HomeDailySunday: Scripture as the Ruling Norm    


Sunday: Scripture as the Ruling Norm — 29 Comments

  1. I thank God every day for being brought up in the SDA church where our pastors say "don't believe what I tell you but go to the bible and search for yourselves".

    • That's true. When pastors hold themselves as servants and ministers and point members to confirm the truth from the Bible, it gives encouragement to members to study the scripture from themselves rather than rely on him. I get a bit worried that group Bible study outside the sabbath school is increasingly becoming a relic of the past. Individual Bible study is good, but sharing and learning together should also be encouraged.

  2. "..the sola Scriptura principle was intended to safeguard the authority of Scripture from dependence upon the church and its interpretation, and it ruled out the possibility that the standard of its interpretation should come from outside the Bible."

    That is the historical context of the term. We are exploring how that "by Scripture only" we can navigate the influences of culture, tradition, reason, etc. when seeking the meaning of the Word of God. It gives us pause to realize that it is a continual humble heart that is receptive to insights from God's Spirit.

  3. 27 The apostles were brought in and made to appear before the Sanhedrin to be questioned by the high priest. 28 “We gave you strict orders not to teach in this name,” he said. “Yet you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching and are determined to make us guilty of this man’s blood.”

    29 Peter and the other apostles replied: “We must obey God rather than human beings!

    How could Peter speak with such boldness because 3 ½years of bible study in the presence of Christ prepared him for the day when he had to stand before the council. Filled with the Holy Spirit equipped with the knowledge of Christ Peter could not be swayed from his position of conviction. In the eyes of the world unschooled don’t have the education to be called the subject matter expert, yet filled with the Spirit of God they were unmovable in the faith.

  4. Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him Prov 30:5

    Quoting from above- Other fields may shed light on some biblical aspects and the background of scriptural passages, and thus may help us to understand the biblical text better.
    We studied the book of Proverbs couple years ago. According to my knowledge, if we as christian had that book alone as the bible we will live a life at peace with God and men. A prosperous, long and healthy life.
    Pro 6:6 the wise man is sending humans to the ant to learn its ways. Can anyone imagine? Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise: Which having no guide, overseers, or ruler, provideth her meat in the summer, and gathereth her food in the harvest. Pro 30:25 The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer.
    But what do those text means. Here we needs to go to books in nature to further explained to us its meaning.
    In class we did a study about the ants. The research was very broad but intense. At the end I agreed that there is a God. After all of those thousands years those words were uttered, the ants still do the same things. Do we know ants are present in each country and island in the entire world? How will the bible send us to something that we do not know anything about or never seen?

  5. Did the disciples spend 3 1/2 years in bible study? Yes,they spent all that time, 24/7, experiencing, hearing, seeing The Word made flesh. They heard the Word of the LORD direct from the original Source not filtered through messengers.
    The disciples in the gospels record more of Jesus interacting with people then teaching, often they say he went into the temple and taught the people but don't record the details. The majority of His recorded teachings are the Sermon on the Mount and the many parables. For the rest of His ministry He spent mingling with the people interacting with them one on one, healing bodies and hearts, having individual discussions on important issues like with Nicodemus (being born again), Samaritan women at the well. (worship inspirit) and Martha (resurrection). He spent time with the disciples explaining the parables.
    Jesus did quote Scripture as an authority, however the gospels only record Him giving what we would call a 'bible study' going through all the Scriptures on a topic after His resurrection, Luke 24:27,24-25.
    I wonder what He said to them during the 40 days until His ascension?

    • Shirley
      I'm thinking also that if Jesus was the Word made flesh, then every moment spent in His presence was a 'Bible Study'.

      After all He taught that which He lived.
      It may not have been a formal study according to our cultural practice, but the lives of the disciples after His ascension show clearly they also learned a whole lot by observing their Teacher.

      If they only had the Bible Study on the mount and the witness of His obedient life and self-renouncing love, they had more than most of us.

      Our 'vast'theoretical knowledge too often gets in the way.
      Don't you think?

    • We need to remember that even after 3 1/2 years of close personal communion with Jesus, at the time of crisis before the cross, Peter denied Him and "they ALL forsook Him and fled."
      This was a very short time before Peter and the other apostles spoke with such holy boldness before the priests and rulers.
      What made the difference?
      I believe it was the outpouring of the Holy Spirit which put all of Jesus' teachings into a much fuller Scriptural perspective. We can only rightly understand the Scriptures as we, too, earnestly seek the guidance and empowerment of the Spirit so that all our "knowledge" of what the Bible says leads to practical, Christ-centred living.

