Sunday: Time of Disappointment
Read Revelation 10. What is the message of the angel with the little scroll? What does it mean to “prophesy again”?
The portrayal of the angel recalls the description of Christ (Rev. 1:13–16) and of the divine-like “man in linen” in Daniel’s last vision (Dan. 10:5-6; 12:5–7), suggesting that they are identical. In Daniel 12:6-7, He swore by the One who lives forever as He gave the prophecy of three and a half times (1,260 years). This is a repeat of the crucial prophecy given in Daniel 7:25, describing that God’s people would face terrible persecution, another truth that is repeated in Daniel 12:7, as well.
The book of Daniel was supposed to be sealed until the end of time. Then it would be opened, and many would gain knowledge from it (Dan. 12:4–9). When the prophesied period of 1,260 years ended, the time had come to open the book for further knowledge. This is symbolized by the open book in the hand of the angel in Revelation 10. From then on, Daniel’s prophecies were to be better understood.
At the same time, Revelation 10 reveals that the experience would not all be pleasant. John ate the book as commanded, and it was sweet in his mouth but bitter to his stomach. John stands symbolically for the people who internalized the book of Daniel. This prophetic description, we believe, was fulfilled in the Millerite movement, which arose in the first half of the nineteenth century amid great worldwide interest in end-time events. It also describes the bitter disappointment of those who understood that the long-time prophecies in Daniel referred to their time, but not as they had first thought. The “2,300 evenings and mornings” did not signal the return of Christ but, rather, the beginning of the great judgment scene of Daniel 7.
Right after the bitter experience, John was told to “prophesy again concerning many peoples and nations and tongues and kings” (Rev. 10:11, NASB). This is being fulfilled as Seventh-day Adventists preach the “everlasting gospel” to the world.
Disappointment isn’t alien to Christians, especially when they misinterpret the meaning of events. Certainly the experience of the disciples between their Master’s death and His resurrection was a disappointment. Such was the experience of the Millerites in 1844. How can we handle disappointments without losing our faith? What Bible promises can you hold onto during your own times of disappointment?

There is no doubt that disappointment crushes, for some ,their innermost beings.
One author shares that "Disappointment comes in all sizes Any time our hopes are not realized or our expectations or desires are not fulfilled, we feel disappointed."
As Christians we can rejoice knowing that Jesus (our best friend)wants to hear about it and quell our hurts.....
I can see similarities between the events of 1844 and 31 AD. Is this how God introduces good news?
1. Both the coming events were understood to be "sweet" but what came later were "bitter". The Jews expected a Messiah King but what came was a poor servant. The Millerites expected Jesus to come, but Jesus did not appear. Both resulted in great disappointments.
2. People of God were persecuted in both era.
3. After disappointments, there were remnants who were not discouraged and continued to "prophesy".
4. The results: In 31 AD the Apostolic Church was born to bring the gospel to the world. In 1844, the Remnant Church was also born to do the same mission.
There is good news in disappointments, that is if we prophesy "AGAIN". So let us be patient and not be discouraged.
That good news is now in our shoulders. Let's share it.
Some disappointments are providential that God's will may be fulfilled. He desires that the gospel be preached to all nationalities as a witness; also he does not wish that anyone should perish. A God who is just and loving is interested in the well-being of his children throughout the globe.
There is also another smilarity between the condition of the church at the first advent the one at the second advent. The devil worked very and the church was ready to reject Christ at His first coming, how much more at his second advent is the devil preparing us to reject His truth that can make us stand at His second coming? let us take time to ponder on this.
It was also stated that 1844 was the cleansing of the sanctuary .may I know what are the things being cleanse here? If I understand correctly all records of transgression will be clean up on the final day of atonement.
Domingo, You question, What needs to be cleansed in the sanctuary, is a good one. My comment listed under the December 6 lesson may help.
The Lord knew that his son will come and that preachers who were there preached of his coming too like preachers of today.The 1844 Millerite era and the Daniel vision of 31AD gives an opening to the and sign that there is no one who knows when the Lord is coming.When we read and understand these events,we are encouraged to keep on waiting while others will lag off. God is coming for the second time, and his coming is near. The prophecy in this week lesson is mainly on spreading the Gospel and letting nations aware.