Sunday: The Grandest Deception
The first lesson of this quarter talked about the “cosmic controversy”, which, unfortunately, has reached beyond the cosmos to our earth itself.
The problem, though, is that many people, Christians included, don’t believe in this great controversy because they don’t believe in Satan.
For them, Bible texts talking about Satan or the devil are merely the expressions of a prescientific culture trying to explain evil and suffering in the world. For way too many people the idea of a literal, supernatural entity who has malevolent designs on humanity is the stuff of science fiction, akin to Darth Vader of “Star Wars” fame or the like.
Read the following texts, all from Revelation. What do they teach us about the reality of Satan and particularly about his role in last-day events? Rev. 2:13; Rev. 2:24; Rev. 12:3; Rev. 12:7-9; Rev. 12:12; Rev. 12:17; Rev. 13:2; Rev. 20:2; Rev. 20:7; Rev. 20:10.
Revelation shows us just how much power Satan will have over so many inhabitants of the world in the final days, leading them not only away from salvation but toward persecuting those who stay faithful to Jesus.
Of all Satan’s “devices” (2 Cor. 2:11) — a translation of the Greek word for “mind” (noemata) — perhaps the greatest deception is to cause people to believe that he does not exist. After all, who’s going to seek shelter from an overpowering enemy who you don’t believe is real? It’s astonishing how many claim to be Christians and yet don’t take the idea of a literal devil seriously. They hold such a position, however, only by ignoring or radically reinterpreting the many texts in the Word of God that reveal his workings and ploys in this world, especially as we near the end of time. That so many people would reject the literal existence of Satan, even in the face of such overwhelming biblical evidence, should be a powerful reminder to us of just how crucial it is that we understand what the Bible really teaches.
Though Revelation talks about the machinations of Satan, particularly in the last days, what great hope can we find from Revelation 12:11? What is our source of power against the devil? |

Most scientific group believe God and science cannot exist together
The very reason you can hypothesis, test, prove validity of a theory should give credence to the existence of God. It tells you order in creation.
If my God is able to move the celestial body back 10 degrees, He can move it whichever way He wants to move.
He is the creator. He owns everything.
He respects us and leaves the bread crumbs (logic and laws) for us to follow.
Take away God. Everyman did what was right in his own eyes.
Science is not the enemy of God. Science gives greater logical explanation to the existence of God.
Undermine creation, undermine God, undermine your self worth
I couldn't have said it better.
The Great Controversy Theme is the central, governing understanding that brings the messages of scripture all together into a coherent message.
It helps us as we struggle to understand all the theological confusion over the meaning of the fall, the results of sin, and of our desperate need for a Savior. It helps us understand the importance of our dependence on Christ to live a godly life. It answers the questions as to why there is so much suffering on earth; and the oft asked question as to why doesn't a God of love and power simple stop all the suffering?
The understanding of the Great Controversy provides unity, coherency, and relevance to all the books of the Bible. It also provides meaning to the confusion and desolation taking place in the world today.
We realize earth is a threatre for the whole universe in God's plan to forever, sin-proof the universe. Satan made his claims against God's government and law, supposedly offering a better way of life. Is it better -- watch and see what the results of pushing aside God's rule.
When the controversy is over, the purpose of the gospel which includes the salvation of fallen mankind, and His great love, yet it will also be seen as the vindication of God's righteousness, and the wisdom of His laws and ways.
Satan is not a fairy tale, he is very real. He was an angel of God but because of his pride, became corrupt and is now God's enemy who constantly tries to block God's work. But he is limited by God's power and can do only what he is permitted to do (Job 1:12). He looks for people to attack (1Pet 5:8). He attempts to find out believers who are vulnerable in their faith and spiritually weak.
But the GOOD thing is, even God allows Satan to do his work in this world, GOD IS STILL IN CONTROL. JESUS has defeated Satan when he died and rose again. Jesus has complete power over Satan that one day Satan will be bound forever, never again to do his evil work (Rev 20:10)
Our source of power against the devil is Jesus Christ
The only source of power to war against satan is the blood of Christ!
Esther Moran
Sunday is not the Sabbath day. Why do almost all churches worship on that day when it is the first day of the week? Sabbath day is Friday at sundown till Saturday at sundown.
What are the consequences if Satan is not real?
If Satan is not real
Sin is not real
if Sin is not real
you don't need a savior
Can you imagine the consequences of yielding to this deception.
How does satan accomplish this dececption?
Through science satan may give evidences
Your life style is not your choice it is because of your chemical imbalance.
your behavior is the consequences of you being wired the wrong way.
It maybe true but do we believe God is able to deliver us is the question we need to answer.
