Thursday: Things Not Seen
Read Proverbs 3:5. Though it is such a common text, what crucial message does it have for us, especially in the context of what we have been studying?
Though the case of Job is extreme, it does reflect the sad reality of human suffering in our fallen world. We don’t need the story of Job or even the other stories we can read in the Bible to see this reality. We see it all around us. Indeed, to some degree, we all live it.
“Man that is born of a woman is of few days, and full of trouble. He cometh forth like a flower, and is cut down: he fleeth also as a shadow, and continueth not” (Job 14:1-2).
So again, the question we struggle with is how do we account for suffering, the kind that seems to make no sense to us, that kind in which innocent blood is shed?
As the early chapters of Job have shown, and as the Bible elsewhere reveals, Satan is a real being and is the cause, directly or indirectly, of so much suffering. As we have seen early in this quarter (see lesson two), the great controversy template works so well in helping us deal with the reality of evil in our world.
Still, it’s hard to understand at times why the things that do take place happen. Sometimes—many times, actually— things just don’t make sense. It’s at times like these, when things happen that we don’t understand, that we need to learn to trust in the goodness of God. We need to learn to trust God even when answers are not readily apparent and when we can see nothing good coming from the evil and suffering around us.
Hebrews 11:1 reads: “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” From the things that we do see, how can we learn to trust God about the things that we don’t see? From what we have read in the book of Job so far, in what sense has Job learned to do just that? How can we learn to do the same?

Job saw God by faith. Job saw the need to hold steadfast. Job saw the ignorance as well as the stupidity in the response of his wife and visitors.Could this be because Job's level of faith was on a different plain?If they all exercised their mustard seed proportion of faith what caused the difference in reaction?
Job was the only one in the hot seat. While Job was seeing himself in pain, and the others (wife and visitors) were seeing Job in his pain, there was no record of Job saying thanks for anything relating to words of healing from the visit. Could this be a warning to tell us on who to focus regardless of our situation?
How often are we honest with ourselves rather than others that need enlightenment? Many words directed at others for their edification must be something like Jobs friends. Jobs trust and faith in God is remarkable to say the least. Our why questions should be answered by Job 1:21 and Matthew7:9-11.
All the nature suffers and feels the pain alike and by faith all the wrongs shall be made right.Taking the case of two people, a Christian and an atheist, in the light of human suffering,how does each respond to the same problem? Do they feel the same pain?
Simeon, I believe they can feel the same pain but at the intense of their own faith as well as fate. The cry they make would however be different because, one is in the name of God and the other in the name of the enemy (god) even if they both choose to say "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken me?"
if we try to reason in these calamities we loose faith, Prov 3:5 says trust, and lean not in your own wisdom because it is limited to sight. Now faith and trust in God is not merely blind believing but it is made of substance and evidence, through what God has sailed you through in life, it is substance enough to carry you through in faith of things to come. God will not call us to believe unless he makes provisions in which to base our faith. Job believed that the Lord who gave (substance) has taken away, thus he did not weaver, Abraham believed the Lord who gave Isaac (substance) could still fulfill his promise of a generation from his seed even if Isaac was to die. Before God sent Moses he gave him substance in which to base his faith and surely even to us lets introspect our life and see the substance God has given us in order to base our faith, from bible prophecies , answered prayers etc.
Proverbs 3:5 is quoted often over a life time. How often are we mindful of the text when problems arise that in our own wisdom we can handle? Faith in Hebrews 11:1-40 are examples to be given for our admonition. Job is not mentioned in Hebrews but is mentioned in Ezekiel 14:20. All men of Faith. How is your Faith today? What can strengthen it if needed? Ephesians 2:8
This is one of the bible's interesting books that begins with God giving an assurance to the devil regarding the faith of his servant. Here I see a big lesson for us to give our hearts to Christ no matter the situation we go through. Eventhough Job suffered, I still in the process see God's protection towards him. What I am trying to say here is, If only our hearts and lives belong to Christ, we may suffer any afflictions in the world but God's mercies shall not depart from heart. The world may toil with our lives in anyway and God's love and protection shall remain. Just as the bible says "seek ye first the kingdom of God and all other things shall be added" This is exactly it, before Job's afflictions, he already found favor in God. thus making his life eventful though victorious in Jesus Christ. Trials and tribulations may come in our lives, but the best things ever are those that not yet seen, and that which we taste when God pronounce us victors of salvation.
Do what is right because it is right and leave the conciquinces in the hands of God. It is when things don't make sense that faith in formed. We should embrace it, for at such a time it is your only friend.
When we leave our homes daily for work or school we are not aware of how we are protected from evil by our angels - we pray when we have our morning worship, and we just trust God. We will only know the evils that He has kept from us when the earth is made new. We just need to keep trusting in Him.
Indeed,the wisdom of this world is foolishness in God's sight(1Corinth 3:19). Thats why Proverbs 3:5 tells us to trust in the Lord and never lean on our own understanding. In this whole controversy drama, i belive when the evil one attacks us,we might not understand alot of things. We just should trust him(God). Just as (christ)he told his deciples in John 13:7. I dont know about you but i guess thats why it is called faith. Its when what does'nt makes sense to normal thinking begins to makes sense when we trust God to be in control.
its true sometimes the world will see you as insane but in heavenly sight you are genius
Faith is a substance like cement powder. With it we can build a foundation of answered prayer.
The foundational faith inspired by the life of Jesus, like Job's, is solid, strong and enduring.
Added to that "cement powder" referred to previously, must be adequate measures of sand/gravel and water, God's fortifying word and the guidance of His Holy Spirit, in order to develop solid, relational faith.
No one knows your pain.Job has physical evidence that he was in pain, how much, we can only assume. We could also assume Job was in physical, mental and emotional pain, and Job said he did not know why. Now remember Job's relation with God. God declared him righteous so Job knew there was an interference with that relationship and demonstrated love for God, he trusted God, he had faith and hope for a brighter future. Job rather die than being disloyal to the one he loved and knew (God).Freinds let us put our trust in God, if you die with him we will rise with him. Whatever our situation God will never leave us nor forsake us.job did not listen to his wife or his friends, he showed humility, from dust I came and to dust I return. Are we will to put God above ALL THINGS?
In twinning Paul Blanke and Cathy McClendon view points, I cannot help but quote from a sermon of Pastor Randy Skeete (What and Where Is The Kingdom of God),that Job demonstrated, "The divine having confidence in the human when the human holds on to the divine"-Steadfastness.