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The Bible Is a Love Story, Not a Collection of Proof Texts — 21 Comments

  1. Thank You, Father, for leaving this love letter we call the bible. Let me read it with intentions to know You and Your will for my life, and not to win vain theological arguments. Let Your letter take this heart of stone, and make it flesh.

  2. For God so love the world that he gave his only Beloved Son. John 3:16

    I spoke to few people here and there about what life was like while in the concentration camp. Some do not like to talk about it, some presently troubling with PTSD, yet some will discuss matters here and there. They were branded with a mark/tattoo on their bodies to signify they were owned by someone. Life was rough but families stuck together because of love.

    That mark on the body reminds me about the love of God for his friends. We once belong to him, he lost us, then he came to reclaimed us with a high price. The marks in his hands and side are living proof of his love.

    Hymn- O Love that wilt not let me go, I rest my weary soul in thee, I give thee back the life I owe, that in thine ocean depths its flow may richer, fuller be.

    Everyday I am asking the Lord to change me into his image and make me like him. We have a family dispute presently. I was going to look for one of EG White quote to sent to them to show them that they are wrong. As I was looking, the Holy Spirit directed me to a book in her series entitle 'Help for daily Living'. I will encourage all to read same. The controversy is not about them but about me and how the Lord wants to change me. It was an eye opening.

    We knew the book, and the time line, dates, and days. What was done away with, what was fulfilled, what is present and what is to come. But we are poor in out relational love for each other. Pray for each other that we will grow to love Christ in his words and whenever we return to church we will be different.

  3. Your article certainly reflects the 'sentiments' of John 3:16 which is the fulfillment of Genesis 3:15.

    To extend your thoughts, because God loves us so much, could He have also incorporated a roadmap within His love letter so that we could be informed as to which path leads to life with Him and which paths preclude such?

    "...proof texting is when you look for verses in the Bible to prove what you believe..." This is what I was raised to do (by church, church education from primary to tertiary levels) for most of my life.

    "...instead of reading with an open mind like the Bereans did in Acts 17:11." This is what I have subsequently learned to do. The outcomes of what and how I see under these two paths are radically different.

  4. This is written for me. I find myself looking for knowledge to prove I'm understanding the bible correctly. This puts pressure on me but the truth is I need to know that everything is written to prove to be that I am God's beloved. It great to understand prophecy but first I need to know why prophecy was written.BECAUSE I AM LOVED...

  5. Thanks a lot brother Williams may God grant you more!

    The bible was written so that we know how much we were and we're still loved!

    The verse is, John 20.31 and not John 20.21!
    Enjoy the sabbath day!

  6. Amazing article! It is a disregard to those who take the scriptures for their own selfish ambitions. As clearly put to us "thy word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path." Psalms 119:105. We have to offer self to God in deep longing to know more about His love and this is through His love letter for us.

  7. This is wonderful.

    Over the past few weeks I have engaged Online prophecy preachers on the Central focus of prophecy as the testimony of Jesus Christ labouring to explain that prophecy is not about beasts, false prophets or the papacy but the testimony of Jesus Christ, His saving grace and victory over Satan but sadly the responses, backlash and insults that I got demonstrate that we know so much about beasts and the papacy that about Jesus Christ, His love and His amazing grace that is the emphasis of the entire scriptures and the spirit of prophecy. We are driven more by the desire to right than the desire to save souls. We have so much knowledge about the scripture but malnourished in the Knowledge of Him who saves us by His grace.

    Bible prophecy, given that we may have peace in Jesus Christ, is turned into conspiracy theories, the beasts and the man of sin are given more airtime in our sermons than He who saves us by His grace and Christ Jesus is lost sight of. The word of God is studied to vindicate and not to save.

    How I pray that the Holy Spirit will awaken in us that first love that we may see what a great love letter has been given to us so that we may realize our need of the Saviour and be convicted to share this love that saved us and when Christ is lifted, everything else will fall in place.

    May God,our Father have mercy on us and create in us new hearts driven by the desire, not to be right, but to save others.

  8. "God did not protect Anne’s letter during the chaos of war to prove that Anne was right. He protected it to prove that Jacqueline was loved. Jesus did not die on the cross to prove that He was right. He died to prove that you are loved. God preserved the Bible so you would know you are loved."

    An excellent essay for which I can relate as God taught me such important lessons as this. I was doing bible work for a well known SDA television and radio ministry. I was defending the faith as I encountered questions about our fundamental beliefs and challenges to them. I was in a devotional period when I came across John 5:39-40. The Scriptures are about Christ. We can search for those proof texts and miss the purpose of Scripture! Ever since that day sometime in 1988 I have never looked into the Bible for the purpose of proving the faith. The Book has become something entirely more important and deeply rich in the process for which I am ever grateful to God's Spirit that led me to that point I was missing. I was missing Him. Not anymore by His grace!

