Thursday: Lesson From Nature
All through the Bible, imagery from nature has been used to teach spiritual truths. Here, too, using nature, the proverb teaches us lessons about humility.
Read Proverbs 30:18-19. What is it saying here, too, about the limits of human understanding?
Agur sees mystery in even many of the common
things. It is a very fascinating mix of mysteries that he presents here. The first two are from animals, an eagle silently moving through the sky, a snake silently moving along the earth.
He then shifts to two human actions: a ship on the sea, and a man with a woman. Even today, with all our scientific knowledge, so many mysteries remain. How crucial it is that we never lose our appreciation for the depth and majesty of life. That attitude will surely help keep us humble before God.
Read Proverbs 30:24–28. What other mysteries from nature catch the author’s attention and awe?
It’s interesting that the immediately preceding verses (Prov. 30:20–23) deal with human folly, arrogance, and vice. He then shifts to the animal world, pointing to small and humble creatures, even though he uses the same Hebrew word for wise
in reference to them that is used in reference to humans (Prov. 3:13) and even God Himself (Job 12:13, Ps. 104:24). Even today, with all our advances in science, how these creatures do what they do remains beyond our full comprehension. How much more so their actions must have baffled this wise man in his time. And he was indeed wise, because one of the great signs of wisdom is to acknowledge just how little we know, even about the commonest things.
Think about some of the simplest
things in nature: the leaf of a tree, a drop of water, a seashell. How should the fact that even these things are full of mysteries keep us humble?

Lessons from Nature:
Self sacrifice - I saw a programme about a spider mother who gave birth to a lot of little spiders and as part of training them for life let them eat her up.
Adaptability - it is amazing how many variations were built into the genes of the 'kinds' of animals when the LORD created them, how the average size of certain animals can change depending on availability of food, or after a few generations on a small island some birds no longer fly.
Caring - it is wonderful how certain animals live in groups for comfort and security, have you seen how buffalos will even take on lions to protect their own.
Have you ever wondered what was God's original plan for the animals? One that didn't include them eating each other?
I pray that we can learn the positive lessons from nature and not those of preying on each other.
Correct. In every little thing there is a great lesson for us. See a baby and see perfection in something as small. ¡Thank you Lord!
We must all learn from the ant and other forms of creation simply because some individuals seem to have lot his/her sense of morals and values. I have witnesses so many individuals mistreating people in the workplace, in the church and their communities just to get what he/she wants. (material things or promotions). Let's show love and look the God for guidance through His word.
I think that Agur was revealing his thoughts in Prov. 1:18,19&24, about motive, means and motion of things that were less intelligent or wise than he. No matter how small or what shape they occupied there was some wisdom involved. From his self evaluation in verse 2&3 verse 18&24 might explain the reason for his interest.
One thing why the king or the bible takes us back to the lessons from nature is to learn how wise it is to follow Gods Law. All these small creatures and all other creatures do these amazing things is because they follow the LAWS that God ordained for them to follow. Imagine how wise people would be if them follow Gods LAWs that He committed to them. Especially the SDA people- even though they are a very small number of people (like ants) if them follow Gods Law, they would be seen storing up oil in their vessels for the coming crisis. God Bless