Sunday: Jesus Prays for Himself
The high-priestly prayer is divided into three parts. First, Jesus prays for Himself (John 17:1-5), then for His disciples (John 17:6-19), and finally for those who would later believe in Him (John 17:20-26).
Read John 17:1-5. What is the essence of His prayer, and what does it mean for us?
Jesus intercedes first for Himself. In preceding events in the Gospel of John, Jesus had indicated that His hour had not yet come (John 2:4, John 7:30, John 8:20). But now He knows the hour of His sacrifice is here. The moment for the dramatic conclusion of His earthly life has arrived, and He is in need of strength to complete His mission. It is a time for prayer.
Jesus will glorify His Father by doing His will, even if it means He must endure the Cross. His acceptance of the Cross is not some kind of fatalism; rather, it is in fact how He exercises the authority the Father has given Him. He did not die a martyr’s death but willingly glorified His Father by fulfilling the reason for His incarnation: His sacrificial death on the cross for the sins of the world.
What is eternal life according to John 17:3? What does it mean to know God?
First and foremost, Jesus tells us eternal life consists in our personal knowledge of God. This is not salvation by works or by knowledge, but rather it is the experience of knowing the Lord because of what Jesus has done for us at the Cross. This knowledge is mediated through a personal relationship with the Father. Our human tendency is to limit knowledge to facts and details, but here Jesus aims at something deeper and more fulfilling: a personal relationship with God. Jesus’ first advent was also for the purpose to guide humanity in its search for a more meaningful and saving knowledge of God and the unity with each other that such knowledge will lead to.
What is the difference between knowing about God and knowing God personally? What experiences have you had that have helped you come to know God? |

What experiences have you had that have helped you come to know God?
For me, it has been ‘rock bottom’ situations (either my own or other people I am trying to assist) where I have experienced the reality that “without Him I can do nothing” (Jn 15:5). Being in that place drives me to learn of God in order to better understand what is going on and what can (and cannot) be done about it. It would appear that this was similar for David and I therefore can relate to David’s personal experiences reflected in the psalms at such times.
It is said, no pain - no gain. In my life, the greatest gains in my ‘knowledge’ of God have unfortunately always come from times of greatest (emotional) pain. Yes, I learn at other times too, but not to the depth that I do when pain is greatest.
I have found those low moments are instrumental in helping me to refocus, and to see the vanity of this world. Such times magnify the true need of the soul for that which is not just enduring, but uplifting and sanctifying.
To know God as He may be known, the best experiences have been when shutting out the world, praying for the Lord to reveal Himself, then turning to His sacred word where we are told we will find Him. We are to live "by every word that proceeds from God", and it is there that I have found the knowledge of God, and Jesus Christ whom He has sent to save all who desire His salvation, and not from the "great" men who may speak of their knowledge of God, which many have chosen to follow instead of being taught of the Lord Himself as He has promised. He stands and knocks that He might gain personal entry into our lives, but we too often allow so much to keep Him outside of our closest personal communion.
His personal presence with me, being alone with God, has been my greatest experience this side of when we will be face to face in His glory. Every earthly distraction must be banished if we are to dwell in the secret place of the Most High, and abide in the shadow of the Almighty One. This requires planing and execution to achieve. Jesus spent many such hours alone with His Father, and it is our privilege to do the same.
This is what I have found to bring that saving knowledge to light.
Some people use John 17:3 to claim that Jesus is not God.
They say " The Father is the only true God; Jesus is not the father, therefore Jesus is not God.
In saying that the Father is the only true God, the deity of Jesus is neither affirmed nor denied, for it might be that Jesus is one with the father or that he shares His father's nature a claim that Jesus repeatedly makes in the Bible.
This verse supports the Trinity and the deity of Christ.
1. It teaches the unity of God as is manifested by the phrase " you, the only true God. "
2. It teaches that the father and the son are personally distinct as is manifested by the phrase " and Jesus Christ whom you have sent. "
3. It teaches that Jesus is God, co-equal with the father for was he not God, he would never as here, join himself with the father, the only true God; and besides, eternal life is made to depend as much upon the knowledge of him, as of the father.
