Thursday: Judged by the Law
Read James 2:12-13. See also John 12:48; Rom. 2:12-13; 2 Cor. 5:10; Rev. 20:12-13. What do these verses teach about judgment?
Nothing is clearer than the teaching that we will be judged by the law based on what we have done, whether for good or for evil. At the same time, too, the Bible is also clear that through faith in Jesus, we are covered by His righteousness.
This covering entails two aspects: forgiveness (justification) and obedience (sanctification). As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him
(Col. 2:6, NKJV); and For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ
(Gal. 3:27, NKJV).
It is often said that we will be judged based not only on what we have done but also on what we have not done. While this is true, many have a wrong idea of what this means. It is not about doing more things. That is a recipe for discouragement and self-defeat. Notice how James describes it in the first half of verse 13: judgment is without mercy to the one who has shown no mercy
(NKJV). Again it is a relational definition of doing.
If we thought about it long enough, we could become so paranoid about the judgment that we would give up in despair. But that is not what it means to fear God . . . for the hour of His judgment has come
(Rev. 14:7, NKJV)! Instead, we must always trust in the righteousness of Jesus, whose merits alone are our only hope in the judgment. It’s our love for God, who has saved us by His righteousness, that should spur us on to do all the things that He has called us to do.
At the same time, the warnings in the Bible about the judgment are there for our good, so that we do not lull ourselves into a false sense of security. James says, Mercy triumphs over judgment
(James 2:13, NKJV). We must remember his words, especially when we deal with those who have fallen into the worst of sins.
Have you ever messed up really badly and when you expected only condemnation and judgment, you were given mercy, grace, and forgiveness instead? How did you feel? How can you make sure that you don’t forget that the next time someone else messes up badly?

We can do all that we think will please God, but in his sight all is vanity.There is only one condition that,"by a life conformed to his(Jesus) example we are appreciating his sacrifice for us.
Thanks so much for this you have shared with the world and I too know that we'll be judged by the Ten Commandment of God which is the Law
Yes! I totally struggled to keep things in order for most part of the year (last year at work). When my boss called me to his office for an annual evaluation, I had to run to the bathroom to say a prayer because I was absolutely sure, that was it…! However, while sitting right in front of him for my evaluation, what I heard him say about my performance was totally the opposite of what I expected. His comments were totally filled with grace, mercy and forgiveness! Praise the LORD!!!
I was totally blown away by this grace and since then, I give my very best at work as a sign of gratitude for that grace and mercy I received.
How can you make sure that you don’t forget that the next time someone else messes up badly?
Please LORD, remind me that, I have freely received of Your mercy and please help me to freely pass on this mercy to others.
it's realy living testimony,when sombody forgave you and vice vaser
Love is the root of the law and all of Gods word.
God demand that by loving we shall remain in Him. The law was necessary to the universe to prevent sin from existing but after the fall the law was the mechanism that check sin and through that we know what sin is.
The is the solution of sin. check How can we stop sinning without something to substitute it it's impossible but keeping the through the agency that enabled the creatures of God to obey Him then God is extendin to us that we should be to love so that by doin we become.
If we don't love we shall be judged for not loving. Therefore the law is an indicator to what Love is or is not.
The law is the alphabets of christianity. lets make it our study day and night so that we shall be able to know and practice and teach love more conveniently. Remember, knowledge is essential for wisdom.
"Love is the root of the law and all of God's word." True brother Donald! God gave those to us for our own good. For our protection as a matter of fact. If we kept them, our world would have been 'heaven on earth.' Unfortunately, we have not and that's why we have all these mass wars, shootings in schools, ...etc. May God have mercy upon us! I hope & pray we can come to our senses...!
Even in our earthly courts we are judged by the law. Same in everlasdtring kingdom we are going to be judged by the law which is the same tool which condemned Lucifer and all who have sinned Amen
Being in the position of authority for only 6 months I was given a 360-degree feedback from my team. I was surprised to know what my team really thought of me as their manager. It was a wake up call, that I need to pay full attention to what they have to say, to be supportive when they make a mistake, dwelling on the solution and not the problem and to always keep an open your door to them when ever they want to talk to me. Over the years and emphasized through this lesson study I have learnt that having the right motive opens the door to true mercy, when we fall trying to do the right thing God picks us up and places us on higher ground so we can also pick up others when we show them mercy for doing something wrong to us.