Quoted from Sabbath School Lesson Study
Further Thought: We do not know why sin arose in Lucifer. Ellen G. White tells us that "little by little Lucifer came to indulge the desire for self-exaltation" - Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 35. The fact that this occurred in a perfect being reveals in a powerful way the reality of free will and free choice as part of God's government. God created all intelligent creatures as good; they were moral beings with a good moral nature. There was nothing in them leaning toward evil. How, then, did sin arise in Lucifer? The answer is that there is no answer.
There is no excuse for sin. If an excuse for it could be found, then God could ultimately be held responsible for it. As humans we are used to cause/effect relationships. But sin does not have a cause; there is simply no reason for it. It's irrational and nonsensical. Lucifer could not justify his actions, especially as one so favored of God. Somehow, though, through abusing free will, Lucifer corrupted himself, and from being the "light bearer," he became Satan, "the adversary." Though there's a lot we don't understand, we should understand enough to know just how careful we ourselves need to be with the sacred gift of free will and free choice.
Quoted from Sabbath School Lesson Study
We don't really need to prove Satan exists if we know that God exists, who has told us there is a deceiver. So anyone not believing in a devil doesn't believe in God either. Also, "the wicked shall do wickedly, and none of the wicked shall understand, but the wise shall understand" wrote Daniel.
Working to convince people there is a devil seems like a wrong course to follow, when we can demonstrate by our lives that there is a Savior. We can know the will of God as He has revealed it, and through yielding to His will, are kept safe from the devil who has hidden himself very well from most people. We need only to lift up Jesus, who will draw all men to Himself, then the devil becomes irrelevant to those who take Jesus yoke upon them and learn of Him who is meek and lowly of heart. THEN they will realize the presence of the evil one without having to go look for him, and through wisdom, will understand.
Has anyone ever think that the reason we dont know or see it mentioned in the bible why Lucifer/sin entered into the Garden of Eden is because God does not want it to be repeated/to happen again within the new Jerusalem.
Heaven was a perfect place. So how come Lucifer became so corrupted?
These are mystery that should stay only in the hand of God.
I don't question it. That's my opinion.
Jennifer, no reason is given since no reason exists. Sin is unreasonable and thus, it remains an intruder. The WAY it entered was from the indulgence of pride, which led to coveting, which leads to an attempt to acquiring what one covets, which was the very position of God by one of His (erring) creatures. How does one dependent upon another for their very life replace the one they are dependent upon? Yet, the corruption of his reasoning is what led Satan to seek the position of God.
Nothing can be said that would allow any to understand it and give reason for "why" it happened. Lucifer had to stifle conviction and go against his own ability to reason, since pride, jealousy, etc, will cloud the mind and thus evil became good in his mind. Satan's persistence should warn all of the long-term effects of harboring sinful thoughts.
Sin will not arise again because it has revealed itself as evil, while God has been shown, as a result, to be "merciful, gracious, longsuffering, full of goodness and truth, forgiving....etc. God is also Sovereign, and will deal justly with sin and those who will not repent.
As for why sin entered this earth, the steward of this earth decided to not believe God. Unbelief will always bring sin upon the unbeliever. Only by faith in God can sin be barred from existence.
Today's lesson proposes that "perhaps the greatest deception is to cause people to believe that he does not exist".
May I propose that there is an at least equally great deception that Satan has perpetuated:
"He (Lucifer) sought to gain control of heavenly beings, to draw them away from their Creator, and to win their homage to himself. Therefore he misrepresented God, attributing to Him the desire for self-exaltation. With his own evil characteristics he sought to invest the loving Creator. Thus he deceived angels. Thus he deceived men. He led them to doubt the word of God, and to distrust His goodness. Because God is a God of justice and terrible majesty, Satan caused them to look upon Him as severe and unforgiving. Thus he drew men to join him in rebellion against God, and the night of woe settled down upon the world." (Desire of Ages pgs 21,22).
As this quote hilights, I would propose that Satan has, and continues to, influence much misunderstanding regarding the nature and character of God - and of God's salvation 'process'. How? By deceiving people into misconceptualising the core attributes of God such as His justice, judgement, wrath, the 'fear' of God and so on - in a manner that actually reflects how Satan expresses those attributes rather than how God does.
As but one example, consider the typical view of the 'wrath of God' that christianity often portrays (which is infact how Satan experiences and manifests his wrath) with the truth about God's wrath as revealed/portrayed in Rom 1:18, 24, 26 and 28).
Now, if we combine this great deception with the one suggested by the lesson, we have an even more 'exponentially' powerful deceptive effect: Satan invests God's character with his (Satan's) own evil characteristics and covers his tracks via leading people to believe he doesn't really exist and therefore not see the footprints of his work! Thus I can be doubly deceived: I fall for the deception of believing that God's nature and character operate like Satan has portrayed, and I don't even realise that it is Satan's portrayal that I have fallen for.
