Thursday: Final Remarks
Paul bestows his blessing on those who, he says, “follow this rule” (Gal. 6:16, NIV, NRSV) . Given the context, what “rule” do you think Paul is talking about?
The word translated “rule” literally refers to a straight rod or bar used by masons or carpenters for measuring. The word eventually took on a figurative meaning referring to the rules or standards by which a person evaluates something. For example, when people talk about the New Testament canon, they are referring to the twenty-seven books in the New Testament, which are seen as authoritative for determining both the belief and practice of the church. Therefore, if a teaching does not “measure up” to what is found in these books, it is not accepted.
What are the “marks of the Lord Jesus” that Paul bears on his body? What does he mean when he writes that no one should “trouble” him because of them? Might Galatians 6:14 help answer this question? Gal. 6:17, 2 Cor. 4:10, 2 Cor. 11:23-29.
The word mark comes from the Greek word stigmata, from which the English word stigma also is derived. Paul may be referring to the common practice of the branding of slaves with the insignia of their master as a form of identification, or to the practice in some mystery religions where a devotee branded himself or herself as a sign of devotion. In any case, “by ‘the marks of the Lord Jesus’ Paul doubtless refers to the scars left upon his body by persecution and hardship (see 2 Cor. 4:10, 2 Cor. 11:24-27) . His opponents now insist on compelling his Gentile converts to accept the mark of circumcision as a token of their submission to Judaism. But Paul has marks that indicate whose slave he has become, and for him there is no other loyalty than to Christ. . . . The scars Paul had received from his enemies while in the service of his Master spoke most eloquently of his devotion to Christ.” — The SDA Bible Commentary, vol. 6, p. 989.
What are the “marks, ” physical or otherwise, that you have because of your faith in Jesus? In other words, what has your faith cost you? |

My faith has given me life! My faith has saved me from death! I was much more beaten up by my own choices, following my own ways, than after I accepted Jesus as my Lord! The blows I receive now are pationate, lovely, always for the build up of my character! Yes, I may suffer now, but I can always find a safe place to hide, at the arms of my Maker!
In the context of the whole book of Galatians I find chapter 5:16 "This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh" being the principle Paul is talking about. Walk in the Spirit means a living connection with Christ. It implies every moment activity with Christ. Our thought, our talk, our behavior should be as breath is to the body.
"and ye shall not fulfil the last of flesh" means the life of Christ in us is the only protection against falling into temptations. We will be tempted by His life in us is our shield.
And even if we do fall into temptation, God promises in 1 John 1:9 and 2:1,2 that all we have to do then is to confess and he will not only forgive but also cleanse from what we failed at.
The end of paragraph#1 Is all beautiful. 😊
What has my faith \"cost me\"?
Where to begin...
I was born to a christian woman. A very zealous one at that. We, my brothers and I, grew up in a sticked Christian environment where the rules made for a very restricted life. My \"friends\" at school or church laughed at my way of dressing, my hair, my diction (mom read to us from the Bible Story Books and the diction stuck). But most of all I couldn\'t seem to keep my mouth shut and therefore I was always talking about God. Did I mention I attended a school that was 98% Catholic?
What did it cost me????
I had no friends, I was bullied, I was ostracized, and beat up daily wether it was physically or mentally. When I was 15 my mother send me to a christian school. I was thrilled!!!!! Only, I noticed that I was still the outcast. The majority of students attending this school were wealthy and connected. I was the poor church mouse on scholarship.
By the age of 16 I begged for God to take me out of this miserable, and self destructive.
What did it cost me? I can show you physical scares inflicted by those kids. The psychological scars are worse.
The question is however, why am I still here?
He payed it all
He would rather die than live without me
He had a plan
Now as an adult I see what he needed me to see
I will follow
For them who He sets before me to guide
to lift up his cross and follow
Thank You Nora.
A much needed word of love.
Spoken in Season.