Sunday: The Election of Israel
Deuteronomy 7:7
Jewish tradition has taught that God made the covenant with Israel only because other nations rejected it first. Though there is no biblical evidence for that position, it does, however, help bring home the point that for whatever reasons the Lord chose the Hebrew nation, it was not because they were deserving of the high honor and privilege the Lord bestowed upon them.
They had no merit of their own that would make them worthy of God’s love and His choice of them as His people. They were few in number, a group of enslaved tribes, and politically and militarily weak. Plus, in terms of culture and religion, they were mixed, bland, and without much influence. The basic cause, then, for Israel’s election lay in the mystery of God’s love and grace.
At the same time, however, we need to be careful as we look at this idea of election, because it is fraught with the potential for theological misunderstanding. What did God choose Israel for? Was it to be redeemed, while everyone else was chosen to be rejected and lost? Or were they chosen to be vehicles who would offer the world what they had been offered? How do the following verses help us to understand the answers to these questions?
As Seventh-day Adventists, we like to view ourselves as the modern-day counterpart of Israel, called by the Lord, not to be the only ones redeemed but to proclaim the message of redemption, in the context of the three angels’ messages, to the world. In short, we believe we have something to say that no one else is saying. This is, basically, the situation with ancient Israel, as well. The purpose of Israel’s election was not to turn the Hebrew nation into some exclusive club, hoarding the promise of salvation and redemption for themselves. On the contrary, if we believe that Christ died for all humanity (Hebrews 2:9), then the redemption the Lord offered Israel was offered to the whole world as well. Israel was supposed to be the vehicle by which this redemption was to be made known. Our church has been called to do the same thing.
Look at your own role in the church. What can you do to help promote the work that we have been called to do? Remember, if you are not actively helping, more than likely you are, to some degree, standing in the way. |

This is great, we are called something other than legalistic believers. I can go for the label as Proclaimers of the Message of Redemption.
Christ died for us so that we may have eternal life.
God loved us so much He gave us His Son to die for us. He saves us to the uttermost, if we turn to Him through Jesus Christ. Hebrews 7:25. He calls us to come home, accepting us as His people, warning us to not climb the fence, as a theif, rather enter through the door. Christ is that the door, John 10:7, He is also the Way, the Truth, and the Life. John 14:6. He says He would that we would not sin, but if we do sin He is our advocate before the Farther. 1John 2:1-2. He will forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1John1:9.
I must share verse 3 with the extra definition.
And this is how we may discern [daily, by experience] that we are coming to know Him [to perceive, recognize, understand, and become better acquainted with Him]: if we keep (bear in mind, observe, practice) His teachings (precepts, commandments).
1 John 2:3 AMPC.
He is lonely up there. He wants a us to have a relationship with Him.
This is all good news of the Gospel.
Yes, as it says "we have something to say that no one else saying". In the context of three angel's messages, an adventist has a role in our neighborhood. Because we are more different from anyone, though not all of us (adventist) has the same talents that God gave to us, we have one tell the truth. I remember when the days of no covid-19 yet, many large evangelization are being made of many churches up to the remote areas, many cottage meetings are being conducted our brethren are so supportive , few are the speaker, some are lend their singing talents, some do inviting friends, neighbors, others preparing foods to offer, helping invited people in searching bible verses, do share the health lectures and singing praises to the Lord. All of these nowadays have gone, in the presence of corona virus. But God's work never stop, large gathering no longer permitted, God's people do more to spread the gospel. Using the social media, adventist with talents in defending the truth of God's words lunches their own programs and it is being introduced thru Facebook, YouTube etc. that everyone can watched all over the world. We simple people, can continue helping by do sharing their programs to our contact friends. Some of our brethren doing these kind of defending God's truth are just in simple living, they need also monetary to pay bills in electric, internet, etc. So, do I support them. To be a part of their advocacy ,to tell the world about the words are so feel satisfied, because we praise God in such a way. I pray each of you can participate, because it is not just for our own, but for everyone as God from the beginning told us not merely exclusive for the Israelites.
Go ye therefore and teach all nation......Matt 28:19-20.
The Election of Israel
'Look at your own role in the church. What can you do to help promote the work that we have been called to do?'
If I truly believe I am a spiritual Israelite I need to both live and tell my friends and those I come in contact with about the love of Jesus and his power to heal, cleanse, sustain, save, etc.etc.
I met three persons recently- A Buddha, a Jew and a Roman Catholic (RC). Three different experiences. There are some people who will not listen to me speak about Jesus but the life which I live will show that I know Jesus and he is living with and in me. I gave the RC person one of our little books and two quarterly. I will speak of those experiences another time.
A spiritual Israelite is happy to tell about Jesus. I used my own experiences/testimonies about the power of Jesus in my life and what he has done for me and family. To provide, protect, sustain, heal, deliver, etc etc. When we listen to others and observe them living in sin and living in ignorance of the power of Jesus we have no other choice but to let them know about this Jesus we serve. We are overjoyed to speak about his.
Isn't there actually some support for the traditional idea of other nations rejecting God's grace, since all came from Noah with whom God made a covenant? Paul also tells how those who did not worship God have had to reject the knowledge of Him which is seen in His created works. Abraham was the one exception we are told of, and Israel was his promised offspring, which God promised to bless. God also knew the future and saw the faithful few that would exist among Abraham's descendants, as well as the wicked among them who would reject and crucify the "lamb of God".
Scripture makes clear God's love for the whole world, every child of Adam's race, and His desire that none need perish. “For God so loved the world...”.
I am no Bible scholar, what I do know is that Jesus, accepts us as we are,He is the physician of all, His words are forever, and He is to be trusted over all.He has taken away my stony heart and replaced it with a heart of flesh. He's my Savior and all I owe, belongs to Him. It starts with one.
I'm always bothered by the thought that we Adventist are "spiritual Israel". When I read the bible I don't see other nations or peoples who upheld and believed in the true God. When I compare life now there are so many " spiritual Israel's for they too tell others about the one true God. We don't have a monopoly of the salvation story and of leading men and women to Christ. If we think that only we SDA's have the truth then the world is in trouble.
Amen to your comment, wrong replacement theology that SDAs is the only true spiritual Israel.
All who believe in Jesus will be saved and will be in the kingdom soon, I learned that everyone in God’s kingdom will be “SDA” because they will be worshiping on the Sabbath in heaven and while on this earth all have been “Adventists” as well, because they were looking for Jesus second coming !
I don’t know why the Sabbath school lesson even mentions Israel as a nation was not God’s first choice. That’s ludicrous! Israel was God’s first choice and always will be, even in the future.
Hello Judilia, based on your comment, I must ask: why are you SDA then? Yes, the Bible teaches that all who are Christ's(by faith) are "Abraham's seed, and heirs...", with no denominational limits, as long as they follow all the light they have been given.
I happen to be SDA because other denominations don't accept certain bible truths which I find to be important to know and follow.