"He who does not love does not know God, for God is love." 1 John 4:8. "For we have been saved by grace through faith and this is not your own doing it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast." Ephesians 2.8
God's law is eternal, this we understand. However, our focus here is righteousness by faith in Jesus Christ which includes as the lesson points out: forgiveness (justification) and obedience (sanctification). Furthermore, it appears that the application here is on our interactions with each other and those who do not know Jesus. In the book, Desire of Ages, we are told that God's plan goes beyond just saving our lives--He plans to remake us just like Him. Consequently, once we have surrendered out lives to Jesus, it just a matter of living for Him, one day at a time. Living, trusting, hoping and having faith in His word…each day. This leads us to the practical christianity Jesus spoke about: loving everyone and actively working for their salvation.
When we look into God's perfect law, all we see in ourselves is sin and condemnation,but thanks be to God through Jesus' blood and His grace,we are forgiven and pardoned_ Amen!
Mercy is easy to accept but very difficult to give.
Mercy dear Father! Please help us not to be like that servant in Mt 18:21-35! Help us to let go! We have freely received...!
There's no such thing as accepting Christ, surrendering wholly to Him and remaining the same.
True my sister! All the 'old' goes and the 'new' comes:-)
Very powerful verses linked to this message. My prayer is for all of us to continue to seek God all around us, to love each other as God has loved us, and to forgive ourselves and others- in order to be receptive to God's Word and Law, and become doers nor mere listeners.
What do these texts mean to me:
Jas 2:10 For whoever keeps the whole law but fails in one point has become accountable for all of it.
* with God it is all or nothing, either we accept Him and His character (Law + Mercy) or we reject His love and His authority
Jas 2:11 For he who said, "Do not commit adultery," also said, "Do not murder." If you do not commit adultery but do murder, you have become a transgressor of the law.
* it is clear that James is referring to the 10 Commandments which are the core of all the rest.
Jas 2:12 So speak and so act as those who are to be judged under the law of liberty.
* God's laws are the standard by which we are judged, they reflect His character and that is the heights to which He wishes to raise us. Luckily for us, in the judgement we will be covered by Jesus' righteousness, so the fact that we are not perfectly matured into His character will not count against us, so as long as we are surrendering our will to His constantly.
Amen sister Shirley!
Just to add, What do these texts mean to me?
Jas 2:10 For whoever keeps the whole law but fails in one point has become accountable for all of it.
I also think that this is a warning that, in our attempt to keep the law, we should not think that, we are going to be saved by how successful we have been in keeping them. True, we are required to keep the law for our own safety and safety of God’s children all over the world. Also true, the law is going to be the measuring stick on the judgment day, however, we are not going to be saved by grades. All our self-righteousness are filthy rugs and we have ALL fallen short of His glory. So, hopefully the law helps us realize these trues, so we can go to Christ for cleansing.
Jas 2:11 For he who said, "Do not commit adultery," also said, "Do not murder." If you do not commit adultery but do murder, you have become a transgressor of the law.
Very true! He is clearly referring to the ten commandments. God requires us to keep them all alike. We cannot choose, pick or twist them around to meet our interests. It is a package!!! As a matter of fact, Jesus points out, “… till heaven and earth pass, not one jot or title shall pass away from the law…” (Mt 5:18).
Jas 2:12 So speak and so act as those who are to be judged under the law of liberty.
To me, this also implies we should be careful how we handle our brethren more especially when they have transgressed the law of God. If we treat them as if we ourselves are perfect (like the Pharisees in John 8:3-6), we will be more likely judged the same way. If we need mercy for our short-comings, we too should be merciful to those who need it. Besides, once we start pointing fingers at our vulnerable brethren who have fallen, we’re more likely teaming up with the devil (because he is the accuser of our brethren Rev 12:10). So James 2:12 states that we need not to ‘speak & act’ as if we are perfect and have not been forgiven. We too are transgressors in need of mercy and so we need to handle our fellow brethren just as Jesus handles us.
