Thursday: His Name on Their Foreheads
Read Revelation 22:3-5. How can we be assured that we will be among those who will have the name of God written on our foreheads? Or, can we be assured?
After the rebellion of Lucifer and the fall of Adam and Eve, God could have destroyed the two sinners.
Yet, as an expression of unconditional love for His creatures, God established a merciful plan to save all those who accept what He offers. This is what is known as the “plan of salvation,” which, though existing even before the Creation of the earth (Ephesians 1:3-4; 2 Timothy 1:9; Titus 1:2; Revelation 13:8), was first presented to humanity in Eden, right after the Fall. It was then further revealed in the types and shadows of the Hebrew sanctuary service (Exodus 25:1-40). And then it was given its fullest expression in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus (see Romans 5:1-21).
At the center of the plan of salvation is the promise of eternal life, based on the merits of Jesus, to all who accept, by faith, the great provision provided at the cross. Before the cross, after the cross — salvation has always been by faith, and never by works, however much works are an expression of our salvation.
Paul wrote about Abraham, who existed long before the coming of Christ, as an example of salvation by faith: “For if Abraham was justified by works, he has something to boast about, but not before God. For what does the Scripture say? ‘Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness’” (Romans 4:2-3, NKJV). How do these verses help us understand what salvation by faith is all about?
Thus, we can have the assurance of salvation if we have accepted Jesus, have surrendered to Him, and have claimed His promises, including those of a new life now in Him, and if we lean totally on His merits and nothing else. Abraham believed, it was accounted to him as righteousness; it works the same with us.
This, then, is what it means to have His name written on our foreheads. If we have it written there now and don’t turn away from Him, then it will be written there in the new heavens and the new earth, as well.

Sometimes when I read about salvation it sounds so self-centered. How do we obtain salvation? How can we be assured of salvation?
...and I am reminded of Jesus on the cross:
When we learn that it is not really about our own salvation but the salvation of others, we really start to understand what salvation is all about.
When it comes to lifeboats, true leadership is about helping others into the lifeboat, not getting in the lifeboat first.
I'd like to focus on the lesson title and the memory text, particularly Rev. 22:4, which says that His servants "shall see His face" and that "His name shall be on their foreheads."
Before sin, Adam and Eve freely interacted directly with their Creator. It seems they went for walks together in the garden, because after sin, the Lord was walking in the garden expecting to see them. But since sin, this direct face-to-face interaction has been missing. We can see Him by faith, but not face-to-face. This text tells us that this direct interaction will be restored!
In the Bible, "name" generally stands for character and identity. So when His servants have His name on their foreheads, this tells us that they will have the character of the Creator imprinted on their minds and hearts.
Effectively, the condition of Eden will be restored. God and humanity will again have direct communion in perfect love and harmony.
For me the greatest attraction of eternal life is the atmosphere of absolute love and trust between all created beings, just as God designed it to be. The redeemed will continue to trust God and get to know Him better while also reveling in the perfect love of every other created person - like having so many very best friends, which is currently an impossibility on this planet.
Sometimes, as an adult, I just make things more complicated than they really are. According to the Word of God, salvation comes only through the accepting of God's ultimate offer of love to humanity, His Son, named Jesus. Why do I have to create a whole theory about salvation and make things look so elaborate? Why can I not accept God's love offering, just as a child accepts a gift?
Amen to this, JC Zielak! Genesis says very simply that "Abraham believed God" and that it was this simple act of "faith" in the Creator God and what He was promising Abraham at that time even before He sent Jesus "The Promise," that God counted Abraham as being "righteous." No works, just "faith." And that is how God does this for us now, no works at all, just faith in what He did via His Son Jesus 2,000 plus or minus years ago in Jerusalem and Calvary and all else He Promises in His Word "The Bible."
Pete, I'd like you to re-consider what you just wrote because "no works, just faith" doesn't make sense at all. A verbal declaration can be without "works." That's what the Pharisees had, and they crucified Christ. And, yes, we are in danger of trusting in the same kind of useless "faith," according to Rev. 3:14-20. (Note "You say that...")
However, when we read the story of Abraham, it becomes clear that Abraham had a *working* faith. He was saved by the only way it is possible to be saved - by faith in the Messiah. His works demonstrated his faith. As James pointed out, Faith without works is dead. James 2:20.
Some have put it this way: "We are saved by faith alone, not works. But we will never be saved without works" (because a non-working faith is not faith at all.) See James 2:14-26
Food for thought: In what other ways does saving faith differ from dead "faith"?
Is it not interesting, Inge Anderson, that James mentions "Feeding the hungry," as being part of the "works" that shows the "Faith" that is supposed to "save" us and yet the repentant thief had none of these "works" to show at all and Jesus, next to him, tells this repentant thief that "Paradise" was his too? Why? just simply because of the repentant thief's "faith," period, and not his works at all. We all are like that thief, Inge Anderson, when it comes to any and all of God's promises; we have no "works" to claim any of them but just simply our faith and God's promise to fulfil them for us now and in the future too.
Hi Pete, that was a unique case where the thief on the cross is concerned. He didn't have the opportunity to get baptized and do good works; he was about to be crucified when he met the Saviour on the cross. He was saved by his faith alone and not works. James says "faith without works is dead". Works cannot save us, but because we are saved we do good works.