Of course, God is greater by far (1 Jn 4:4) - but we do benefit from knowing and uncovering the strategies of the enemy (2 Cor 2:11) who knows his time is short (Rev 12:12; 1 Pet 5:8) and who has been working tirelessly to malign God's character since way before this world was even created (Rev 12:9).
True Jennifer there are many things in scripture that we must accept on faith. If we as humans knew everything about God we would no longer depend upon him, but we would lean upon our own understanding and therefore become gods of our own. That's why scripture indicates that there are mysteries of God that will never be revealed to us.
Any one who does not believe of the existence of Satan needs to be put on a Boing 777 and dropped into the heart of devil worship. They would witness 1st hand the power of Satan as he posses people. Especially when the family asks the missionary to pray to have God remove the devil. If you haven’t experienced it, let me tell you it takes prayer with desperation, prayer with urgency, and prayer with expectancy. James 5:16.
Sunday - Grandest Deception - When we consider the consequences for deception; is a hierarchy of deceptions of major importance? Could another deception be that Jesus could not really be tempted in all things like people who live in the end time? Could it also be a deception that I have no choice in the victory over sin until my carnal body is changed at the Second coming. These questions are asked by youth in my area. Is sin really only a choice? If I must surrender all my choices is that another kind of enslavement but to One who knows whats best for me and has always loved and cared for me and will continue to do so?
We have a Creator who asks for obedience to the laws that govern all life. If we acquaint ourselves with these laws, we will come to "understand the fear of the Lord, and find the knowledge of God", which Jesus said "is life eternal"(Prov 2:1-5, John 17:3)
It's not so much about being someones slave, but knowing and believing the truth vs believing and following lies. Yes, the choice is ours to make. One will lead us to love our neighbor as ourselves, the other will lead us to take advantage over others and eventually, to violate their freedom and peace. Christ and Satan are the great examples of what we will become as we choose between one path or the other.
I believe you are right in suggesting there are many other deceptions that will eventually lead us to accept these last two deceptions. Only the pure in heart shall see God. Only the meek will inherit the earth. Only the merciful will obtain mercy. This is a choice to be made, since God will never force anyone.
If your youth are truly inquiring about these questions, there is a wonderful opportunity to share what the Bible teaches about these vital subjects. I know what many have said about them, but the truth is there to be discovered and followed by all who are willing to surrender their keeping to the One who died that they might live.
Enslavement is usually against one's will, while willing service and obedience is a choice. Those who feel they must be "slaves" to truth, don't see it's beauty and redemptive qualities, and don't really know God as He may be known.
Excellent point Leola.
Hierarchical comparisons are used way too often when the reality is actually a more multifaceted multidimensionality ("wheels within wheels"). It is true that there is a hierarchical relationship sometimes, but not as often as is misrepresented - as you note.
Youth are good at asking questions in their quest to understand reality - and they can spot when we say things that don't match reality. So, the point you make is of no small significance.
Hopefully we are a church that encourages and supports constructive questioning, such as those asked by searching youth (and not-so-youth), that helps us each and all better and better understand and apply truth to reality (as per 2 Tim 2:15).
"Every human being, created in the image of God, is endowed with a power akin to that of the Creator—individuality, power to think and to do. The men and women in whom this power is developed are those who bear responsibilities, who are leaders in enterprise, and who influence character. It is the work of true education to develop this power, to train young people to be thinkers, and not mere reflectors of other people’s thought. Let students be directed to the sources of truth, to the vast fields opened for research in nature and revelation. Let them contemplate the great facts of duty and destiny, and the mind will expand and strengthen." True Education 12.1
"These questions are asked by youth in my area." God bless you in that area!
I am indebted to this forum for helping me learn how to become more patient with youth as Jesus has been with me. Many questions are asked over a pot of soup. At first I just thought I was doing my duty by providing the soup. Lightening struck when there was no end to Why? Why? Why? Learning the answers with them propelled me to The Word. I am still learning how to say "I was wrong", "I do not know", "Let's find out. Learning more about how Jesus wants me to behave has oxygenated my journey. Thank God for this forum which has provided the oxygen. I still have "miles to go" before I sleep!
I agree that Sunday is the grandest deception. How else could Satan have deceived the Seventh-day Adventist Church than convincing us that Sunday is the seventh day
Well, John, the lesson doesn't say that "Sunday is the grandest deception."
It seems to me that the lesson teaches that "perhaps the greatest deception is to cause people to believe that he does not exist."