      • “What made the difference?”

        What did they do for 10 days prior to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit? Without this, no Holy Spirit.

        Jesus’ message during His earthly ministry(which continues for the 7 churches) was; “repent and believe the Gospel”. This alone opens the way for the Holy Spirit.

  6. We all need a map to follow in this "full of directions" world. If many roads can lead to Rome, there is only one that leads to Heaven! And this road is Jesus, He is The Way. The Bible is the map that shows us how to get to Jesus!

  7. "Genuine faith has its foundation in the promises and provisions of the Scriptures" E.G. White, The Faith I Live By p.122 (April 26). Without the Scriptures we cross over to presumption which Ellen White further says "is Satan's counterfeit of faith". Presumption is an assumption that leads to a belief. Presumption is what caused the fall of Adam & Eve. We cannot presume anything without being on dangerous ground. We must test everything by God's Word, just as Jesus did.

  8. Today's bible study guide question: Acts 17:10,11 - 'How do these verses inform what we're talking about here regarding the primacy of Scripture?

    The Bereans 'searched the Scriptures' and not anything else to proof that the message given to them from Paul is true.
    The Scripture is the proof text and should be used when reading other sources that attempt to establish Truth.

    Outside of the Scriptures, no Truth can be found.

    Most likely, the bible student will one day, after studying everything that can be possibly studied ABOUT the scripture, come to the conclusion that he/she will never add anything else to the core message - which is 'Salvation through/by the Faith OF Jesus Christ'.

    The Creator knows our proclivities of wanting to be wise in our own eyes; knows about our pride and the need to want to be known as 'someone', because we lost knowing our 'identity' through the Fall.

    So, He gave us the Scriptures to tell/reveal to us that we are still part of his creation - that He made us, in what condition we were when He found us, and where we are going should we accept or decline the gift of everlasting life as explained through the Scriptures.

    Obviously, we will always delight in searching the Scriptures! So much can be discovered in addition to the essence of the Truth!
    Though it is not now, or at least should not be, any longer to proof the Truth by HOW/WHEN/WHERE/WHAT it was revealed.
    Now, being saved, reading the Scripture is for deepening our faith and increase our appreciation and joy about our Salvation.

    I rejoice in knowing that we can not proof the truth revealed in the Scripture with anything other than the words of Truth found in the Scripture!

    James 1:17,18 - He begat us with the word of truth..
    Isaiah 64 -
    v.4: For since the beginning of the world men have not heard, nor perceived by the ear, neither hath the eye seen, O God, beside Thee, what He hath prepared for him that waiteth for Him.
    ... v.6: But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousness are as filthy rags.... (where we once were, now being made white in Christ Jesus)
    2 Tim 2:8-15 -
    v.15: Study to show thyself approved unto God, ... rightly dividing the word of truth.
    1 John 4:1-6 -
    v.2 and 3: ..Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God.....
    v.4: .... greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world (the adversary of God).
    v.5: They are of the world: therefor speak they of the world and the world heareth them.
    v.6: We are of God: he that knoweth God 'heareth' us; he that is not of God 'heareth' not us. Herbey know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error.

    These verses point out what is important to the believer when sharing the Scriptures/Gospel. We can not expect to be understood by those who can not 'hear' us.

    The Spirit of God is the source that brings the Light into the heart of men and gives him a new mind.
    Therefor, we pray for those that can not 'hear' us; that the Creator God will open the heart and mind for them to be able to receive the Truth whiles we continue to engage in the good works.

    Eph.2:1-10 - v.10: For we are his workmanship, CREATED IN CHRIST JESUS UNTO GOOD WORKS, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.

    This would be the worthy focus and outcome of all our studies.

    • Brigitte; I have no problem with the core of what you are saying in your comment, but we need to be careful about how we say it. You wrote:

      The Bereans 'searched the Scriptures' and not anything else to prove that the message given to them from Paul is true.

      The text does not say "and not anything else". While it is probably true - there was very little else to read in a Jewish Synagogue in the first century - it does not specifically say that. And I have no doubt that, once again, in the Jewish context, there would have been a wide knowledge of the Torah she-bi-khtav (oral Torah) and that would have coloured the thinking of at least part of the discussion that took place in Berea. In Jewish minds, there would not have been the separation between the Torah she-bi-khtav (written Torah) and the Torah she-bi-khtav, that modern Christians perceive.

