Thursday: The Joy of the Lord
The “joy of the LORD is your strength” (Neh. 8:10) serves as a reminder that it is God’s will that we rejoice and enjoy life. Most of all, it is not just any kind of joy, but it is the joy that comes because we know God and the reality of His love. Delighting in God, in His goodness, and rejoicing because of everything God has provided for us is something that we should strive to be doing every day. Moreover, delighting in God gives us the strength to face the day and to handle what comes our way.
Read Nehemiah 8:13-18. What happened here, and what does it tell us about the people and their leaders at this time?
The next day the leaders of the people come to Ezra in order to learn more from God’s book. This initiative demonstrated by the leaders showed their desire to lead the community toward God. They understood that leading the people the right way would not happen if they themselves did not seek God and seek knowledge from Him.
Read Leviticus 23:39-43. What were the Israelites commanded to do, and why?
Notice that in Nehemiah 8:15, the texts refer to the fact that what they were doing was according to what is “written”. We see here another example of how seriously they now wanted to obey the Word of God, ideally because after decades in captivity they had learned their lesson about disobedience. Also, in the texts in Leviticus they were to celebrate the feast and to “rejoice before the LORD your God for seven days” (Lev. 23:40, NKJV). In other words, as they remember God’s acts of mercy and grace and salvation, the people were to rejoice in what the Lord had done for them.
Think about what we have been given in Jesus, who was symbolized in all of ancient Israel’s feasts. How can we learn to rejoice in the Lord even during difficult and painful trials? Why, especially during these times, is it crucial for us to do so? |

You should dwell in booths.
This reminds me of my engagement. My wife lived in a village. There was no huge ceremonial hall. Therefore they had erected this make shift roof in the courtyard of the home. There would be tables with no back support to sit.There would be benches for people to eat. All the villagers will come for this celebration. It was like the village was giving their child in marriage. People who had traveled from afar would sit and talk for hours about their childhood memories. People would be planning menus, order of ceremony, garland, and special speakers at the ceremony. Men would gather great big stones and level the ground for cooking. Men and women will work together in cutting vegetables, and fetching water from the well.
Now twenty plus years later things have changed. Marriage and engagement happens at a wedding hall. There is a wedding coordinator who will handle all the work of the family.Bride, groom, family,friends and guest simply have to show up for the ceremony and reception. Everyone will arrive at their appointed time will return home almost the same day.
Materialistically we have advanced. In family unity and caring for one another we have really gone backwards.
I believe God knew the busyness of our schedule. Therefore, he specifically said, celebrate this for seven days.
Let us gather at the revival meetings, camp meetings and hold evangelistic series at our gatherings to keep the fire kindled.
May God bless as we change our priority to be heavenward bound people.
I was baptised into the Adventist church on my 17th birthday. I came into a Church where Easter weekend was Camp meeting time! 60 years later I see a Church torn by the remnants of apartheid. Diehard elders who cannot let go of their nationalistic pride. While other congregations grow my home church of 50 years is on life-support. Why? Because the elders chose to not mingle with the rest of the family of God. Has Satan gained a victory? Not really! There are those who have chosen to remove themselves from the toxic atmosphere for a loving caring fellowship. Regular fellowship meals have become the norm but Satan is snapping at our heels...using procrastination by our church fathers to discourage us. Oh how I long back to the good old days! Abba - how much longer must we wait before You sent your Son to put an end to this rot?
‘Materialistically we have advanced, family unity and caring for one another we have really gone backwards’. So very true Newbegin! And very sad. This is the world we live in now and is sweeping through even in the churches today. May the Lord revive our hearts and advance His return to this earth quickly.
Trusting in our own senses can lead us to ruin. It is important to have self-confidence, but God knows the end from the begining! We can learn from Israel's example, but we must have a personal experience with Him! God always knows better! May we give our own hearts as a gift for Him to restore!!!