Sabbath – The Reminder of the Evidence
Andrew Legall recommended this video, writing that “it changed my view of the Sabbath radically.”
This conversation was recorded 30 years ago by the late Graham Maxwell, professor of New Testament studies at Loma Linda University, and Louis Venden of the PUC church. It is from a series of Friday evening programs called, “Conversations About God.” If you’ve never heard Graham Maxwell speak, you’re in for a treat – not just because of his marvellous speaking voice, but also because of how he focuses on the loving character of God. (My husband and I knew his voice long before we saw his face, having listened to many of his sermons on tape about 30 or so years ago.)
[weaver_vimeo autoplay=0 loop=0 portrait=1 start=15]
The first 33 minutes are taken up by Maxwell’s presentation, and the rest of the video consists of exchanges between Louis Venden, who reads some questions from the audience, and Maxwell’s responses. The whole video is worthwhile, but if you don’t have time for the full hour, try to make time for the first 33 minutes at least. I trust that it will change your view of the Sabbath if you currently find the Sabbath “difficult” or guilt-inducing, as some of you have commented. You can also view the video on Youtube perhaps on your YouTube app.)
New! MP3 file for those of you who would like to listen to this “Conversation” on the road. You may click on the link below to listen on your computer and save bandwidth over the video. Or right-click on the link and “Save us” to download to the device of your choosing: MP3 Reminder of the Evidence (13.0 MB)