      I reiterate; I agree with what you are saying about the core primacy of scripture, but we must be careful that we don't bend it to make it say what we think it should.

      • Maurice, when did the 'oral Torah' originate and how was it passed down to the generations?
        We know that the scrolls of the written Torah were kept in the synagogue and taken out to be read each Sabbath Luke 4:16-19. Did the Bereans have access to them to search them? Or those to whom Jesus said you search the Scriptures.
        How could Philip know to say to Nathanael we have found him of whom who Moses and the prophets wrote.
        Did they memorize the scriptures they heard every Sabbath?

        • The Jews believe that the Torah she-be-`al peh began with Moses and at that time essentially consisted of God's spoken word to Moses. over time it was added to and learning it was part of the education of every Hebrew child. It was passed down through the education system and became the basis for the rabbinical schools. In the absence of books, most education was oral and the learning and memorisation of scripture and the Oral Torah would be a significant part of the education. It is believed that the Oral Torah became particularly significant during the Babylonian captivity. It should be no surprise that Hebrew children could recite large portions of scripture considering their whole education system centered around it and there was no TV or computer games for the kids to play on!

          The Bereans who initially studied the scriptures were Jewish and would have had access to the Synagogue and its library. It is interesting to note that the Thessalonian Jews were the ones that came in and tried to stir up trouble. They would have been appalled that Greeks were given access to Scripture.

          Most synagogues would have a copy of the Torah and possibly some of the other writings as well, depending on their wealth. Usually, someone would be appointed as the reader and the others would listen. It should be remembered that Scriptures were very valuable (they were hand produced) and were venerated. There would not have been a bun fight as to who read what, with fingers used to point out passages of scripture. It would be unthinkable to hastily turn from one section to another in case the scroll fell on the floor and became soiled. There was a ritual involved in turning the scroll.

          The Oral Torah was committed to writing in the 1st century AD after the destruction of Jerusalem. and became the Mishna and Gemara. These two sets of writing ultimately became the Talmud. This took some time but was completed around the 3rd century AD.

          Collectively these writings were a set of interpretations of the Torah and could be compared with SDA Bible Commentaries or Ellen White Writings in Adventist culture. While we are somewhat critical of the Talmud and the detail that it gives on Sabbath-keeping and so on, we do much the same with our own writings.

        • The book of Jasher (The Book of the Righteous) recently came up in our study. I found online


          a translation of what is considered to be the best known archeological translation of Jasher, and I started reading it. Maurice may be able to correct me but from my reading, I would interpret the book as being an attempt to write down what may have been the ‘oral Torah’. The fact that it is referenced twice by Bible writers gives it some status as reference source: Joshua 10:13, 2 Sam 1:18.

          It follows the early Old Testament with some very interesting color commentary and elaboration on well known bible stories. The book covers from Creation through the period of the Israelites defeating their adversaries in the Promise Land. It reads like a novel (not “new” but like a “book” ; just had to stick that in the with all the emphasis on the word novel being used today in the news) and it is quite entertaining.

          I’m sure there is a good reason that in God’s wisdom, it did not make it as part of the Cannon but it is an enlightening read and I recommend it for the curious.

      • Maurice - My first language is German. Knowing this may help. My emphasis is on: they searched the SCRIPTURES and would not put credence in anything else.
        I believe they knew that they could not use anything else as prove text to proof whether the teachings of Paul were correct.

        The Scriptures are given to impart to us the Truth about our Creator God, His Creation and its Redemption; for no other purpose was it given!
        It is the only 'living' Truth, that can illuminate the life of the believer and has done so from the time of Adam's choice.

        Are you still entertaining doubt about the Scripture's power to reveal the source and the power of its Light - which is to reveal God the Creator and His Truth to mankind?

  9. These are a few texts which answer some of my questions:
    2Tim 3:15 Paul says Timothy knew the Scriptures from when he was a child
    Deut 6:6-9 Moses told Israel to continually recite the words he told them and to teach them to their children.

  10. Everlasting fire a topic has turned many faithful Christians to turn their back on a loving God because of our human understanding projected on the word everlasting.

    And if your hand causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you to enter life crippled than with two hands to go to hell, to the unquenchable fire. . Matthew 9:43

    When you hear Jesus’ word on hell fire it seems to affirm the fact this fire will never be put out. Those in hell will burn forever and ever.

