Singing with Inspiration – Lesson 4: Justification by Faith Alone
The word “Faith” in the title of this weeks’ lesson study opens a plethora of hymns in our Seventh-day Adventist Church Hymnal. Here are a few from which to choose to enhance your worship time:
Hymn 100, “Great Is Thy Faithfulness”
Hymn 132, “O Come, All Ye Faithful”
Hymn 169 or 170, “Come, You Faithful”
Hymn 304, ”Faith of Our Fathers”
Hymn 517, My Faith Looks Up to Thee”
Hymn 523, “O for a Faith”
Hymn 602, “O Brother, Be Faithful”
Hymn 608, “Faith Is the Victory”
Our Memory Text for this week, Galations 2:20, opens our singing with:
Hymn 570, “Not I, But Christ”.
Tuesday’s first text, Phil 3:9 raises:
Hymn 177, “Jesus, Your Blood and Righteousness”
To add to Wednesday’s study,
Hymn 590, “Trust and Obey” will accomplish this.
Blessings to you for a Happy Sabbath.