Singing with Inspiration – Lesson 5: The Faith of Abraham
The Sabbath School Lesson title instantly brought to mind:
Hymn 11, “The God of Abraham Praise” so we will commence our singing with this hymn. The introduction to our Sabbath School Lesson asks the question: “If Abraham’s works and law-keeping didn’t justify him before God, what hope do we have? This type of question is raised in:
Hymn 571, “What Does the Lord Require”.
In Sunday’s lesson we see that David was forgiven and restored. Each day we may ask in:
Hymn 399, “Forgive Our Sins as We Forgive”.
We will then answer the questions in
Hymn 571, “What Does the Lord Require” with a number of hymns including:
Hymn 108, “Amazing Grace”,
Hymn 109, “Marvellous Grace” and
Hymn 523, “My Faith Has Found a Resting Place”.
A little sung hymn that enlightens us more of The Promise on Tuesday’s lesson is:
Hymn 682, “As You Have Promised, Lord”
Grace becomes a prominent word in Wednesday’s lesson. Again we may sing:
Hymn 108, “Amazing Grace”, and
Hymn 109, “Marvellous Grace”, or
Hymn 607, “God of Grace and God of Glory”.
The death and resurrection of Jesus, points to the remedy for sin in Thursday’s study: Hymn 166, “Christ the Lord Is Risen Today”.
The final hymn to leave with you is:
Hymn 517, “My Faith Looks Up to Thee”.
“Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ”. – Romans 1:7