    1“For behold, the day is coming, burning like a furnace, when all the arrogant and every evildoer will be stubble; the day is coming when I will set them ablaze,” says the LORD of Hosts. “Not a root or branch will be left to them.” 2“But for you who fear My name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings, and you will go out and leap like calves from the stall. 3Then you will trample the wicked, for they will be ashes under the soles of your feet on the day I am preparing,” says the LORD of Hosts Malachi 4: 1-3

    What do you do with two conflicting verses?

    The answer is the effect of the fire will have eternal consequences. Once the wicked are burnt up there will be no second chance given to them.

    Just like Sodom and Gomorrah once destroyed there will be no restoration of the cities. Once the rock fills the earth all other earthly kingdoms will come to an end. God’s kingdom will reign forever.

    • The other part of the ‘answer’ is that references to fire within prophecy are not referring to literal fire. Consistent with the language of prophecy, fire is a metaphor for an aspect of reality - fire is not the reality.

      What is my evidence for this assertion? Have a closer look at the Malachi passage quoted above and you will see it dripping with metaphor. Have a look at Isaiah 33:14 where it asks the question “who can live with the consuming fire and with everlasting burning?” If this is talking about literal fire, the answer is no-one. But verse 15 goes on to list the qualities of those who can and will do so. Or have a look at Revelation 20:14 where death is thrown into the lake of fire. How is an intangible phenomenon thrown into a fire? It isn’t because it can’t be.

      So, if fire is the metaphor, then what is the reality (or various aspects of reality) that this metaphor is trying to convey? That takes a little more digging than a mere superficial reading. That is where Bible study kicks in.

      • We need to be careful when interpreting the Bible, that we don't solve our concerns with hard or uncomfortable truths by asserting they are only a metaphor and not literal. Just because one case is a metaphor does not mean all instances are automatically metaphors as well.

        • Hi Shirley. You said:

          "We need to be careful when interpreting the Bible, that we don't solve our concerns with hard or uncomfortable truths by asserting they are only a metaphor and not literal. Just because one case is a metaphor does not mean all instances are automatically metaphors as well."

          I think this is very important for us to remember. A dear friend of mine took the "metaphorical" route so far as to claim that Jesus was a metaphor and not a real Person. Once we depart from the Word of God, there is no telling where we will end up.

      • Phil, I would invite you to consider the reality of what will be the result when every sinner is nowhere to be found(Dan 2:35, "no place found for them", or Ps 37:10 "the wicked shall not be"), there will be no more death(the wages of sin) or need for graves. So, if every sinner is destroyed by God(as He claims will take place) then "death and [the grave]" are effectually "cast in" as well. This is the reality of what will take place according to the word of God. (Imagine a world with no cemetery!)

        We must learn to see as God sees, and has given us according to this vision of what is true. Though dead, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are seen by God as living, thus He is the God of the living, though they presently be sleeping, having died with the Hope to come.

        Yes, we must study to be "approved of God" and need a right concept of His character, government and purposes if we would know the truth.

        What I would know is upon what do you support the idea that "fire is not the reality"? We have a limited understanding of fire which God is not limited to, so I cannot say what the nature of this "fire" is. Peter does state that the elements will melt, and until nuclear fire was discovered, scientists scoffed at Peter's claim, though given to him by the Holy Spirit. When we approach the word of God, human reasoning must be checked at the door. If we find no clear answer, we simply accept what is given until greater light comes.

        We are told that God's glory is as a consuming fire, which Daniel also described when the view was presented to him(Dan 7:9,10). What can we conclude about Isa 33:14 in the light of Lev 10:1,2; Daniel 3; and doesn't Isa 33:15(see also Ps 15, 24) answer the question? God does nothing that He does not reveal through the prophets, and if not fire, to them it looks and acts like fire, which is what we have to go on for now.

      • I hear your words of caution and concern Shirley and Robert.

        I have no problem with hard or uncomfortable truth/s - so that is not the reason I am finding what I find when studying the Bible. It is truth I am seeking - not avoidance of truth.

        I am applying all recognised principles of Bible study (eg: as per the 1986 GC Methods of Bible Study document cited by the lesson a couple weeks back) and seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance in doing so. In doing so I am finding a more harmonious and robust view of things that is reflective of and reflected in a whole-of-Scripture context. I share what I find and the evidence that underpins those findings. When points of critique are raised, I use the challenges to recheck what I have found to see if I’ve missed something.

