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Sunday: Christ the Center — 3 Comments

  1. love the story of King Josiah. Josiah became king of Judah at eight years old and was one of the best kings that nation ever had. Why? Because he went throughout the nation and tore down the idols and turned his people back to the one true God. He was sold out for God. For him, it was all or nothing.

    Idols can be the love of money or of fame, or maybe it’s acceptance we are lusting after. It could be our sports teams, music, or whatever it is that we are passionate about. It can be anything in which we spend our time trying to succeed, but our generation has a warped view of success. We spend so much time trying to gain popularity or strive to excel in things that have no ultimate impact. Someone once said , “Our greatest fear should not be of failure but of succeeding at things in life that don’t really matter.”

    Even as I am writing this I’m thinking to myself, “Do we really have to give God everything?” But the Bible says in Revelation 3:16, “So, because you are lukewarm – neither hot nor cold – I am about to spit you out of my mouth. I wish you were either one or the other!” God would rather us be totally indifferent towards Him than halfheartedly for Him. We are either in or out, hot or cold, against Him or for Him. There is no middle ground with God. You may be asking the same question that I am right now, “Is it worth it.” Well let’s take a look at who we would be giving our all for.

    Jesus Christ was beaten to the point where he was barely even recognizable as human. He was nailed to a cross and the punishment and shame for our sins were thrust upon his soul. The King of kings willingly left the perfection of heaven and became a man; the only one who is truly worthy to be served “came to serve, not to be served.” He was beaten, bruised, and broken. His skin was torn to pieces by whips composed of broken pieces glass and bone that shredded him to pieces. All of this he bore willingly, so that the people who placed him on that cross could be forgiven. If Christ did all of this for us – taking what we deserved – isn’t he worth every ounce of passion, talent, and energy that we have?! The very least Christ deserves is the very best we can give him.
    Christ should always be at the centre of everything, family being the core☝

  2. We live in a world where barriers abound. Like seeks like, and any difference is a threat. So those that attract build for themselves insulative barriers to keep the "others" out, or at least arms length.

    Barriers are good when they are utilized properly. Guardrails for those sharp curves on the road, to fences between humans and aggressive and unpredictable animals at the zoo. God's law is a type of barrier. But God's barriers are not ever given to limit freedom, only to steer one clear of reckless oblivion. But then men took God's statues and created all means by which to imprison themselves and others in. When men build barriers to protect themselves, they eventually imprison themselves. But when men let God be the guardrail in life, limitless latitude is acquired for a life of abundance and of being a blessing.

  3. Having Christ (love) as the center, all things come together to a balance. It is a standard that makes everything perfect, even in this divergent world! Unity is possible when purpose meets!


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