Since we are judged by the law, the white robe, turbin, or wedding garment represents Christ righteousness, would't you think we would seek forgivness(justification) and persue obedience(sanctification)? Awe yes repentence(loathing in sin). That's not exactly how we come to Christ. We 1st dwell on the love of God, next we are gifted a need for God by turning to Him in prayer, soaking up His word, and dwelling on what He has done for us. Then confession, forgivness, repentence, and consecration, comes out of love for Him. What if He had done nothing for us? Would we still love Him? You don't have to answer that question, it is not a fair one.
Don't stop there, exercise your faith by sharing it. Shun doubt buy telling others about Him and what He has done for you. Consecrate your life to Him, strenghing your faith. Now there is time for day dreaming of heaven, bolstering your hope. Remember John 14:1-4.
Some may "come to Christ" by dwelling on the love of God first. Others may first see the law of God and then, under the conviction of the Holy Spirit, see later that they need a savior. Then, when they see that Jesus has paid the penalty for their sins, they may come to Him for salvation. If you have the book, Steps to Christ, I recommend reading chapter 3, "Repentance". Pages 27-30 are particularly pertinent to the question of how we may be drawn to love and serve Him, and the various means God uses in that drawing.
Amen brother John! I believe I was first drawn to Christ through the law (as a matter of fact, it was all out of fear of destruction). My dear sister used the book of Revelation to get me into church:-) Can you imagine someone using "666" and all sorts of things on your very 1st acquaintance to the Bible?! Well, that really got my attention. I'm really not sure I was truly converted but I simply wanted to avoid consequences of not keeping the law. So my journey into knowing and loving Christ was much later after I had attended a number of bible studies and church meetings. And I agree, the topic on Repentance in Steps to Christ has had a major impact in my life too. Praise the LORD!!!
John the pages that you refer to in Steps to Christ, that explain repentance, and are the ones that I feel are most informative, in that Repentance is needed for forgiveness and both are gifts from a God that is not willing that any should be lost. She says much the same in her book," That I may know Him", page 109.
True, it seems impossible to ask for forgiveness unless we are convicted that we are in wrong. So, through the word of God (including the law), we see Jesus' character of love. As a result, we compare ourselves to Him then realize we fall short (sinned). This then gives us a choice of confession, then seek forgiveness for our short-coming.
How wonderful, our sin that deserved death, but through grace were are called God's children. we are then to love our fellow human beings because God is love
The Law defines character. Whether sinful or righteous, all will be defined by how they compare to the law. If it is written on our heart, there will be no condemnation. Anything out of character with the Law (and thus it's Author) will bring condemnation and it's penalty.
If we have received the Gift of God, it includes being transformed into the character which receives no condemnation from the Law.
So then, all will be judged according to the Law and either receive it's commendation or condemnation, both bring eternal consequences.
If we bear the full brunt of being judged by the law, none of us will ever make it. Jesus came as our substitute to pay the penalty for lawbreakers, of which not one of us can ever claim not guilty. His death applies justification to our account. It is ongoing throughout our walk with him. It is not rescinded each time we sin. We are covered with his blood as we continue in our walk with him. He is our Savior. But He also wants to be Lord of our life in every facet of our being. Herein lies the problem of so many, they want a Savior, but they do not want a Lord.
Tom, when we willfully yield to temptation, we reject our justification. Unless we repent, we are without the cleansing blood of Jesus. The soul that sins will die. But if any man sin, we have an advocate who will receive all who come in faith. This means to confess and repent. (1 John 1:9)
Jesus cannot be Savior if He is not Lord as well. This is salvation in it's ongoing process of justification/sanctification. No one will enter heaven unprepared for it. Some will say "what about the thief on the cross?!" What about him? He was prepared as far as life allowed. Besides, "what is that to you? Follow Me" Jesus would say. Only my faith will save me. Only complete faith in Christ is true faith, and it will be seen of men. (Ps 40:1-3, Mark 2:5)