        I can do nothing other than this.

        I have stated that prophetic writings predominantly draw upon use of metaphor. This is not saying there is no reality - but that the metaphors are trying to convey aspects of a reality that we are unfamiliar with and therefore needing to learn bit by bit. Metaphors convey functional characteristics - not primarily what something looks like. In the above Malachi 4 passage, for example, it says that the arrogant and evildoers “will be stubble”. This is not inferring that they will look like stubble - but rather that they will in some way share the quality of stubble.

        With respect to fire, I am learning that there are many dimensions of what it refers to when used in prophetic writings. For example, when referring to fire in the context of the ‘righteous’, the metaphor of fire is typically figuratively referring to something that transforms (refines) that which it comes into contact with into “light and likeness” as the HELPS Word-studies resource well describes. When referring to fire in the context of the ‘unrighteous’, the metaphor of fire is again typically referring to a revealing process that reveals the reality of what exists that was previously concealed and in doing so reveals its insufficiency and impotency. There are many parallels between the metaphor of fire and the metaphor of light with light and darkness being key metaphors of John (eg John 1:4).

        We are invited to dig and seek to progressively better understand the things we see dimly so that we see more today that we were able to see yesterday - though much of what we come to see as ‘new light’ is in fact recovery of what was seen in certain past times but was subsequently lost sight of due to the success of Satan’s efforts to foster the “darkness of misapprehension of God” (COL: 415.3).

        Bottom line is that what I share is either truth or falsehood. In the absence of being able to see the ways in which I am being changed by what I am learning or being able to see the ways in which the lives of people I interact with and share with are being changed, each person will need to look at what I write and study for themselves and decide what they believe and why.

    • Actually, what Jesus said is true, the fire will not be quenched, or put out. Yet it will not burn forever. What He is saying is that the fire will finish it's purpose in utter destruction of that which will be burned. In my wood stove during cold weather, I have never "quenched" the flames, yet it will always go out unless I feed more fuel.

  11. Always a delight to read your comments, Phil - you express your thoughts about the many topics with such a clear and concise flow of words to convey your message. You are a gifted wordsmith. Words are powerful tools!

    I 'see' the 'Truth' reflected in everything your shared.
    You wrote: "This is not saying that there is no reality - but that the metaphors are trying to convey aspects of a reality that we are unfamiliar with and therefore need to learn bit by bit."

    I think that this statement exposes the crux of the matter. There are many 'veiled' layers/aspects of reality that are not readily 'seen/understood' and need digging to be uncovered.

    Studying to understand the 'how' related to the Creator's work and 'what' is used to manifested it, takes us into the realm of God's creative Spirit. I believe, this is the place were you like to 'hang out'.:-)

    A figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable.

    Physics and Metaphysics can open up a wide window to the truth-seeking mind and reveal some of this creation power at work, but we still need to study the Scripture to understand the 'why'.

    When reading your reasoning and interpretation of Scripture, I experience the joy that comes from the fellowship of like-mindedness. Saying this, I hope, will encourage you to stay your course.

    It appears that we all wear different lenses to aid our eyes (metaphorical speaking) :-). For the seekers of the Truth, 'seeing', is not restricted to what our eyes observe and relate to in the physical world's reality. We also have been given our spiritual eyes to look under and behind this reality.

    1.Cor.13:9-13 - God has opened our eyes to 'see', though darkly, the things in the unseen world; where the mysteries of the Creator's Power reside before they become manifest in the visible world.
    v.13: And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity - Love.

    This is God's overarching principle/power/dominion which governed the process to create the fabric of the universe and all that is therein. This same principal is still holding it together in the seen and unseen.
    Though, there is a day coming when things will change.

    I love to think about the mysteries of God. Studying the power of Prayer, love and Grace would be rewarding to the inquiring mind.
    What happens in the unseen universe when we pray, love and forgive?
    How does a fervent prayer coming from a repentant heart or the act of unselfish love reach God's heart? He hears from heaven and is moved to heal the nations by releasing the unlimited, everlasting power of His Love to protect us? He calls us His children?

    I believe that one-dimensional thinking and reasoning limits the depth of our understanding of the Scriptures. It causes us to be bound to our physical, observable world. This is the darkness that the lost of this earth use to reason with. But we have been called to come and live in the light.

