Sunday: Sailing to Rome
After about two years of confinement in Caesarea (Acts 24:27), Paul was to be sent to Rome. Judging by the first person plural and the richness of details used to describe the long and turbulent sea journey to Italy (Acts 27:1-28:16), Luke was accompanying Paul, as was another Christian named Aristarchus (Acts 27:2).
Another important character in the story was the Roman centurion, Julius, who had other prisoners as well in his charge (Acts 27:1).
It was late summer when they departed. The Fast (Acts 27:9) refers to the Day of Atonement, in the second half of October. Because of the winter conditions, travel in the Mediterranean was normally avoided between November and March. This time, however, they faced difficulties from the beginning, and only after much delay they reached the small bay of Fair Havens, in the island of Crete (Acts 27:8).
Read Acts 27:9-12. While in Fair Havens, how did Paul intervene in the story, and how was his intervention received?
Paul’s warnings went unheeded, and so they decided to sail westwards another 40 miles for a harbor (Phoenix), where they could winter with safety. Unfortunately, with a sudden change in the weather, they were caught in such a violent tempest that the crew had no option but to let the ship be driven southwest by the wind, away from land. Soon they began to throw the cargo overboard and even some of the ship’s gear in a frantic attempt to lighten it, as it was already taking on water. The situation was dramatic. After several days of scant daylight, poor visibility, heavy rain, and raging winds, without knowing where they were and in complete exhaustion, they “finally gave up all hope of being saved” (Acts 27:20, NIV).
Read Acts 27:21-26. What was Paul’s second intervention in the story?
In prophetic words, Paul told the crew a message he had just received from God. There was no reason to despair or lose hope. There would still be danger and loss, but all of them would survive.
Why would such a faithful and dedicated servant of the Lord like Paul have to suffer through so much? What lessons can we learn from his experiences? |

Where are those meaningful comments of Maurice Ashton? I miss them so much.
Maurice Ashton is stalking birds with his camera with the support of his wife in the Australian outback. Some places have no internet, but he posts whenever he can get a signal. 🙂
Hi Tihomir Odorcic. I am in Kununurra, Western Australia at the moment. We are often out of range of the internet and are very busy with travel and bird photography. Yesterday we had the added peril of wildfires that came very close to our camp and destroyed three houses in the local town. When I get a chance I will start commenting again, but for the next week or so we will be in very remote areas where even electric power is hard to find.
I am so blessed and inspired by Paul’s words: “There stood by me this night an angel of the God to whom I belong and whom I serve,” Oh to know that God sends angels to stand by us! We are not alone facing our troubles. God is with us. What peace!
This testimony of Paul, that angels stood by him, occurred within the context of God's chosen servant doing ministry. Do anhels of God in like manner regularly surround those who serve? Does it occur with all Children of God on a regular basis?
Because of Paul all the other lives were saved. Many persons around us have no idea that they are alove because of the christians around them. If God is sparing their loves because of us then the lease we can do is to be like Paul and spread the gospel so that they may be saved.
It is fascinating to see how God makes Himself known in unmistakable ways so that all might know of His goodness and intention to save. The decision in Fair Haven was not without warning, which proved to have been the proper choice to have made, yet God still saved the people at the loss of the ship and it's cargo. I believe the insight given to Paul, though not heeded, served to establish faith in Paul's God and His promises, thus saving the lives of all the prisoners who would have otherwise been lawfully executed by the guard before they could escape.
If we remain faithful at all times, God can save many through our witness.
Isn't the question of why Paul must suffer answered in the suffering of Christ? Didn't Jesus also teach that righteousness in this world will attract persecution(Matt 5:10-12)?
Brother Robert, are we hearing God's voice and prophetic certainty as clear today? If not, why not?
Is God miraculously, that is, beyond human ability, working among us similarly today?
We shout Amen for the Word and work of God in His Word as we might; but what do we experience today that gives us the same reason to shout?
"This voyage will end with disaster and much loss, not only of the cargo and ship, but also our lives.”
1) end with disaster
2) much loss
a) Cargo
b) also our lives
Paul identifies himself with the crew.
When Daniel prays he identifies himself with the sin of Israel.
In Daniel chapter 0 count the number of times Daniel uses the word I and count the number of times he uses the word we.
He uses the word WE to define the sin of Israel.
Jesus also said in Hebrews 2, since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might break the power of him who holds the power of death—that is, the devil— and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death.
What is the problem in this world? I am the problem without the savior. Without the savior every act small or great is tainted with selfish motive.
when there is a problem in the church, in the world, in the marriage, or ____________ (fill in the blank) how do we identify ourselves?
Why suffer, if heeding to the advice of someone could avoid unnecessary suffering and setbacks? The centurion proved his folly when he rejected Paul's unsolicited advice. Sometimes people are willing to freely coach others with their expertise or wisdom, but pride create roadblock. "Who are you to advise me, I have a Phd?" "I have been working on this job longer than you." "We always do things this way in my church!"Don't miss the opportunity to learn from others!!
Like Paul we too should keep at the forefront of our minds that we WILL experince persecution for Christ's sake. If we are leading lives of righteousness, attacks from the devil is a must, however, because of this fact we need to stay in the WORD daily so we can be strengthened and alert so we can withstand persecution when they come our way.
Anna, I like the way you stated that! we need to stay put on God's holy WORD. Having Christ and making commitment to him daily is our only way to go through all the troubles of today. Possibility can only come to life when our lives are centered on CHRIST..Paul knew that God was with him since the day he met GOD on that road to Damascus and he never looked back. His hope was on the death and resurrection of Christ, which gave him the assurance that despite the challenges that he will face in life..he will hold fast to the truth till death. That is why he plainly said that, HE has faith the good fight and finishes the race, and there is a crown that is waiting for him in heaven. It is indeed a great lesson for us today as we wait for the coming of our Lord Jesus.
What I have gathered from this lesson was that, what does not make any sense to us. To God it does make sense. Why did Paul continue on with the journey, despite the unpleasant disturbance that he will encounter? The very people who put Jesus to be crucify are the same group of believers who accuse Paul of the wrongs he had not done. Yet the way I see this, is that God had made a covenant with Paul on that road to Damascus and Paul indeed never look back.He pressed on because he knew that God was with him and for us, yes! We can continue to share the gospel even in times of troubles, and I pray that this is the time.
There was a risk in staying in Fair Havens;there was a risk in looking for a safer port to winter in. Which way was best best? Sometimes we find ourselves in this situation.
All hope to be saved was finally given up. Is this a good or a bad place to be?
Paul already knew he would survive. Why did God send an angel?
This is a good question to comment on, I believe in reality there was no safe place at the first place. Paul already knew what will happen to their journey, but it was God's plan that gave him hope to continue with the journey. Even if we are in the same situation, the only safest place is in the Lord Jesus Christ. We may make plans but God always has his ways.
Additional information Cyrus. Encouragement for others on the ship that they also would be safe. This was not stated before to Paul.
That GOD'S WORD MUST Be Made Witnessed thereof, so that all would have thr opportunity to hear The WORD OF THE LORD GOD