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The Matthew Challenge — 100 Comments

    • I accept the challenge. It is a great Joy to read God's word to us His children. His love letter to His bleed, us.

    • I accept your challenge Maurice. I will read the "Gospel" according to the book of Matthew this week.

  1. I accept the challenge and will endeavor to read the whole book each week for the entire quarter... at least I plan to get through it a minimum of 8x. I'd like to think I'd have it memorized by then (lol)

  2. I have found over the years that when I read a part of the Bible,be it Gospels or what ever section I am concentrating on, There is much time and prayer spent in trying to inderstand what is there for the the Holy Spirit to enlighhten and is available for us. The sermon on the mount is one of the most often read passages in Matthew.4, 5, 7,8 and 9,including many sermons for the multitudes. What ever plan is used is better than no plan seemingly. My intelect can use whatever help[ is available.

  3. Challenge accepted, although it's already Tuesday. But maybe I can read it in a week from now on. Thanks for the challenge!

  4. I accept your challenge to read the Book of Matthew this week. I use to read certain novels, years and years ago, in one setting, when it got real good, so I know in Jesus name I can read the Book of Matthew. I will read it from the Clear Word so I can get a full understanding. I love this!

  5. I'm halfway through now. Sitting on a train in a quiet carriage on the 90 minute trip to Sydney has helped to give me time.

    What has impressed me so far? I am surprised by all the forgotten bits! There are many passages that are so familiar that I can recite them because I have heard them so often but there are some less familiar passages that remind me that reading the whole gospel is worthwhile.

    I'm reading the KJV this time around because it is what I learned as a kid. I will reread in another translation next time.

    Take a moment to share your thoughts as you read. Just a couple of lines will do, to encourage more readers to take the challenge.

  6. I accept the challenge. Keep me in your prayer. As I really want to dig deeper into God's word to enhance my spiritual life.

    • No one is saying that digesting is not important Paul. There is a time to study things in detail and there is a time to get an overview to see where everything fits. Both approaches are useful.

      When I go into a new area to do bird photography, I look around the area quite quickly with the idea of finding the areas where the birds are likely to be. I note their food sources and habitation types. Then I settle down and concentrate on particular species in particular areas.

      Likewise in our study of Scripture the broad approach and the detailed approach both reveal truth. Personally, I am surprised by the number of areas in Matthew that I have had low exposure to so far. Identifying these areas and marking them for further study has been one of the benefits of doing a fast read through the book of Matthew.

      • Maurice I find it hard to resist the pun, being a bird lover. Not as devoted s you but fairly well versed in most North American western vaeiety.

  7. I accept your challenge! This is great timing. I have missed so many signals and avenues God recently, I'm not going to miss this one! Please pray for me to come out of the toehold that evil is trying to tighten. Thank you.

  8. I completed your challenge Maurice. I did in in a day. I have it on my cell and during my spare time - Just started reading it.

  9. I read through it..Infact as l conclude l realised Mathew did not record Jesus going to heaven.l noticed something about the thieves.I hav a thirst to read other gospel books to find some informatiom recorded which miss out in Mathew.It was a wonderful challenge God bless you.

  10. There are a number of examples of making choices. I have learned that some of mine are not very successful, others turn out as hoped. The preparation. is a defining factor, that should not be omitted. If I start a journey with unreliable equipment, my chances of success are not very optimistic. I have mentioned in the past how important our choices become during our journey with Jesus, on a daily basis.

  11. It is both exciting and challenging to see so many people committed to reading Matthew right through in a week. My time was a bit compressed by a todo list (we are going on a trip) this week so I still have not finished reading Matthew myself. I am up to the trial and crucifixion of Jesus and I especially want to read that in one session without any distractions. I hope to do it tonight.

    It is never to late to start the challenge, and if you are reading this now, or later in the quarter, feel free to accept the challenge and read Matthew right through.

    When we sing that song, "Tell me the old old story", this is the story that we are singing about. Do we know the story, or just bits of it here and there?

    May you be blessed and challenged as you read.

  12. I sat down quietly in the early morning and read the final chapters of Matthew. Today is Sunday here and it occurred to me as I was reading that it was probably at the same time of the day that Jesus came out of the tomb as the risen Saviour. It was a special moment of understanding.

    What have I learned from my reading? I am still impressed with the number of passages of Matthew that I have forgotten about. There are very familiar passages that we all know well, and then there are parts of Matthew that we appear to skip over for a variety of reasons. Some of then are hard to understand.

