HomeAids for TeachersThe Prophetic Calling of Jeremiah – Hit the Mark    


The Prophetic Calling of Jeremiah – Hit the Mark — 12 Comments

  1. I would love to answer question 1&2 with one insight to today's question on Friday 2nd October 2015;
    What does being “called” mean to you?
    It means that God cares for this worm, garbage and cow dung, plucked out of the dirt or sewerage to be heirs with Jesus The Son of the Living God which I don't deserve so I would love to follow and obey all he commands and wills for me for others ultimately.
    Is it true that since God speaks to us individually, we don’t necessarily need our bibles to give guidance to our lives? Explain your answer.
    God prepares individuals in their upbringing context and environment so they honest and diligent on their daily job, we still need the bible for guidance once we realized His call so for our talents both born with and developed along the way prior to the realization of our call is a compliment to the spiritual gifts and since it is the Holy Spirits prerogative and we can only discern with surety the exact mandate from God through the Holy Writ. So it is imperative to live the bible for the Holy Ghost comes to explain to us what Christ intends in the scriptures (John 16:9-13 and of course John 5:39 explicitly states that to know Christ and His will it is only found and known in the Scriptures.

    • Xariete, thank you so much for your reply. I agree with your answer. To ignore the bible would be to ignore the mechanism God has setup for our guidance, comfort and admonition.
      And, although we feel like garbage, I don't believe that's how God views us. We were so valuable to Him that He paid the ultimate price to redeem us. So, although we have nothing in ourselves to boast of, we must recognize that we are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light.

      • Sorry about the phrase "garbage", I should have been specific, I was only referring to myself for it keeps me level headed as a creature, unworthy of his Grace, so any misconception is sincerely regretted. Shalom Shabbat for it is Sabbath afternoon here in Fiji, 12:32pm.

        • No apologies needed Xariete. I understood what you meant. But isn't it amazing that however we view ourselves, Jesus would have gone to the cross for just us? I trust you had a great Sabbath there in Fiji. It's early Sabbath morning here in Atlanta, GA. God bless.

        • Hello Xariete. I thought of our conversation when I read the following:

          "In all His children God beholds the image of His only-begotten Son. He looks upon them with a love greater than any language can express. He enfolds them in the arms of His love. The Lord rejoices over His people." My Life Today 289.
          I hope that blesses you.

    • Hope, I agree with you. I can't think of an instance when someone was called to just benefit themselves. And like you say, our calling to help others (whether prophetic words or practical works) helps us as well. Thanks!

  2. To me, being \"called\" means having a conviction of what God wants me to do based on the close relationship I strive to have with Him through study of the Bible and prayer. For me, it comes as a \"still, small voice\" that reassures me that I am on the right path. I feel confidence and a sense of well-being at those times. That experience of feeling a direct communication with God is precious to me and I look forward to those times of quiet \"knowing\" when I can rest in God\'s presence.
    On another question, I believe that everything God calls us to do is significant to Him and will be significant to us when we have better understanding. By worldly criteria, the idea of significance is tied up with concerns for self, what we think of ourselves and what the world thinks of us. When we look at our Savior and His sacrifices for us, we realize our significance, and no role, occupation, job, etc., no matter how lowly, can alter our value to God.

    • Barbara, you Hit the Mark with you reply 🙂 There is a peace in knowing you are doing exactly what God wants you do, even if no one else understands. And whatever we do for Christ, even giving a cup of water in His name, is registered in heaven. Thanks so much!

  3. I'd like to comment on question #2 "significant" needs to be understood as seen thru God's eyes! Significant to me may mean preaching to thousands and significant to God may mean A meal to a hungry person, or a hug to a grandchild with a caring smile! All calls from God are significant! Remember to do little things, they have long-lasting and far reaching "significant" effects for God's kingdom!!

    • Sharon, I agree 100% with you. Nothing that we do is insignificant. Joseph in jail is a perfect example of how doing everything in a spirit of excellence is how we should operate. Thanks for sharing!


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