Thursday: The Birth of David’s Divine Son
Somewhere in the night air between Matthew 1 and Matthew 2, Jesus was born. It likely wasn’t on December 25. Based on the timing of the priest Zechariah’s temple service, scholars suggest that Jesus was probably born in the fall, when sheep were still out in the fields, perhaps in late September or October.
It’s a great irony that some of the first people to seek out and worship the Jewish Messiah would be Gentiles. While most of Jesus’ own people (and a paranoid half-Jew, King Herod) thought they knew what kind of Messiah to expect, these travelers from the East had open minds and hearts. The magi (wise men) were respected philosophers from Persia who devoted their lives seeking for truth, wherever it may come from. No wonder, then, that they found themselves worshiping the One who was, indeed, “the Truth” Himself. Though the context is different, we can see here an example of the truth of words spoken centuries earlier, “And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart” (Jer. 29:13).
Read Matthew 2:1-14. What contrast is seen between the attitude of these wise men in contrast to that of King Herod?
These pagans fall down and worship Jesus, in contrast to the king of the nation, who sought to kill Jesus instead!
This story should serve as a powerful reminder that church affiliation is no guarantee of being in the right relationship with God. It should also be a reminder, too, that a correct understanding of truth is very important. Had Herod and the priests a better understanding of the prophecies concerning the Messiah, Herod would have known that Jesus would not have been the kind of threat that he feared. He would have understood that this “King of the Jews” was not anyone to worry about, at least in terms of Herod guarding his own immediate political power.
How can we protect ourselves as Seventh-day Adventists, a people blessed with much light, from the deception that this light automatically means that we are in a right relationship with God? At the same time, how can the light help us to have a deeper walk with God because of an appreciation of His character that truth does give us? |

amen power and groly be to GOD the creator of heaven and earth
We have seen clearly in our study, being part of any particular religion, race or family tree, does not guarantee us a place in heaven. In fact, sometimes we are hindered by our sense of exceptionalism, and pride that we miss the whole point, just as the majority of the Jews and their leaders missed the Messiah when He came, though they awaited His coming for thousands of years. God's ultimate remnant people will be gathered from many different groups and churches when they hear God's voice and follow the good Shepherd in obedient response to His truth, as Jesus declared in (John 10:16).
All who claim to have the light must "walk as children of light" (Eph. 5:8), in word and in deed, otherwise, God's "other sheep" will come in and take our places. God has plenty of room for all. They will seek Him and find Him "when ye shall search for me with all your heart" (Jer. 29:13). To whom much truth is given, much is expected. We are called to "be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves" (James 1:22).
Even today, there are Jews who believe they are the "chosen people" which qualifies them as rightful heirs to the legacy of Abraham according to God's covenant with him. Likewise, there are others, including Adventists, who believe that by membership in the church that knows and preaches Bible truths, entry into the kingdom is automatic. Some of us are sadly mistaken and will be surprised to find that our failure to connect to the Vine in a sincere and constantly abiding relationship, will deny us entry into God's everlasting kingdom. As we allow the Divine Son to be reborn in our hearts, we will experience a true rebirth.
Have a blessed day everyone!!
I think when I read that sweet story of old,
When Jesus was here among men,
How He called little children as lambs to His fold,
I should like to have been with Him then.
I wish that His hands had been placed on my head,
That His arms had been thrown around me,
And that i might have seen His kind look when He said,
"Let the little ones come unto Me."
Could it be that those magi were descendants of the Jews who remained in Persia following the Jews return to Palestine?
I reckon that is well within the bounds of probability.
There is always such contrast between the meek and the proud, the wise and the foolish, the honest sincerity of faith and the dishonest pretense of unbelief. While the one class seeks to worship God, the other class seeks to deny and if possible, to destroy Him.
Don't we see this same contrast between Christ and Satan? So will it be found in those who serve them.
For the last thought questions, there is a clear answer isn't there? Faith.
Good Morning Claudette, you are spot on in your post and I hope and pray that the message here in today's lesson is widespread in hearing and doing. The man has always tried to put his stamp of understanding on Christ's expectations of His people (Satan at Work deceiving whom he will). But when scripture is applied to Christ's direction for HIS PEOPLE there is no mistake in what is expected for He is our perfect example in all that is expected. We are to "pick up our cross and follow JESUS DAILY." God bless and keep you.
Hi Nathaniel, Thanks for your comments. Iron sharpens iron, so are we to each other. God' bless and keep you too.
bye for now.
Wow, another wonderful study! It was quite an eye opener for me. We, as Seventh-Day Adventist can not take any of this wealth of information for granted. May God help me to stay focused on His Word. God is great and greatly to be praised!
These wise men spent their lives seeking for truth and they found the one who was Truth Himself. Naturally they had studied the propphecies concerning the Messiah, hence their search. And what a contrast between them and Herod. They sought to worship Jesus while Herod sought to kill Him. If Herod and the priests had a correct understanding of the Messianic prophecies Heropd would have known that Jesus was not a threat to him in terms of guarding his own political power.
I like the point that the wise men were seeking the born Christ perfectly as mentioned in (Jer. 29:13) “And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart”. I love the last part of the scripture, search me with all your heart that we should also do as Christians.
It not certain when Zechariah served in the Temple, scholars have different opinions. It is known from Josephus and from other Jewish sources that when the Temple was destroyed in 70 AD the first course of Priests were serving and that day was the 9th day of the Jewish month of Av. Counting the Priestly courses back to Zechariah's time the course of Abijah (Zechariahs’ course) would have been serving in Tishri (our Sept or Oct). This means John may have been conceived around September or October and Jesus six months latter around March or April and thus likely born in our December or January. Given that Bedouin shepherds in Israel today keep their sheep out in the fields all year round, and as Alfred Edershiem points out ancient Jewish sources say in Biblical times Jewish shepherds that kept their flocks out in the wilderness all year round, we cannot rule out a December birth. Given what we really know we cannot prove or disprove a December birth. It should be noted the native breed of sheep in Israel the Awassi give birth in late December and early January. Thus Passover lambs in Biblical times were born around the time Jesus the true Passover lamb was said to have been born by the early Church fathers.
Robert, if I might briefly refer to Josephus :
When David divided the priesthood into the 24 courses "he ordained that one course should minister to God EIGHT DAYS, from sabbath to sabbath... He also made twenty-four parts of the tribe of Levi; and when they cast lots, they came up in the same manner for their courses of eight days." (Ant. 7.14.7)
From this it appears that each course ministered 8 days "from Sabbath to Sabbath". (And this would necessitate an overlap of priestly courses on Sabbaths for the "Sabbath to Sabbath" cycle to be maintained.) But my point here is that each course worked TWICE during the year, and it has been my understanding that the course of Abia worked during April and October.
Stewart thank you, perhaps the cycle was maintained and if the 8th course (Abijah) served in the October as you say this would point to the 7th Jewish month of Tishri (Sept/Oct) and then it is possible that John was conceived in that month and Jesus 6 months latter in March or April. However given the Priests served twice a year this is not proof but there is a 50/50 chance. Given that the early Church fathers maintained Zechariah was serving in the Temple on Yom Kippur and that John was conceived during Sukkos (Tabernacles) it seems plausible, and if so we can not rule out a December birth date for Jesus.