Singing with Inspiration – Lesson 5
The thoughts in this week’s Sabbath School lesson lends itself to so many wonderful hymns. The first hymn coming to my mind in opening 1 Tim 1:15; Hymn 295, “Chief of Sinners Though I Be”.
One of the next thoughts in the Sabbath afternoon introduction to the weeks’ lesson encourages us with the Hymn 258, “Baptize Us Anew”. This theme comes back to us again in Monday’s lesson with the texts in Rom 6:1 – 11.
1 Cor 12:26 in Sunday’s Lesson brings rejoicing to us in Hymn 27, “Rejoice Ye Pure in Heart”, followed quickly by 1 Pet 3:8 and John 13:35 sharing the love of our God in Hymn 79, “O Love of God”.
The first sentence in Monday’s lesson tells us “our hope of salvation is found only in Him”, hence the singing of Hymn 522, “My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less”.
One of the most powerful points in the study this week is that “God gives the power to overcome our sins” (Monday’s lesson) with the beautiful Hymn 294, “Power In The Blood” giving a resounding Amen to this wonderful thought.
One of the last points in Monday’s lesson is that we daily surrender self to the Lord: Hymn 309, “I Surrender All”.
In Tuesday’s lesson, John 5:29, 2 Cor 5:10 and Heb 9:27 remind us of the judgment that is coming when Jesus Christ shall come to take us home: Hymn 416, “The Judgment Has Set”.
We are encouraged in 1 Pet 4:7 to be watchful in our prayers which raised two hymns: Hymn 478, “Sweet Hour of Prayer” and Hymn 501, “’Tis The Blessed Hour of Prayer”.
The final thought for hymns came from Prov 10:12 “Love covereth all sins” with the use of Hymn 183, “I Will Sing of Jesus’ Love”.