Thursday: Restoration and Forgiveness
God’s Spirit worked through Elijah to restore the relationship between Israel and Himself. But most of Elijah’s work was not on Mount Carmel. That was just the beginning! He carried it forward in small villages and homes and in training future spiritual leaders through the schools of the prophets to multiply his work of revival and reform.
Read James 5:19-20. How does the work described here compare with the work done by Elijah, John the Baptist, and others? See Luke 1:16-17; Acts 3:19.
Often, we forget the tender and patient work done by Elijah year after year. John the Baptist’s work, too, focused on leading people back to the truth, inspiring repentance and baptism one person at a time. Jesus described His work in very similar terms: leading people out of error and back to the truth (see John 8:43-45).
This hypothetical situation described in James 5:19-20 uses a conditional construction in Greek, making clear that apostasy is not definitely assumed to exist but is probable. Departure from the truth refers to apostasy not only in doctrine but in lifestyle, for very often the first leads to the second. Doubts begin to form about our beliefs, leading to double-minded behavior, and finally to outright apostasy. Turning back asinner from the wandering of his way will save his soul from death
(James 5:20, literally translated). Summing up all that has gone before, James appeals for his brothers in the church to do a work similar to that of Elijah in leading people back to God.
This work requires much patience, sympathy, tenderness, and humility: Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently. But watch yourself, or you also may be tempted
(Gal. 6:1, NIV). The work of Elijah is to turn hearts toward God and His people, not to turn them away. Often the person is well-aware of his or her sin and does not need it pointed out. What is needed more is forgiveness modeled by Jesus and provided by His death. Saving souls from death is possible only through the covering
of sins, by applying the gospel to our lives, and becoming instruments of mercy (Prov. 10:12).
Think of someone who has really done wrong and knows it too. What can you do, what can you say, to help draw this person back toward the Lord?

Quoted from the lesson: “Departure from the truth refers to apostasy not only in doctrine but in lifestyle, for very often the first leads to the second. Doubts begin to form about our beliefs, leading to double-minded behavior, and finally to outright apostasy.”
To underestimate the importance of the pillars of our faith, the whole truth in person (Jesus) and in word (Bible), and to discount the value of the testimony of Jesus, the spirit of prophecy (Revelation 12:17; 19:10) is to pave the way to apostasy.
It is a ploy of the dragon to move the saints to modify sound Biblical doctrine because it makes God look too stern (in the opinion of some), and to shun portions of spirit of prophecy because it seems to demand too much (in a ‘do as one pleases’ culture).
Sins are not covered by widening the Narrow Way (Matthew 7:13, 14) or by lowering standards to make them more attainable, but by the Grace of God. The same grace allows the repentant to stay on the path of righteousness and to reach the divine standard, to truly become like Christ.
The faithful ought not to easily give up on those who wander from the truth, or curse them, but pray and tenderly reach out to turn them back (James 5:19, 20). This is an important work of the remnant.
James 5:19-20
19Brethren, if any of you do err from the truth, and one convert him;
20Let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins.
We need each other. We all have sinned, fallen, Christ and other brethren picked us up. Let's not condemn but be there for others too; to encourage them knowing how far we had fallen ourselves.
We must not give up after one successful encouragement. The act of restoration is not a one-off but a continued process. We need to help them continuously, supporting them to be sustained in the new path they've chosen
Wen we help others out of sin, we do a greater thing of healing the soul for eternity as compared to a physical but temporary healing of body
Commentaries on James 5:19-20
We are not to condemn others; this is not our work; but we should love one another and pray for one another. When we see one err from the truth, then we may weep over him as Christ wept over Jerusalem.
There are many who err and who feel their shame and folly. They look upon their mistakes and errors until they are driven almost to desperation.
These souls we are not to neglect. When one has to swim against the stream, there is all the force of the current driving him back.
Let a helping hand then be held out to him as was the Elder Brother’s hand to the sinking Peter. Speak to him hopeful words....
Thy brother, sick in spirit, needs thee as thou thyself has needed a brother’s love. He needs the experience of one who has been as weak as he, one who can sympathize with him and help him.
The knowledge of our own weakness should help us to help another in his need. Never should we pass by one suffering soul without seeking to impart to him the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God.
Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers
As the leading away was an act prompted by the devil, so the bringing home is the service of God, and each will have its fit reward.
The sinner is riding, as it were, headlong to destruction, when a friend lays hold upon the rein, and literally “converts” him, i.e., turns him round;
but, observe, the wanderer is still far from home, and many a weary league must he traverse, even with face turned and kept heavenward, before the end be neared.
Benson Commentary
let him know — Who has been enabled to effect so good a work; that he who converteth a sinner from the error of his way — From the false doctrine and bad practice to which he had turned aside, shall produce a much happier effect than any miraculous cure of the body; for he shall save a precious immortal soul from spiritual and eternal death, and shall hide a multitude of sins —
Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary
Everyone ought to seek the salvation of everyone [Bengel].
"For he shall save a precious immortal soul from spiritual and eternal death?
Let us be careful with our choice of commentaries. The soul is not immortal! That is not Biblical! If it were, there would be no need for saving.
Thank u Norma, that's very true. Advice heeded
Norma, while all you said is true, I see another truth illustrated by Nzooma's inclusion of the quote from Benson. There are many "in Babylon" who, in spite of the darkness of error on some points, still see the light of God's love for people and are convicted to do all they can to bring others to love and serve Him. May God help us, the bearers of greater light, to shine faithfully and lead others to full repentance and untainted service.
Powerful Lesson Indeed. Realising that we all have sinned and fallen short will help us to approach other back sliders with humility and meekness as we point them to Christ who is able to forgive and cleanse us from all our sins. God Bless You.
choose you this day who you will serve,as for me and my house we shall serve the Lord!joshua 24:13.the prophets spoke of and acted out the part of Christ with their warning to the people.they were "voices of men crying in the wilderness".they by their lives went into the Holy place and Most Holy place for the people to make sacrifices and atonement for Israel. where as Christ went to the cross once being the propitiation for all humanity. the inspired pen say in "c.o.l. ch.13 unto certain which trusted themselves that they were righteous,and despised others<Christ spoke the parable of the pharisee and publican. The Pharisee goes to the temple to worship, not because he feels that he is a sinner in need of pardon, but because he thinks himself righteous and hopes to win commendation. His worship he regards as a act of merit that will recommend him to God. At the same time it will give the people a high opinion of his piety. He hopes to secure favour with both god and man, his worship is prompted by self interest where as the publican knows he’s a sinner and imputes the lord to forgive him of all his unrighteousness" E.G.WHITE
A person who has sinned needs to be reaffirmed of God's love for him and he will turn to truth.
I John 1:9; 2:1,2; Hebrews 4:16, 7:25; Is. 1:16-18, 5:6,7; Psalms 51:1,2; 7-13 are all precious PROMISES that will always be there for God's people to recieve His pardon and His mercy until Jesus comes in the clouds of Heaven.
God loves us all and does not want anyone to perish