Thursday: “My Burden is Light”
Jesus’ final statement in Matthew 11:30 uses the imagery of bearing a burden: “For My yoke is easy and My burden is light” (NKJV).
Moses was delighted to see his father-in-law Jethro after Israel had left Egypt and crossed the sea. Read Exodus 18:13-22. What does bearing another person’s burden look like in this story?
Exodus 18:13 tells us that people came to Moses for judgments from morning until evening. When Moses’ father-in-law saw this, he earnestly pleaded with his son-in-law to establish a structure that would allow him to focus on the big things while trusting others to take care of the more mundane things. Scripture tells us that Moses listened to Jethro’s voice and implemented these life-giving changes.
When Jesus told us that His burden is light, He wanted to remind us that we can rely on Him, the ultimate Burden Bearer. Like Moses, we must learn that we need others to share our burdens. In 1 Corinthians 12:12-26, Paul’s imagery of the body of Christ offers a good illustration of what shared burdens may look like. We need a functioning body to be able to carry any weight. We need legs, arms, shoulders, muscles, and sinews to carry anything.
Read Galatians 6:2. How does bearing one another’s burdens help us fulfill the law of Christ?
The immediate context of this passage may offer some help. In Galatians 6:1, Paul states that if a brother or sister falls into temptation, we are to restore that person in a spirit of gentleness (remember Jesus’ claim in Matthew 11:29 that He is gentle). Burden bearing means restoring someone who has gone off the track in order to help that person see divine grace. But it also means helping one another when we, or they, suffer hardship. The Greek term for “burden” can refer to a heavy weight or stone. It’s a reminder that we all carry burdens and that we all need those who can help us carry the burden. Burden-sharing is a divinely ordained church activity requiring gentleness and producing compassion.
Think about the last time someone helped you carry a burden that you were struggling under. Why did that mean so much to you? Whose burden can you help carry now? |

My burden is light! As the little grey cells ticked over on the issue of what to write this morning, I thought of the gospel song, "Burdens are lifted at Calvary". I suspected that the phrase was not used in the Bible, so I did a search on my iPad Bible for the word burden. I was right, there is no such verse. Now that does not make the idea wrong but it started a train of thought that I want so share with you.
One of the verses that came up in my search was this:
I think that this week we have often thought about the verses we have been studying as applying to us and that we can somehow rejoice that Jesus has given us an easy yoke. But now it is time to put the idea of this week's lesson into the perspective of the Gospel commission.
The words "Burdens are lifted at Calvary" are sentimental nonsense to those who do not believe in Jesus, but we can make them meaningful if we have the sort of relationship with Jesus that proves he is risen by the way we live.
What can we do to lift the burden that others are carrying? We can listen to them. Remember the illustration I mentioned the other day about students coming to my office for help with their problems. I would ask them to explain the problem to me, and often, they would find see the solution as they explained the problem to me. It was the simple act of my listening that helped them. Burdened folk do not want someone telling them what they should do, rather they often need someone to listen to them.
When Jesus said, "Come apart and rest a while", He was providing an example for us to follow when we interact with others, even unbelievers.
In His brief opening statement to the 10 commandments, God reminds Israel of one thing: that He is their 'ever-personally-present' (I AM) God who has brought them out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery (Exodus 20:2). God then unpacks The Law of Love/Life (Matthew 22:37-40) for His 'infant' nation in 10 'commandments'(1). Now that God had freed the Israelites from Egypt, He now needed to help the Israelites learn how to walk in freedom from the principles and practices of Egypt that were deeply conditioned within them under 400 years of slavery/burden-bearing.
In Galatians 5:1, Paul similarly echoes that we have been set free by Jesus so that we may then commence our journey of progressively growing in ever-increasing true freedom. Paul then cautions us to be careful to exercise our freedom in a manner that preserves that freedom rather than returning ourselves back to slavery to the very principles and practices we were set free from.
Each day you have a choice to (re-)make. Will you exercise your freedom wisely by surrendering afresh to God and uniting/yoking yourself with Him in seeking first and foremost to live and grow in the principles and practices of His Kingdom (Matthew 6:33)? This is the 'light burden' that God/Jesus invites you share with Him.
What choice are you making and maintaining today?
(1) The biblical notion of a commandment (as relating to those given by God/Jesus) is an 'authoritative prescription'. This means that someone who authoritatively knows what they are talking about is informing/instructing upfront which options will invariably lead to which outcomes and is providing input as to which option is in your best interests (eg Deuteronomy 30:15-19). Jesus 'commandment' to love makes sense from this perspective.
My thought for today is:
Throughout the Word of the LORD He is giving us a choice - temporary life on our terms or accept His gift of eternal life on His terms.
My burden is light-
To many, to all, we were taught burden is something that is heavy. To carry something that is heavy is difficult much more to carry many burdens for ourselves and others. Mind you, our burdens can be spiritual, physical, mental and social. Depending on the area, we become stressed out, distress, weary, tired, distrustful, overworked, underpaid, unappreciated. Do any of these sounds like the 20% of the people who do the entire work in church for the other 80% of people who come every Sabbath. I can say a mouthful about those who cont to work yr after yr and then one day they say that's enough I resign. Mind you, the critics are on the side line waiting to pronounce judgement how the activities should have been carried out. Jesus then comes along and said I will carry your burden. Jesus carrying my burden physically can be someone he sent to help me similar to Moses and his father in law. Some of us refused because we think we are more educated/knowledgeable than others. Jesus is bearing out burdens right now, I am glad he is bearing mine today.