    Secondly, I have learned when in Christ's ministry certain events took place or teachings were made. Much of what Jesus taught took place in a context of events It was good to read the context and get an understanding of why Jesus said certain things.

    Where do we go from here: My intention is to read Matthew again, more slowly this time, but using a couple of different translations. And I need to think carefully about how my reading should affect me in the way I live and interact with others. Reading for the sake of reading has no merit. Discovering Jesus and learning how that affects me is the seriously important outcome.

    To quote from another Gospel John 5:39,40:

    “You search the scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is they that testify on my behalf. Yet you refuse to come to me to have life.

  13. Maurice, the comment in the last post came to my attention regarding a plan to read again only slower, and not to read for the sake of reading that has no merit. These are my sentiments also from previous comments. Some have chosen in the past to read through the Bible in a year. I had a friend attempt this several times. I often question in my mind, the purpose or value? Is the purpose at least, partly to achieve a goal or be a source of self pride? Only the individual knows. Unless I have a photographic memory which I do not, it is not possible for me to race through a chapter or verse and glean the Spiritual guidance and intention of Holy scripture.

    • I understand where you are coming from Paul. If we only read for the sake of a physical goal then there is no point. I often take the time to read a whole book of the Bible through because it gives me a context and continuity that is often absent in our bite-sized lesson studies. As an academic I have frequently had to skim-read whole papers to determine whether they are relevant to my research or not. But if I only skim read papers, I would learn very little.

      What I think is lacking in some of our lesson studies in the encouragement to study in a variety of ways. I find that I tend to read a whole lesson through quickly at first to catch the high points. It is like providing myself with a map for the serious study.

      One of the things that I want to do about Matthew now that I have read it right through is to do a study of Christ's interaction with the Pharisees. These were the self-righteous conservatives of his day and I think that there maybe a few lessons I can learn from studying his interactions with them.

      • I think that would be an interesting area to study also. To determine how well as is possible, to observe Christ's interaction in many different situations. Often times we assume or understand possibly incorrectly a particular idea, or belief.

  14. I was very interested in Maurice and Paul's comments on reading . Like Shavonte above, I will read Matthew from the Clear Word version, and like Maurice in one of his comments, I will focus on Christ's interactions with the Pharisees - and, as Paul says in one his comments, in many different situations. I agree, too, that it is of no value to read the whole Bible from the beginning to the end, just "reading" it. And especially so just to be able to say that you have read it. In my experience, the Bible is not a novel or storybook which has to be read in sequence. Maybe the gospels can be, one at a time, but I have found that cross-references have to be made from various parts of the Bible in order to gain meaning and understanding of a topic. Also like Maurice in one of his comments, I am on a roughly 90-minute train journey at the moment: not to Sydney, but to London (England, not Ontario). I would like to complete the reading in one day (even one session) as Victoria did - though from experience, even with the best intentions goals like that are not always achieved. I do travel long bus journeys each day, though - 2 hours sitting on one bus each day and 50 minutes sitting on another, each day - as well as shorter journeys imbetween each day as well. All in all, I travel approximately 5 hours on buses each day. As one person said, "That's a long time out of each day!" Another said, "You must do a lot of reading!". Actually, I do a lot of sleeping! And work imbetween the journey. I think I shall have to carry the Clear Word Bible around with me and read that. The gospels, beginning with Matthew, would be a good place to start.

    • David I also use Other versions of the Bible and find them useful. I usually use 6 or seven versions as well as strongs concordance and several commentaries. It always helps me with the KJV.

      • Okay. I agree, the KJV can sometimes be a bit tough to read. I also encourage those who are just starting out to read versions other than the KJV - though recently bought a "Young Scholars' Revised KJV" for someone, along with a couple of others.

  15. It is only today 4th April that I have seen what you have written. Definitely I will take the challenge and start reading the book of Matthew from Chapter 1 to 28 starting from tonight. The local time in my country. Thank you

  16. I took the challenge and have read the Book of Mathew.Interestingly in the Book of Mathew prophesy is fulfilled.In several instances,Mathew and Jesus Himself refer to a prophesy in the Old Testament which is being fulfilled at a particular moment as Jesus goes about His Ministry in the New Testament.The Bible is vindicated as the True Word of God.