  9. They say that people are inclined to extremes, and this article and its comments (so far) do a wonderful job of pointing out the folly of one of those extremes. On the other hand, while I fully agree with William's point, and I don't really disagree with anything in particular in any of the comments, I fail to see why the apocalyptic prophecies would even have been included in the Bible if its only purpose were to show us that we are loved. For that matter, a lot of doctrinal teaching could have been left out as well.

    I believe that these prophecies and doctrines are included in the Bible for a reason, and that we owe it to the less well informed public to share with them what we are privileged to know about these things -- but only in the context of a love relationship with Jesus, and with Him as the central theme of it all.

    There is a taking of verses out of context that wrests the Scriptures from their true intent, and there is the sharing of Scriptures in their true intent in order to teach doctrine. May we always discern the difference.

    • RG you are absolutely right, the prophecies are there for a reason but even the prophecies are to be studied in the light of God's love on the cross. This gives me opportunity to share one of my favorite passages, in Gospel Workers, Page 315 by Ellen White.

      "The sacrifice of Christ as an atonement for sin is the great truth around which all other truths cluster. In order to be rightly understood and appreciated, every truth in the Word of God, from Genesis to Revelation, must be studied in the light that streams from the cross of Calvary. I present before you the great, grand monument of mercy and regeneration, salvation and redemption--the Son of God uplifted on the cross. This is to be the foundation of every discourse given by our ministers."--Gospel Workers, p. 315.

      Notice the quote includes Revelation so of course the prophecies are important in the light of God's love on the cross.

      • Thank you, William. That is a beautiful quotation, and highly pertinent to the discussion. Of course I already knew that you were personally seeking the correct balance and approach. My counterpoint was for the benefit of others, and your reply is a priceless contribution.

  10. Phil, happy to read your comments to William's depiction of the Bible as God's 'love letter' to the world and its application by the Christian.

    I agree with you. Ultimately, it is the 'how and what we see' in the scripture once having accepted it as the revealed truth that will first show us the path and then illuminate it as we follow it along to everlasting righteousness.
    Though, this is the Holy Spirit's responsibility and work. We are the ones praying, staying close to God, and engaging in 'good works' whiles the Holy Spirit shows us the 'how and what we see and do'.

    Happy to 'see' 🙂 that someone is 'rattling the cage', to wake the sleeping saints to ENGAGE in the 'living love'-relationship with our Maker.

    There is a disparaging word some in the world use to depict the Christian: 'bible thumper' -, meant to discredit the Christian and describe him to be of no 'edifying' value to his fellow man; not truly and compassionately loving him but preferring the quoting of truth from the Scripture instead of engaging/applying in its message.

    Is this what is meant when engaging in the study of the Scripture but limiting its use to a 'collection of proof texts' and not as the inspired 'how-we-are-loved-and-how-to-love-letter' it was meant to be?

    Still needing to improve my understanding of the English language, I looked up the word 'edification' in the dictionary. Edification: 'intellectual, moral, or spiritual improvement'.

    The Scripture gives many direct references to benefit our 'edification', but, really, ALL the Scripture is meant for that one purpose and directs us how to walk in its path:
    Matthew 22:37-40: Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all they soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it. Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. ON THESE TWO COMMANDMENTS HANG ALL THE LAW AND THE PROPHETS.

    Psalm 119 is David's love letter to God. Please, read it as if you were in his shoes - empathize. This will 'edify' you and maybe, even cause you to cry in joy over your salvation.

    More edifying words from God's love letter:
    Acts 20:32; Romans 15:1-7; 2 Timothy 3:15-17; (v.17 'That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.').
    And, if we live in this truth, this will tell the fellow man that the Christian is loved by God and loves them as we are loved.

  11. Excellent article, that reminds us of the real reason to read the Bible. When we understand that it is God’s love letter to us, we will develop a hunger and thirst for it. One small editorial correction- I noticed that the scripture reference cited John 20:21, should have been John 20:31.
    God bless!

  12. Wonderful, insightful, thought-provoking and assuring. Thus is how I would describe your article Bro. Earnhardt. I have read many of your articles before but none has touched me like this one did.
    Thanks for reminding us of the real truth about God's word and our faith.
    Keep up this wonderful ministry. By it, many may come to better understanding of God and His realtionship with us.Many may be directed to read the Word in earnest.


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