    Why are the Scriptures full of metaphors?
    I hope this causes us to search deeper, to uncover the many layers of the meaning of their words! To peal the layers back and expose the hidden meaning is difficult because of the limitations of our mind, but we pray.
    The old mind prefers to relate to our physical reality. But, once renewed by the indwelling of God's Holy Spirit, it will go deeper and discover the true meaning of the words in the Scripture and establish the new spiritual reality.

    The Scriptures speak of different places/heavens/dimensions. God's Spirit speaks to us whiles we are still bound to our physical reality. Though His Throne is placed in a reality that only a few - 'dearly beloved ones' - were able to SEE, we can also see/experience Him through the renewing of our mind through the power of His Holy Spirit.

    Giving us the Gift of His Holy Spirit is to bridge the separation of the heavenly and the earthly reality. We are now living as HIS children in His spiritual Kingdom, though still physically in earth's reality - Rom.8:15,16; Eph.1:10-14.
    The Holy Spirit is the earnest of our inheritance - 2.Cor.5:1-5

    We long to be made wholly new and live as citizens of the new reality - the Kingdom of God on earth!

    • Your spirit of encouragement is much appreciated. Thank you and praise to God. (You will not know it - and it may sound strange to some -but your response contains a specific answer to a specific prayer I laid before God yesterday... I thank you for being open to and responding to God's leading even though you were likely unaware)...

      In regard to your question, I too have reflected on - "How does a fervent prayer coming from a repentant heart or the act of unselfish love reach God's heart?" What I am finding is that when we surrender our self-seeking (via embracing rather than resisting God's drawing of us into self-giving), our heart then becomes restored/reborn (John 3:3-6). Consequently, our heart is now 're-aligned' to how it was supposed to be at Creation - which is how it needs to be for true life. Thus our heart now 'resonates' with God's and consequently also with His will that none "perish" (via all having opportunity to come to this same heart surrender/repentance so that as many as possible are saved/healed/restored instead. This view changes the notion/picture from God as somehow needing to be moved by us to an awareness that God is already moved by His own nature and we are merely coming into alignment and resonance with that movement.

      God bless your continued sharing on Ssnet...

      • Thank you for your kind response, Phil -
        Your remarks show me that we sing in the same choir. It makes me very happy to have that fellowship with you. 🙂

        Yes, I was unaware of your 'calling out', but God heard you, made the connection and the call was received - we are on the same wave length and speak the same language! 🙂
        Can you picture the old switch board with God as the sole operator? Marvelous !! 🙂

        Yes, walking in this way of understanding the Truth can be a bit lonely. We seem to meet only a few fellow travelers, and these we usually recognized with a smile and a quick chat before moving on; parting with rejoicing and praising the wonderful Love of our Creator.

        There is yet so much more heavenly Light to 'see' and Love to spread - our cup runneth over. And if we stand still too long, we feel like drowning in the Truth - so we need to keep watering the fields with it!

        Thank you for taking the time to answer my question. You have the same understanding about our loving heavenly Father and His work; your words resonate in my heart.

        Your last sentence points out a certain view that many hold of God which color/distort their understanding of our Heavenly Father.
        You know that the first step to healing is to recognize that something is wrong. Recognizing/understanding this, will cause the paradigm shift and set the understanding of/about God right.
        We all desire to develop our relationship with our Creator/Father/God and continue to pray for one another to that effect.

        The Power of Praise - this is another area that begs for a deeper understanding. The power of Praise and its effect in/on the heart of the believer and the Heart of our Creator should received more attention in our church gatherings.

        Genuine Praise, like heartfelt prayer, does something very powerful in the unseen world. It moves the fabric of the Universe to cause a response in heavenly places and God's Holy Spirit will descent with healing in its wings. And this, in return, will manifest in more rejoicing and gladness of the believer's heart which is like a sweet odor to our God. A blessing to all!

        I wish that our communal church gatherings/services would focus mainly on songs of Praise - shared Praise about their encounter with the Love of the Father - Prayer - and the study of God's Word from the scripture.

        Much good would be accomplished!

    • Brigitte: I appreciate your many comments. I have noticed that when giving texts which are preceded by 1, 2 etc like Corinthian's or Peter for example, you don't type them in the format required by this site for them to be accessible by hovering over the verse. It would be more handy for other readers if we didn't have to pause to
      look them up in our Bibles. Thank you again for your comments.


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