  17. I accept this challenge and I also challenged my husband. I will also put this challenge on my church's Facebook page.

  18. Its Tuesdaay here in South Africa. I also accept this challenge and pray that this may lead me into a deeper closer study of the life of Christ and a closer walk with Him! Amen!

    • I am now on chapter 25 and so I praise God that the end is in sight.
      I have an ailing mother suffering from a chronic case of apparent mental depression which has spanned over the past 26 years since about 1990. We have tried all sorts of conventional medicine and different doctors and specialists to no apparent avail as she has kept having relapses and seems to be getting progressively worse.

      As a family my siblings and I are seeking a closer handle on God's word and His precious promises for healing in her life and that of the family as a whole. So my focus is going to be on the various occasions where Jesus administered healing to needy souls. I would like to have a deeper understanding of how He did that and to apply this in Mom's situation. Above all I know, He cares, is in control and is working in our lives as well as those of our sick loved ones.

      My earnest plea is that His Name be glorified in light of this affliction. Praise be to His holy Name! Amen!

  19. I am currently travelling in the "bush" in Australia and won't have regular Internet access, but as often as I can I will check in and see how you are going with reading Matthew. I would be in hearing what you found interesting and challenging as you read. Keep the thoughts coming.

  20. Thanks Mauruce for your interesting challenge to read the whole book if Matthew in a week. Will try to allow Christ to speak personally this way. I remember my students who memorized a chapter from Matthew 5-7 for extra credit; didn't JN Andrews memorize the whole NT.

  21. I accept the challenge. Thought I'd read one version this week, and another version next week, etc.

  22. I accept the challenge too, also I am reading Desire of Ages again which covers all the gospels. It gives so much insight.

  23. Thank God I made it!!! It's a great experience, I enjoyed reading the book of Matthew, even with my tight schedule. God saw me through. God be praised. I need an insight on some verses please: Matthew 12:5; 16:28.

    • Viktoriya, the priest's job required them to "work" on the Sabbath, but this was according to the commandment of the Lord, and not a violation of this day of Rest from worldly labors. Much like Doctors, Nurses, Pastors, etc today. It is lawful to do good on the Sabbath when required.

      Peter, James and John all saw Jesus transfigured and glorified on the mountain with Moses and Elijah attending Him. This representation of God's kingdom to be restored showed Jesus with Moses representing those who will resurrected when Jesus returns and Elijah representing those who will never die, but be translated on that glorious day. John also saw the Revelation of Jesus on Patmos, being shown those things "which must shortly come to pass". He saw in vision those great events that will destroy the kingdom of sin and restore the kingdom of God on earth at last.

      • Thanks for that elaboration, vicktoriya. I have never really understood the transfiguration till now. May the lord be praised!

  24. I am now on chapter 25 and so I praise God that the end is in sight.
    I have an ailing mother suffering from a chronic case of apparent mental depression which has spanned over the past 26 years since about 1990. We have tried all sorts of conventional medicine and different doctors and specialists to no apparent avail as she has kept having relapses and seems to be getting progressively worse.

    As a family my siblings and I are seeking a closer handle on God's word and His precious promises for healing in her life and that of the family as a whole. So my focus is going to be on the various occasions where Jesus administered healing to needy souls. I would like to have a deeper understanding of how He did that and to apply this in Mom's situation. Above all I know, He cares, is in control and is working in our lives as well as those of our sick loved ones.

    My earnest plea is that His Name be glorified in light of this affliction. Praise be to His holy Name! Amen!

    • I would like to say to this ailing mother as you continue to read and pray, you have to develop FAITH. It is through Faith in God that miracles happen. In the name of Jesus, as you were on earth and performed miracles, so greater is your Powers in heaven. So in the name of the three forces, Father, Son and Holy Spirit heal this ailing mother and restore her back to health, let her Live so she can be a living testimony to those surrounding her, that you not only healed in the Bible days, but your powers reign today and forever. This is my prayer. AMEN.

    • Hi Mr. pehmiwa, and thank you for sharing. I pray that you keep trusting and believing in him, no matter what. Just know that he doesn't always provide physical healing, but gives us the strength to cope. Be blessed

      • Thanks very kindly to: Jael and Khutsang and Amen to Antoinette!

        God is indeed in control and we trusting in Him for healing and grace as per His will!

        We are depending on God to do what He has promised in His word in accordance with His perfect will.

