Monday: Throne Room
Read Psalms 47:6–9; 93:1-2; 103:19. What do these texts teach us about God and His throne?
Several visions of the heavenly throne occur in the Bible. Most depict a kind of heavenly assembly, with God as King. Interestingly enough, most of them are concerned with human affairs, usually presenting God as acting for or speaking in behalf of the righteous.
The Bible also reveals God as sovereign. For instance, the kingship of the Lord is a recurring theme in the Psalms. God is not only King in heaven but also “King of all the earth” (Ps. 47:7, NKJV), and not only in the future but already in the here and now (Ps. 93:2).
That God’s throne is established in heaven has several ramifications. One of them is that God is independent and superior to the rest of the universe.
Read Psalms 89:14, 97:2. What do these texts teach us about the character of God and how He rules?
God’s rule encompasses righteousness and justice as well as love and truthfulness. These moral qualities describe how He acts in the human world and underscore His position in the entire universe. These qualities, which compose His rule, are the same as those that He wants His people to manifest in their lives (Mic. 6:8, compare Isa. 59:14), and it is our sacred privilege to do so.
“As in obedience to His natural laws the earth should produce its treasures, so in obedience to His moral law the hearts of the people were to reflect the attributes of His character.”—Ellen G. White, The Adventist Home, p. 144.
How can we better manifest goodness, righteousness, and justice in a world filled with evil, unrighteousness, and injustice? Why mustwe do these things?

God uses our hands and feet to accomplish His work on this earth, but He doesn't not force us, we must choose to allow Him to use us. When we make that choice we are able to manifest His character which is good, righteous and just in this sin-sick world.
Amen Arlene! It was my choice to come to Him this morning and study the lesson today. It is my choice to ask Him to guide me today. I know that, while I am facing trials in life, He guides me when I let Him.
Isa_30:21 "And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, This is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the right hand, and when ye turn to the left." KJV
This has been one of my promises I am holding on to as my wife and I raise our children as I go through college.
We can choose God and His Kingdom. We can let Him change us as we step out to obey by faith looking to Him to help us. Through this process we are His children and becoming like Him. We are changed and acclimatised so we will fit in with His household when He takes us home. This is our hope.
We as followers of Christ need to first, demonstrate His righteousness through a daily relationship with Him. This is not easy, it is a battle of sorts. A battle of the mind. We are sinful beings and He is our Savior. He will lead us in His paths of righteousness if we are willing to let Him lead. His justice is the result of our following. He is a just God and will bless us if we will follow His command. We to can show justice to others by not casting judgement on them, but allowing the Holy Spirit to convict both us and them of our shortcomings.
To manifest goodness, righteousness, and justice in our world we need to be connected to the source of all goodness, righteousness and justice. Only God is good, righteous and just, and as we look to him continually we will reflect his glorious image. Amen Praise the Lord.
we can do this by showing love to one another and and humbly walking with God each day.
The idea of sovereign authority is a bit of an anathema these days where individual free will is considered more important. I like to think of God more in collaborative terms. Rather than sitting on a throne, commanding me what I should do, I think of him more as a collaborative team worker dwelling in me and working with me. The model may be different but the effect is still the same. Our accomplishment is God's work in and through us.
Yes, we like the idea of collaboration with God. And it is Biblical (1 Corinthians 3:9).
At the same time, we are human and He is God. We are mortal and He is the immortal source of all life. Without His grace, we are by nature sinful, but He is by nature holy and the source of all holiness. We are limited by time and space, but He operates in all time and space. We are exalted from our degradation by His love, as He condescends to give us the good which we could never earn.
[Moderator's Note: Please use full names when commenting. Thank you.]
what are the 7 spirits of God where can i find it in the bible to read more about these 7 spirits
Hi Joy,
In the Bible, the number seven is used to indicate perfection or completeness.
Thus most Bible scholars recognize the "seven spirits" as a visual symbol of the multi-faceted work of the Holy Spirit. (There is no specific place in the Bible that says this is so or isn't so. It is what we deduce from the Scriptures as a whole.)
I think it is so important to know about the throne of our God and the attributes of His character ,and the rules of His kingdom and the base of His government, because this knowledge let us to recognize Who is Him and who we are. However I consider the importance of the personal relationship coming into His Sanctuary asking His Holy Spirit to guide us to recognise we are sinners and we are needed of the blood of Jesus to clean our sins and request Jesus dwells in us through His Spirit so we could be transformed and have His wonderful attributes of His character , because He only can reproduce it in us by His grace then we will be His sons and daughters.
Paul said only let your manner of life be worth of this gosple weather Our christ is here or not there he may hear of our affairs that we stand firm in our rightousness,even if we are in world which is sin sick lets stand firm for christ's word.lawrence mupatsi.byo pelandaba sda
I agree with all the comments,though ,God is commander-in-chief ,He is also a friend to all those,who treat HIm as a friend,that's what we see in Christ,who came to the earth to tell us what God is like !
He gave power to them that received Him to become sons and daughters of God. with these power given to us from above, we can in our own lives reflect the standards of which God's throne is established. love, purity, truthfulness, justice and faithfulness can be seen in our lives when we sumit to Him wholely