Singing with Inspiration – Lesson 9
A Precious Faith is obtained as a gift from God, says Sunday’s study, making one realise that we all would like to have such a faith. Hymn 533 – “O for a Faith” will enhance this sentiment. 2 Peter 1:4 raises Hymn 518 – “Standing on the Promises” as a reminder to all of the great and precious promises given by God.
Monday’s lesson ends, showing the greatest of Christian virtues, love. Hymn 76 – “O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go” reflects the thoughts of the study on Monday. We are then urged in 2 Peter 1:8 to live this love. Hymn 316 – “Live Out Thy Life Within Me”.
1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 is a treasure for all those who have lost their loved ones. So too is Hymn 526 – “Because He Lives”. Hymn 169 – “Come, You Faithful” (or Hymn 170 with a different tune) offers the same encouragement.
Thursday’s lesson sees Peter request that all followers should be firm in the “present truth” with this thought echoed in the words of the Hymn 509 – “How Firm a Foundation”. Once again our lesson studies point to our Lord Jesus Christ with Hymn 174 – “Star of Our Hope” telling the story of the triumphant King.