Pete. I would say that the thief on the cross did have works. He testified to the other thief that Jesus is innocent. He confessed he was a thief to Jesus. When we think of works we always think I have to do something crazy. It can be as simple as being filled with the Spirit of God and being kind to people. When you are seeking God and are filled with the fruit of the Spirit you will have works. It's a given I think.
Hi, Pete. I think that if we can get one thing clear, that might resolve any difficulty. While our faith will show in what we do, and it is our faith that lays hold on the promises of God's grace, it is the merit of Jesus alone that saves us.
Not only is there no merit for us in the good works that God may do through us, but we cannot even claim any credit for our having faith in God. In Ephesians 2:8-9, Paul is very particular to point out that not even faith is anything that we produce. It is a gift from God.
Pete - I understand your claim to look at nothing else but the Grace and Love of our redeemer as the operative agent and gateway to our Salvation by faith , and I agree.
All that is done by us is only the reflection of that which was done in us and on our behalf. We were set free from the bondage to sin in order to be able to express the Glory of God, by the Grace of God, and due to His Love for us.
This truth is the foundation on which the future days and years of the believer’s life is supported by. That which the believer’s life expresses as ‘works’, is but the reflection of the Glory by the Grace and Love of God for us.
Think of the quadriplegic, the maim, deaf and blind, the one who cannot move or act without the help of others. This person’s faith is acceptable without works as you described - a smile, a gracious and patient disposition to accept what his station in life is - his or her love for the savior is sufficient.
I would like to explore the subject of how to have the character of Jesus - that is how to have His Name written in our foreheads.
First of all, I believe that, as Maurice suggested, it means not focusing on our own salvation, because that is still a focus on the self, and Jesus never focused on self.
Jesus focused on doing the will of His Father. He spent time with Him in prayer and the study of His Father's revealed will in the Scriptures, as demonstrated by how readily He quoted Scriptures. To become like Him, it looks like we need to make the same choice to spend time with God, so He can turn our love of self into a love for God and others.
Jesus spent His days doing the will if His Father which, I believe was revealed to Him morning by morning in His private time with the Father. We can become like Him as we follow the same course. Then we can rely on His promise to finish the good work He started in us. (Phil 1:6) We do not have to worry about our own salvation.
My biggest struggle is with the best use of time. I find that just leaving off the obviously bad is not enough. There is so much competing for my attention, that I need to leave off the good in order to focus on the best.
How about you?
Inge, I have heard it said that "good enough" is the enemy of "best". Rather than doing "good" or "good enough", we should always seek to do "better" with the help of the Holy Spirit guiding us as we commune with God in prayer each day. Without that vital communication, what we think is right may be all wrong for a particular circumstance or situation. God sees things we cannot, and He can give us wisdom and understanding.
You're so right, Karen! Jesus told us to "Seek first the Kingdom of God," and I believe that's what it takes to "have His Name on our foreheads."
The question in todays lesson on being assured that His name is written on our forehead flushed up some thoughts.
First, the 2nd question asked how the verses in Romans 4:2-3 gives us assurance. My thought is that for these verses to bring assurance, you really have to know and understand the entire story of Abraham. His life story shows what Gods love and persistence can do in a persons life, if they let Him.
Second thought that came to mind is that Revelation 14:4-5 tell us who this will be there and how it came to be. Then Revelation 21:7 came to mind, “the victorious” will inherit the blessings and He will be their God and they will be His children.
There are so many scriptures that can bring us the assurance of having His name written in our forehead, and I love the point that Maurice brought out that Jesus was not willing to save himself, but was willing to die to save others/me. That is the character that I must develop, with the Holy Spirit working in my life. A selfless life is just a normal way of life for the rest of the universe, and we can join them if we so choose.
His Name on Their Foreheads
We notice in the book of Revelation there's more than one name that can be on a forehead.
People are given a choice:
(Rev.3:11-12) "Behold I come quickly" hold fast that which thou hast, that no man take your crown. He that overcomes will I write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem.
(Rev. 17:5)
Then in Rev.22:4 we see which name the redeemed have in their foreheads. Of course this is the name we want to have in our foreheads.
The name on the forehead tells us which KINGDOM a person represents. The harlot does claim to belong to Christ, but she is unfaithful and serving another master, her name is of that "great city" Babylon.
God's true people have a name written on their foreheads as well. They too, receive the name of a GREAT CITY, the New Jerusalem, on their foreheads and the name of God, their Master!
There are two kingdoms each vying to enlist people as their citizens. There is a great controversy going on.
The citizens of Babylon with their master are fighting against the LAMB Who seeks to save as many as possible for His kingdom.
Revelation 17.14
These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.
Sadly we also have the text, "many are called, but few are chosen" Matt. 22:14. That text comes at the end of the wedding feast parable. God calls all, everyone is invited, but only those who respond and actually come, and accept the wedding garment of Christ's righteousness and in faith walk with Him, are the chosen.
They are the called, chosen and FAITHFUL citizens of Christ's kingdom. He died and rose again to restore for us the inheritance Adam lost, and He longs to have us inherit it with Him, for all eternity.
How can we have assurance that it is God's name on our foreheads?