    • Dear Chris. We pray that God may comfort you and your siblings during this tough period. My family is praying for you. Please share the Word of God with your ailing mother as far as possible.God bless your family.

    • Hi Chris; will be praying for that light to be found for the benefit of your mum. One thing for sure; keep that connection with God and don't let it get clogged up by anything. Jesus was constantly in communion with His Father; that's what I learnt in Matthew.

      • Thanks very kindly Lyndah. Very encouraging indeed.
        Mom is reported better. However she is going for a brain scan as she has been quite sick lately. Thank God for His healing grace which we keep holding on to.

    • Hi Chris,

      Sorry to hear about your Mum's condition.

      Have you read the "Ministry of Healing"? It is a very informative book indeed 🙂

      • Indeed I totally agree, I love the book and I have partly read it. I will continue. More importantly I really think Mom would benefit much from reading the chapter on Mind Cure and trying to implement what is advised there. We have tried to encourage her before to no avail. Will keep presenting the matter before our able and loving Lord!

  25. Dear Maurice,

    Thank you for making the Matthew challenge.

    When Jim Bob, on another post, asked yesterday, ""How many SDA are not going to even read Matthew by June 30th?" I thought about what he said, and I couldn't forget his statement all night, and it was one of the first things I thought of when I awoke this morning, and then I realized I hadn't committed to reading the book of Matthew.

    Today I am committed to reading the book. More than any other book, I like to read the Bible yet don't read it as much as I should. This is good motivation to help me read the Bible more.

  26. we thank our God before this lesson we had started reading the book of Matthew in our prayer cell. we started from chapter 24 up 28 and afterwards from chapter 1 now we are at chapter 15 but the challenge you have given me is to read the book in a week's time as an individual not as group. I thank God for that motivation

  27. It is great to read your comments. Keep reading; and keep telling us what you enjoyed most about your reading experience

  28. I accept the challenge in God's grace. although I'm late for this week because I just open and read my email. I will let my children and friends to do the same. May God empower them to take the challenge, in Jesus name. Amen

  29. It's a rainy Sabbath day and I just saw/read the challenge. Why not start today? What a great idea! May the Holy Spirit make the story of Jesus vividly alive as I read. Will let you know:-)

  30. I am going to accept your invatation Maurice from down under. Wish I could shake your hand. Australia is a long ways away. I would invite every one to pull out there copy of Elizabeth Talbets DVD 'The Gospel of Matthew' or purchase it from Listen to it following along with your Bible. Then share it with a friend. Just say, "We are studing the book of Matthew in our Sabbath School, if you would like to also, watch this DVD, and follow alone with your Bible, you will receive a blessing." Or may be they are further along and you just invite them to, and someday your SS.

  31. Im so glad that I took the Matthew challenge, praise be to God! It has been very interesting to see the Ministry of Christ from a Jewish perspective. Unfortunately, the story does not end well because the Jewish nation (the Spiritual leaders, that is) took responsibility for the death of Christ, and even put it on the blood of their children. They knelt before him, and worshipped him, but not as the Saviour - in mockery. What will it be like to see their faces at the end of time, when Christ comes back in all his glory!?

    But on the other hand, I am rejoicing and praising God because Christ overcame death and sin, and blessed his ministry for us to carry on. You and I are here because of his everlasting grace. Amen!

  32. I am taking up the challenge and have extended it to my three children, one in college, one home with me and the other my adopted daughter.

  33. It was for me an interesting coincidence, because in my yearly Bible reading I started to read Matthew in the first days of april, and I managed to finish the reading of this book in a few days, what was great for my understanding of the text during the study of the quarterly.

  34. i am a health professional, who has been worried and not sure of what to do on Sabbath in my profession, i need to read this book prayerfully and have an experience that will be a life changer.

    • Jesus said it is lawful to do good on the Sabbath and if you are in the profession of healing then remember that Jesus, the Lord of the Sabbath, healed many many people on Sabbath, so don't be worried about that aspect of working on the Sabbath - Jesus also showed how the Priests profane the Sabbath because they work in the temple in His service and are guiltless 🙂

  35. Hope I'm not too late!.... I accept the one week challenge - and - yes!, I will let you know how it impacted me as soon as I am done. Pray for me!

  36. Hi, I accept the challenge of reading Matthew in a week ,I will write my views after I have done so .
    I will start today 8/5/16


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