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The Lost Art of Thinking — 9 Comments

  1. I have enjoyed your writings so much since I have been reading them. I share them whenever I can. Please keep on writing.

  2. William – your post addresses one of the great problems of our time and age – over-consumption of information. Ellen White used the word ‘contemplate’, reflecting, using the power of connected and vigorous thought - which I think is crucial to our mental and spiritual health.
    I found that very many people, mostly the younger generations, cannot be without some type of stimulation – constant input, and asked myself: why the need for this constant stimulus? I found, because the quality of the information-input is so low, it does not lead to further reflection/contemplation; it’s used just for emotional stimulation.
    Reflecting, contemplating is not mere aimless thinking by one's mind, it is based on that which prompted contemplation in the first place - something significant generated by the heart-mind connection.
    I concluded that contemplation is done by folks who want their heart to be touched by something significant, something worth spending time ‘thinking about/contemplating’.

    I intentionally do not turn on the radio or any device to absorb ever more information; this keeps it open for observating the present and internal contemplation. Impressions from time past or present might be highlighted by the mind for contemplation.
    Healthy minds, healthy bodies all contribute to a healthy relationship with God and man. Yes, as you say – ‘It’s more than okay. It’s crucial, especially if we want to hear God talking with us!

  3. The way we communicate with the LORD is through our minds.
    It is good to spend time meditating on the Word of the LORD to 'hear' His voice.

    When the mind of man is brought into communion with the mind of God, the finite with the Infinite, the effect on body and mind and soul is beyond estimate. In such communion is found the highest education. It is God’s own method of development. “Acquaint now thyself with Him” (Job 22:21), is His message to mankind. {AA 126.1}
    Acts of the Apostles

    • Thank you, Shirley - wonderful words of wisdom from the mind of our heavenly Father, revealed to and shared for our benefit by one of his beloved daughters!
      Yes, all of us need to learn to 'hear' His voice. HIS Wisdom focuses our mind on that which is knowledge and understanding provided by heaven. All other sources provide only 'interpretations' being filtered by the mind of others; a filter which often distoreds the original, heavenly message which reaches deep into our spirit.

      • While I agree in principle, it is worth considering that the Holy Spirit often works through others. I have seen far too many folk who like to tell me that their way of interpreting the Bible is the right way because the Holy Spirit has spoken to them and led them to that conclusion. I suspect that it might be a spirit but certainly not the Holy Spirit given that some of the ideas have been quite whacky.

        Peter tells us that:

        For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. 2 Peter 1:21KJV

        It wasn't just an "old time" way of communication and God is still speaking to us through Godly people today. The problem we face is that we find it hard to tell sometimes between those who are being guided by the Holy Spirit and those who are using his name for leverage for their own ideas. That is where we need to pray carefully for guidance and to learn to study and think for ourselves.

  4. William, thankyou for this thoughtful post. Because the Lord is always near us, in quiet moments, we can invite his Spirit to speak to our hearts as we consider his words and the words of his Son Jesus.

  5. Thank you for sharing this article. Just earlier today I was thinking about that. I started reading a book by George W. Brown on the fruit of the Spirit. At first I was going to do like I always do, read to finish the book, then I decided to take as long as I will need to, to internalize the concepts discussed. Only then did I realize how much my mind wanders when I read. So now I am prayerfully working on my focus and contemplating on what I have read. I am sure that the quality of my reading will get better and the wandering of my mind will diminish as I continue to read this way. Thank you for reinforcing my decision. God bless you and your ministry.


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