Way of Truth and Light, or he is still lost in searching out for himself the way he wants to live, using his own understanding - Prov.3:5-6.
Anyone who accepts that the Holy Spirit’s directives give us understanding regarding God’s Way of Truth and Light, will experience peace of heart and mind. Once we believe, all we are asked to do is follow His Truth by faith. The transformed heart and mind directs the faculties of the body to act according to His Way; that is how the believer’s relationship with God is expressed.
Jacob persisted in his effort to be accepted by God as the steward of the responsibilities and blessings his forefathers had accepted by faith. He desired to be the one which carries on the work to establish God's people here on earth; people which through their life would express His Glory - and we are considered the offspring of Abraham who lived his life by faith as we lay up treasures in heaven for the Glory and Honor of our Creator whom we accept as our God.
I was a student at Oakwood College (now University) back in the 1980s, when I had the privilege of sitting in song-writer Eleanor Wight's living room, while at the piano she sang of Naaman the Leper: "When God wants seven, six won't do!"
Though God knows the very intents of our hearts, He judges in love. Ps. 139
Like Noah, Abraham, Lot, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, as well as we who accept God's will for our lives..., praise God that His desire to save us supercedes His ability to annihilate us in our fallen dispositions!
May we develop the mind of Him whose reward will not pass away. That's treasure, indeed!
I'm not convinced that putting money into God's work will make your heart go there. It is plenty easy to give even to good causes for the wrong reasons. The religious leaders of Jesus' time were likely great contributors to the temple etc. but their motives were wrong. I think your passion for God's work can increase as you give, but your heart really needs to be in the right place to begin with.
I agree with Phil as well about rewards. Certainly there are rewards for faithfulness, but I don't think that should be our motivation for giving. It's still selfish.
Where our treasure is our heart does that equate to how we spend money...?
We spend money on necessities of housing etc.
Does that mean our treasure is there?
Treasure is more than how we spend money and more on what is valuable to us plus our intentions. We all have valuables..our family , prized possessions etc.
I think we need to expound on what treasure is and not limit that verse to how we spend money.
I believe that “treasure” refers to whatever we value the most. That could be family, job, money. The root of it all is that if our hearts are filled with the love of Jesus our “treasures” will be in the right place -- i.e. we will use all of our resources to honor God, whether those resources are time, money, talents. The heart has to be right for the treasures to be used in accordance with God’s will