To have eternal life is to have a deep relationship with both the father and the son, not one without the other.
In 1 John 5:20 Jesus is called "the true God and eternal life.
One difference I see between knowing God and personally knowing God is love. Love motivates your heart to follow Him.
For me it has been to come to understand and utilize the divine science of the prayer of faith spoken of by EGW in page 257 of the book Education. I learned about this prayer after having been a SDA for seven years and still having no peace, or joy. I had three headaches a week because of this, one always made me vomit and aspirin did not help it. I had chosen to be a bachelor rather than to bring a woman into this mess of mine. However, after going through the seven lesson PRAYER OF FAITH seminar I began to experience God's true JOY and PEACE and those headaches became less and less and then God led me to the WOMAN of my life and we have successfully happily married for over 40 years with one SON that is fully committed to JESUS.
I have come to an acknowledgment of who God is, after I have tried it on my own. While I have place more trust in my spouse than God,without expecting that we often fail each other. While I seek happiness, comfort, worth,validation and fulfillment in the eyes of men like me.
Dear brothers and sisters trust ,lean and surround yourself in His truth, He will revive, redeem and restore you like no other source can.
I wounder if Jesus here in John 17 did set the example for private prayer? I often leave myself out except for supplication. He likes to hear about my everyday life my feelings, passion, pain, love, peace, and joy, and my plans. As I pray I open up my heart to Him, I feel close to God as a friend. In praying for myself as Christ did, I have assended to Him. I know about God and His character through His Word, but to communicate with Him about my thoughts, my desires, and trust in Him opens up an avenue to know God.
As to John 17,3: There seems to be a difference between knowledge of theological facts only (objective knowledge) and salvatory knowledge (personal knowledge of Christ out of experience). Nicodemus knew hat Christ was a teacher sent from God on the basis of miracles Christ was working (John 3:2). But did he have a personal relationship with Christ? At this point probaly not, as he was combered with a load of doubt (John 3:4).
To abide in Christ as the branch abides in the vine is experiential knowledge of Christ that leads to salvation (John 15:4). So Nicodemus still had a way to go in order to have a knowledge of experiential salvation, which Christ also mentioned to him (John 3:11)
Winfried Stolpmann
Note that although Christ was given authority over all flesh (Matt 28:18,19) He gives the promised eternal life (Tit 1:2; 1 Jn 2:25) only to those who belong to the Father and are given to Christ, the children of promise (Jn 17:6,9,24; 6:37-40; 10:27-29; Heb 2:13-17; Rom 9:6-8; Gal 3:29).
As long as we also keep in mind “whosoever believes in Him” Jn 3:16 when we read the words “the children of promise”. The children of promise are ANY and ALL those who embrace God’s promise of salvation - as Abraham did (see Rm 4:21).
You may have already been implying this, but just in case...
"those who belong to the Father" by exercising faith in Jesus, who faithfully taught all to "repent and believe the Gospel". So we see that those who repent and then exercise saving faith by "observing all things that [He] has commanded" us to follow will have "power to become the sons of God".
Malachi 3:18 highlights this difference as "the righteous and the wicked...him that serves God and him that serves Him not".
knowing about God is like knowing someone casually, an associate. We know them, but we wouldn't share any deep secrets with them because of our level of understanding of them. But knowing God personally means, He can finish my sentences, He knows what I am thinking before I say it, I respect Him because I know Him and I value Him as my friend. I value our relationship that we have built over time.
The statement which said that: He did not die a martyr's death, but willing to glorified His father by fulfilling the reason for His coming incarnation:vHis sacrificial death on the cross for the sins of the world. What does it mean?
I believe He was a Martyr of sorts considering the nature of the accusation and how they obviously were hoping that He would retract and renounce His Son of God statements.
He was not a martyrs in any form. He gave His life freely,being obedient to His Father.