Thursday: “All Things Must Be Fulfilled”
Read Luke 24:13-49, which tell us about events immediately after Christ’s resurrection. In the various encounters, what does Jesus point to in order to help these people understand what happened to Him, and why is that so important, even for us today in our witness to the world?
The resurrection of Jesus should have been enough evidence to establish the Messiahship of Jesus.
Beaten and brutalized before being crucified and eventually pierced, Jesus was then wrapped and placed in a tomb. Even if, as some have ridiculously suggested, He had survived both the cross and the burial, a bloodied and battered and weakened Jesus, somehow staggering from the tomb, would not have been anyone’s idea of a victorious Messiah.
Nevertheless, there Jesus was, alive and well enough to walk for at least a few miles with the two men on the road to Emmaus. And yet even then, before revealing who He was, Jesus pointed them to the Scriptures, giving them a firm biblical foundation for their faith in Him.
Then, when He appeared to the disciples, showed them His flesh, and ate with them, Jesus did more: He pointed them to the Word of God: Thus it is written, and thus it was necessary for the Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead the third day, and that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. And you are witnesses of these things
(Luke 24:46-48, NKJV).
Here, too, Jesus not only pointed to the Scriptures (besides the evidence that He was actually alive and among them), but He used Scriptures to help them understand exactly what had happened to Him. Also, He directly linked His resurrection with the mission to preach the gospel to all nations.
So, even with all the powerful evidence proving who Jesus was, He always pointed His followers back to the Word of God. After all, without the Word of God among us today, how would we know of our calling and mission to preach the gospel to the world? How would we even know what the gospel was? The Bible is, then, as central to us today as it was to Jesus and His disciples.
How much time do you spend with the Bible? How does it impact how you live, the choices you make, and how you treat others?

The Bible is certainly central to us today. However this Bible is used as the basis for doctrine of thousands of denominations, and within any denomination, such as the SDA church there are various strains of belief. There are groups which subscribe to evolution, anti-Trinitarian ideas, spiritual formation/contemplative prayer, etc. So is it God’s intent that we should hold this amazing diversity of beliefs and contradictory views?
The testimony of scripture counters the idea that everyone gets to believe as they wish and retain the Spirit’s support (2 Peter 1:19-21). Unfortunately many interpret scripture in the way which best suits what they wish to believe or have already committed to. Even those who are bright and normally logical may suspend reason on a point and ignore plain statements in order to preserve beliefs they hold dear, rather than acknowledge the straight testimony.
As well the lesser light, the inspired writings of EGW, though generally accepted is often sidelined when it appears to go against cherished beliefs. Notwithstanding its insights which may help to shine light on something not quite clear in the greater light it quickly becomes irrelevant, as if it is better to stumble in the dark than use the candle.
The problem with both scripture and spirit of prophecy is their selective use to support views rather than thorough search to find Jesus (John 5:39) and the path He wishes His followers to take (2 Timothy 3:16, 17). Unity of doctrine comes not so much by strenuous discussion (or debate), but by submission to the Spirit of truth (John 16:13).
Some measure of self-distrust is useful as we study the Bible (Proverbs 3:5). It is only as we acknowledge that we can be wrong on our favorite issue that the Holy Spirit may bring us to a more united point (Ephesians 4:2-6, 13, 14). The spirit of humility and submission counts for far more than being right. Ultimately the faithful who are spirit-led end up being right anyway (2 Corinthians 13:12).
Jesus models the two most important witnessing methods.
First - He shares His own experience
Second - He shared the Truth in the Word
The disciples lacked understanding, but I think it is because They (I) think with human comprehension. The whole idea of the dead coming back to life had not fully sunk in yet in spite of Lazarus' miracle. Jesus now had to help them to look with the eyes of a Savior who for Jesus and the Trinity nothing is impossible. In getting them to truly understand that He had to show himself to them at this time. The true value of his resurrection and their redemption and that of the world came full circle to them once this was done.He now was able to get their minds to truly understand that he is the king of kings and Lord of Lords. He has the power over life & death including his own as a part of his divinity.
The disciples can now share with others a full understanding of the gospel message he was trying to share with them and the hope of life eternal even after a human death. They can share the gospel not only by what they have heard, but what they had seen and experienced for themselves. That is why my testimonies to people about the what God has done for me is important. It is the only Jesus they may ever know and through my testimonies hopefully they can be drawn to Christ.
His resurrection gives hope of a better day to come and that Satan is defeated in this great controversy.
Jesus first pointed them to the scripture. Telling someone Jesus is alve and well is good, but should also linked with scripture. Every child of God has a testimony and that's a powerful tool.
Everything in the Holy Bible talks about who Jesus is/was.....and if you really love Him you want to know Him more by reading
His word.