What are the reasons why Christians don't help each other bear their burdens?
When Jesus said my burden is light, I understand that He did not bear His burden alone. His burden was light because He bore it with His Father above. He said : I and my Father are one. John 10 : 30. It was the Father as co - burden bearer that made Jesus' burden light.
Talk of burden or load carrying? Africans and for that women who carry loads on their heads will understand what it means to carry burdens and feel its light when it's taken off their heads. Women may carry loads a five mile away from their farms to sell in the City several decades ago but even today in some parts of the world many people do the same thing. I had a personal experience when I tried to carry a load of raffia sticks a couple of miles away to my hometown. It was too heavy on my neck that I had to throw it off and take half of to my destination before I came for the rest. So, I personally understand what it means to carry a load/ burden. However , I wish to intimate that there are two burdens Jesus referred to in Matthew 11: 30:
1. Physical Burden ( our daily work, struggles etc. )
2. Spiritual Burden ( Sin/sins ).
Sometimes physical burdens may encroach on the Spiritual so that we become weak spiritually. Let's not forget to present our troubles to Jesus through prayer. Also, as we try to help light up others burdens we light up our own burdens. This is the mission of Jesus to this earth. There is no person who sought Jesus' help that He turned away from.
A story is told of a man who was on a voyage to the lake. It snowed that when his mission was accomplished and tried to return home he got stuck in the snow and when he tried to sail ashore he saw another man who had also gotten stuck in the snow. What could he do when he struggled to sail ashore? He decided to help that man up to the shore. And as he tried to go to the man it became so easy for him that he finally reached the man, held his hand and both of them made it to the shore. What's an object lesson that we can derive from this episode? The answer is simple; In trying to help others we help ourselves. In other words, in trying to save others we save ourselves. I have a burden which is not easy at all to carry. My wife is suffering from Parkinson's disease and I remember what a Pastor friend told me. He said John ,you need a big folded cloth on your head to carry your wife's burden, which is true. Now, if someone should ask me what makes my burden light I would say it's Jesus. But how? Apart from the fact that Jesus is my sole Partner in this burden, my personal experience is that seeking first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness makes my burden light. Jesus says : But seek ye first the Kingdom of God , and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Matthew 6 : 33. May the good Lord bless us all.
For Moses, Jethro's counsel was a simple matter of delegating responsibilities among others who have the same desire for the good of all. There were qualifications to meet, in order that those helping were fit to the great task of being fair, just, and righteous. Like Moses, those helping to bear his burdens were to represent the will of God for the people.
Serving our fellowman is the focus of the last six of the ten commandments. We are our brother's keeper, and Jesus is the Example, “who went about doing good”(Act 10:38) for those who were oppressed by the burdens of this world of sin and suffering.
The last time I was helped with a burden? Every time I stop struggling by myself and turn to the Lord for help. He never fails to help. Some of our burdens come with the temptation to try to fix the issue alone, while others lead us to quickly turn for the promised Help. If/when yoked with Jesus, our turning to Him becomes natural and constant.
I know many are weary from carrying a load of guilt and shame they were never meant to bear. In my own studies I just ran across some encouraging words and wanted to share especially since it mentions our text for this week.
"Through defects in the character, Satan works to gain control of the whole mind, and he knows that if these defects are cherished, he will succeed. Therefore he is constantly seeking to deceive the followers of Christ with his fatal sophistry that it is impossible for them to overcome. But Jesus pleads in their behalf his wounded hands, his bruised body; and he declares to all who would follow him, “My grace is sufficient for thee.” [2 Corinthians 12:9.] “Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart; and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” [Matthew 11:29, 30.] Let none, then, regard their defects as incurable. God will give faith and grace to overcome them. -Ellen White, Great Controversy, Pages 489-490
“My burden is light” is a profound statement effecting mankind's life into eternity; it is of great importance to know why His burden is light. If this statement of Christ would become the 'call-sign' of the Christian Church, I think it would draw many more followers to the Faith of Christ.
To receive help from others to ‘carry burdens’ is a sign of friendship and compassion, but for Christ Jesus, our Lord and Savior, to offer His help by pointing out that there is a right way, His Way, to carry burdens, is liberating! It is so very important that humanity at large realizes that His yoke reduces the weight of all types of burdens, and eliminates the spiritual burden of a guilty but ‘convicted conscience’ all together.
All can observe that genuine kindness based on love is becoming more and more rare in this world; interest in the other person’s wellbeing is glossed over with disinterest or outright callousness.
I think that it is high time for the Gospel of Christ, His Way of Truth, Light and Life to become the main focus in sermons preached from the pulpits and most diligently expressed in the daily life by those who are his followers.
Is it not Christ Jesus’ aim to help us become aware that the believers are all brothers and sisters in the family of God, and humanity at large?
The love for one another, the understanding that we share the same heavenly Father, this is the true meaning of the Faith of Christ; when illuminated it will draw and unite humanity in Him.
"My burden is light" is demonstrated when Christians treat each other with genuine attentiveness, respect and kindness, showing that we truly care about the spiritual as well as emotional and physical wellbeing of our brothers and sister in Christ.
God's math: Shared with a friend, burdens are halved and blessings are doubled.